RUDN Global


Office for Asian countries: [email protected]
Office for European&American countries: [email protected]
Office for Middle East & North African countries: [email protected]
Office for African countries: [email protected]
Office for CIS and Baltics countries: [email protected]

RUDN Global

14 Oct, 08:22

📹 جامعة الصداقة بين الشعوب تفتتح أول كلية للذكاء الصناعي في موسكو مواكبة لمتطلبات العصر الحديث.

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RUDN Global

18 Sep, 14:55

🎯 Goal: not to get expelled from RUDN
🗓️ Task: retake failed exams by September 22
Mission: possible

🤓 While "green" first-year students still remember their school exams, older students remember sessions - especially those exams that they have to retake.

🤝🏻 If you don’t want to drop out of university, we remind you that everyone has 3 attempts to pass an exam. The first is during the main session. The second is a retake. The third is the last one, with an examination board.

👀📨 Check your corporate email, as well as updates from the dean's office, or better yet, drop in on your tutor.

Set a timer: the deadline for the second retake is September 22.

You came here to study! Keep going and you’ll make it! 👨🏻‍🎓️

RUDN Global

09 Aug, 14:12

Важно помнить, что мы вместе

Если сейчас вам необходима помощь, то обращайтесь в наш бот, а также сохраняйте чат психологической поддержки

Составили для вас инструкцию, как вести себя в случае чрезвычайных ситуаций, и собрали номера всех экстренных служб в России. Скачать карточки в хорошем качестве можно в чате

s important to remember that we are together

If you need help now, please contact our bot, as well as save the psychological support chat

We have compiled instructions for you on how to behave in case of emergencies and collected the numbers of all emergency services in Russia. You can download cards in good quality in the chat

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