Rare NDH pics


Rare NDH pics
Historical archive of rare pictures from the
Independent State of Croatia from various sources.

Rare NDH pics

21 Jan, 00:18

Ustaška momčad s Pz.IV G tenkom.

Ustaša squad with Pz.IV G tank.


Rare NDH pics

21 Jan, 00:12


Rare NDH pics

21 Jan, 00:00

Portreti ustaške vojnice.

Portraits of Ustaše Militia.


Rare NDH pics

21 Jan, 00:00

Portreti domobrana.

Portraits of Domobrans.


Rare NDH pics

20 Jan, 23:50

Poručnik Hrvatskih oružanih snaga odlikovan Željeznim trolistom IV. stupnja i Željeznim križem II. stupnja.

The lieutenant of the Croatian Armed Forces was awarded the Iron Trefoil, 4th class and Iron Cross, 2nd class.


Rare NDH pics

20 Jan, 23:42

Na slici hrvatski dragovoljci, pripadnici Njemačko-hrvatske policije, igraju ,,Čovječe ne ljuti se" u svojoj vojarni.

Pictured, Croatian volunteers, members of the German-Croatian Police, play "Man, Don't Get Angry" in their barracks.


Rare NDH pics

20 Jan, 23:36

Crna legija


Rare NDH pics

20 Jan, 23:33

Njemački dočasnik upućuje hrvatskog domobrana kako upravljati haubicom.

A German NCO instructs a Croatian Home Guard how to operate a howitzer.


Rare NDH pics

20 Jan, 23:27

Pilot Zvonimir Planinc sa zrakoplovom SAIMAN 202 koji nosi znak 3. zrakoplovne luke Mostar - tri lava, simbol Dalmacije.

Pilot Zvonimir Planinc with the SAIMAN 202 aircraft bearing the emblem of the 3rd Mostar airport - three lions, the symbol of Dalmatia.


Rare NDH pics

20 Jan, 23:25

Divizija „Prinz Eugen"


Rare NDH pics

20 Jan, 23:21

Spomenik palim Nacional-socijalistima u Münchenskom puču 9. studenog 1923., spomenik se nalazio na trgu Münchenskih žrtava u Zagrebu.

Monument to the fallen National Socialists in the Munich Putsch on November 9, 1923, the monument was located on Munich Victims' Square in Zagreb.


Rare NDH pics

20 Jan, 23:10

Pripadnici SS-a ispred postera za regrutiranje u dragovoljačke SS postrojbe.

Members of the SS in front of posters for recruitment into volunteer SS units.


Rare NDH pics

20 Jan, 23:04
