Sayyid Samdani | Channel


Disseminating Islamic Discussions

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

21 Oct, 15:47

The Simple Seerah | Episode Seventeen

In Episode Seventeen of 'The Simple Seerah', Shaykh discusses the different phases of propagation leading to the Prophet's open call to Islam to Meccans.

Watch now :

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

03 Jul, 19:11

The Simple Seerah | Episode Sixteen

In Episode Sixteen of 'The Simple Seerah', Shaykh discusses the events following the First revelation and how the early stages of Islam was propagated.

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Sayyid Samdani | Channel

20 May, 17:18

The Simple Seerah | Episode Fifteen

In Episode Fifteen of 'The Simple Seerah', Shaykh discusses the Prophet’s reaction to the First Revelation and how He ﷺ came to Waraqh bin Nawfal.

Watch now :

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

04 May, 13:21

The Simple Seerah | Episode Fourteen

In Episode Fourteen of 'The Simple Seerah', Shaykh discusses the first revelation upon the Prophet in the Cave of Hira. How the Prophet prepared for the first revelation and the misconceptions regarding the first revelation.

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Sayyid Samdani | Channel

03 Apr, 18:12

Shah Waliyullah al-Dihlawi (d. 1763) says that seeking refuge from Shaytan before reciting the Quran includes two things:

1) Shaytan's influence on the reader to make strange interpretations
2) Turning you away from reflecting on the Quran's meaning

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

21 Mar, 18:48

Sayyida Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her)

A brief summary of her blessed life | A simple four-page read suitable for all ages | Please read & share, Jazakallah | Dr. Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

27 Feb, 19:29

The Simple Seerah | Episode Thirteen

In Episode Thirteen of 'The Simple Seerah', Shaykh discusses the history of Kaba, how it was built and how the current reconstruction came to be. In addition, how the Messenger ﷺ prevented war between the tribes of Quraysh.

Watch now :

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

21 Feb, 19:42

The Simple Seerah | Episode Twelve

In Episode Twelve of 'The Simple Seerah', Shaykh discusses the second journey to the Levant and common misconceptions regarding it as well as how the partnership became a pre-cursor for the marriage between the Messenger ﷺ & Lady Khadija.

Watch now :

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

11 Feb, 17:38

The Simple Seerah | Episode Eleven

In Episode Eleven of 'The Simple Seerah', Shaykh discusses the Hilf al-Fudul, the cause, outcomes and the reasons why the Messenger ﷺ loved the pact and encouraged his companions to revere and uphold its agreement.

Watch now :

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

05 Feb, 18:23

The Simple Seerah | Episode Ten

In Episode Ten of 'The Simple Seerah', Shaykh discusses the early adolescent years of the Prophet ﷺ, his travel to the Levant with his uncle, Abu Talib. Their encounter with a monk called Bahira and the Sacrilegious Wars that followed.

Watch now :

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

03 Feb, 15:32

A Seekers Ramadan

We’re back!

A collection of three courses to enhance your Ramadan experience. Connect with your deen through the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah this Ramadan!

Don’t miss the opportunity!

Course 1: Embracing Ramadan
Course 2: The Realm of Magic
Course 3: Healing The Heart

Register Now:

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

18 Jan, 11:47

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

03 Jan, 11:51

We are proud to launch our seminary, “The House of Wisdom”, dedicated to spreading and teaching traditional and classical Islamic sciences.

Watch this space for more updates about our projects, programmes, events and courses.

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

02 Dec, 15:04

The Bayquniyyah

The poem of Imam Umar b. Muhammad al-Bayquni on Hadith Nomenclature is a renowned work which is taught and studied across the globe by students of Islamic sciences. This rendition serves as a tool for students to memorise the poem and commit it to memory.

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

21 Nov, 19:31

Against School

This is an essay by John Taylor Gatto, the author of “Dumbing Us Down, The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling”.

His work is celebrated as an eye-opener regarding compulsory public schooling and how it affects our children, their lives, families and futures.

Although, some of his ideas may be controversial, a lot of his points are valid.

You can listen to this essay here or read it here.

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

19 Nov, 18:09

A Must Watch

How secular modernity has broken our societies!

Sayyid Samdani | Channel

08 Nov, 19:30