Respiratory MCQs


Davidson and Harrison MCQs about Respiratory system.

Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:44

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Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:37


Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:37

Respiratory MCQs pinned «Davidson MCQs Harrison MCQs»

Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:14

Davidson MCQs

Harrison MCQs

Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:11

Harrison done by 190 minutes working 🫠

Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:08


Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:08


Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:06


Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:06


Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:05

97. A 58-year-old woman with known stage IV breast cancer presents to the emergency department with inability to move her legs. She has had lower back pain for the past 4 days and has found it difficult to lie down. There is no radiating pain. Earlier today, the patient lost the ability to move either of her legs. In addition, she has been incontinent of urine recently. She was diagnosed previously with metastatic disease to the lung and pleura from her breast cancer but was not known to have spinal or brain metastases. Her physical examination confirms absence of movement in the bilateral lower extremities associated with decreased to absent sensation below the umbilicus. There is increased tone and 3+ deep tendon reflexes in the lower extremities with crossed adduction. Anal sphincter tone is decreased, and the anal wink reflex is absent. What is the most important first step to take in the management of this patient?

Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:05


Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:05


Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:03

95. A 64-year-old man presents to the emergency department complaining of shortness of breath and facial swelling. He smokes one pack of cigarettes daily and has done so since the age of 16. On physical examination, he appears dyspneic at an angle of 45 degrees or less. His vital signs are as follows: heart rate 124 bpm, blood pressure 164/98 mmHg, respiratory rate 28 breaths/min, temperature 37.6°C (99.6°F), and oxygen saturation 89% on room air. Pulsus paradoxus is not present. His neck veins are dilated and do not collapse with inspiration. Collateral venous dilation is noted on the upper chest wall. There is facial edema and 1+ edema of the upper extremities bilaterally. Cyanosis is present. There is dullness to percussion and decreased breath sounds over the lower half of the right lung field. Given this clinical scenario, what would be the most likely finding on CT examination of the chest?

Respiratory MCQs

26 Sep, 18:03
