
Find cures for FLU, ARTHRITIS, CORONAVIRUSES, DIABETES, & MORE 💕Medicinal Herbalism has worked for 1000’s of years before modern medicine. SOME Herbs&seeds help our bodies properly heal instead of buying some temporary relief, saving you $$$!


29 May, 11:40

The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 1 month. If it remains inactive in the next 7 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.


26 Dec, 02:48

7 easy things you can do to keep your family’s future

1- depersonalize all social media and stop feeding the beast with your baby /children’s photos and middle names and birth dates and events etc.

2- Keep your circle small. Invest your time with true real friendships

3- Make it a goal to make 5-20 close friends to trade spices and products in the future.

4- get rid of all Bluetooth devices. They are being used to record your voice, detect speech patterns, listen/spy on you and m your children. Predict your Thought patterns as part of the pre-crime/post-crime data being gathered to unlawfully jail many.
over 175 IT companies have been hacked worldwide so chances are your information is compromised. Between the yahoo, google, target, amazon. Walmart shopping stores n websites hacked everyone is at risk. We don’t know yet how they getaway w it and hackers never found buy we do know to keep an eye and do all we can to get rid of all unneeded accounts

5- Delete all ancestry data and church record data from app and warn others
Many parents from churches have apps where ppl can see their entire families full legal names, addresses and even get driving directions to their homes. These apps can be hacked easily and no one would even know.
Do not trust ANY free apps or websites w your name/ address ... much less your children’s full names and birth info.

6- use cash! Leave the plastic home n take just enough cash each day for groceries etc. that card chip is tracking you along w the phone
If the cc chips didn’t exist
They wouldn’t be able to force track & tracing like they will by 2025 worldwide. Many think this is dangerous. Honestly, if u get mugged they’ll take your cards or cash. After the real estate market in2022-2024 the cash in your hand will be all that you are worth anyway unless u can still sell your home for a profit then.

7- look up DIY recipes in this channel @ Remedies and cures for detox formulas, anti parasitics for humans and pets, holistic formulas to cure many illnesses so you know what to plant in your medicinal garden, tutorials on how to make your on essential oils, process your own carrier oils etc... useful to self sustain and trade w others when buying and selling becomes illegal if one doesn’t have the mark of the beast. Download and print all slides and instructions in black and white. Another key resource is our Emergency preparedness & our channel with video compilations to self sustain 100%. and

Other things to urgently seek to resolve are:

if your home is not paid off make it a goal to list it for sale $10-$20k below market value. (Market value will equal the average price between 3 sold, 3 pending and 3-5 active listings in your area. Only accept views from buyers who can email you their bank pre-qualification letter and do closing at a real estate attorneys office. Seller dictates closing. Ask for earnest money TO BE INCLUDED WITH THE BUYERS WRITTEN OFFER to avoid falling out of contract. Be present (1-2 person max) during each showing so you can evaluate your realtors performance or the buyer’s realtor performance and answer any q’s on the spot. Always try to get the buyers info. Many times buyers hate the agents because most are lazy and looking for a quick sale or to sell a more $$$ home so they can have a higher commission. Buyers often fire their agents within 2 weeks. This is your chance to make cookie bags with cards and contact info for the buyers and without info for the agents. Note that if an agent finds out the buyer bought the home they showed they could sue to get paid commission but honestly this hardly ever happens. Usually the agent understands he was fired for a reason perhaps they were always late, or didn’t submit buyers offers on time etc. if you sign a selling/listing agreement make sure to date it for 30 days after the day you sign it. To see the performance of your realtor. If it’s not to your standards they are fired the second contract expires and u can seek a new agent.


24 Dec, 16:56

My dear friends, we are in a system that has been in place for thousands of years. Every so often they harm large populations and re-write history. This is why Our Hope must be centered on the teachings of our Savior in every single decision that we take.
Our mind must be focused on the peace and holy inspiration that only He can give us. Not like the world gives it, but like only He gives it.
We must remain steadfast in the gospel. Not waiting, but actively living in a prayer turned into action. Prepare, pray, repeat.
Money is an issue? Pray and seek and ye shall find. Works every time! Never giving up is a celestial quality just like our Father in Heaven will NEVER give up on us. Even when we struggle, He knows the nature of our hearts and if we keep asking for His help and guidance, He will
Not deny us eternal blessings.
I personally am grateful for the things that did not happen and specially for
The things I do not have... because if I did, I would have lost my connection with Him. Nothing holds more value here on in eternity, than our ability to stay connected with Him.
It’s not about obeying blindly but understanding that we must go through these things so that we can learn the ropes while here on earth for when we are sent to other worlds where our sisters and brothers will need help. We will then know exactly what to do but we must first learn from His teachings.
Our Father in Heaven created us with NO LIMITATIONS here or in eternity. Our mind and spirt must expand to hear the message He has sent to be delivered by His Ángels every single day.
Every single day my friends, He is knocking at Our door trying to deliver a message. Are we in tune with Him? Can we hear him? Praying takes practice and so does listening for holy inspiration.
This Christmas share the blessings and inspiration He has brought to you with your loved ones and friends so that they can too look for it every day. We CAN start building Heaven on earth NOW. Today. It is possible. Where peace shall be, the enemy can’t linger. We remain protected. Have no doubt! Close your eyes for a minute, feel the hundreds of angels around you, guiding you and protecting you even in your sleep. The fear and the darkness may seem overwhelming at times but hang on right to His Sacred word. He has NEVER forsaken us. Let us reach up and climb up high to the mountain top where we shall have peace in Him. If you are an influence over others or have children, please make sure your are providing an environment where they are developing their spiritual abilities as well 💕create opportunities to share the gospel each in everyday while they are young. If they are not young and receptive, pray for holy inspiration that the message is conveyed. In this cases teaching by example as well as practicing kindness and addressing their questions is key for their spiritual development.

I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas full of peace and joy. This Christmas let’s choose to see the eternal purpose of what we are going through now 💕

Check out our New Channel


21 Dec, 21:32

Don’t like or share it. Screenshot it or make your own so it doesn’t get censored 💕


21 Dec, 19:30

💕💕💕Hi Friends! Pls check out the pinned posts for DETOX LINKS. We will resume the chat after the holidays.

Please make sure you contact your families and trusted friends to discuss self sustaining to 100% by end of 2022. All real estate bought and sold by end of March 2022. Learning how the The principle of self reliance will be key. Here is our other Chanel with key info on achieving self-reliance. Politics or anything related to that matters at all if we are to navigate this world to be worthy to meet our Father in Heaven again.

Forming communities of 150-300 ppl to trade is key💕

Join us!


16 Dec, 05:25

THIS CANNOT STAND! They are attempting to decimate our military capability


15 Dec, 15:07

What I been telling people from day one. FEMA owns all the presidents around the world. Who owns FEMA is the question. What matters is what people are willing to do today to ensure their freedom and that of future generations.

If we do not stop all of this craziness soon, we could ultimately see the end of our entire constitution and it could happen with a stroke of the pen. No one will be able to stop them. Our Presidents made sure of that.

"This government organization has more power than the President of the United States or the Congress, it has the power to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and hold them without trial, it can seize property, food supplies, transportation systems, and can suspend the Constitution.
Not only is it the most powerful entity in the United States, but it was not even created under the Constitutional law by Congress. It was a product of a Presidential Executive Order. No, it is not the U.S. Military nor the Central Intelligence Agency, they are subject to Congress.

The organization is called FEMA.

The crisis, as the government now see it, is civil unrest.

Under the FEMA plan, there is no contingency by which Constitutional power is restored."

Join us for News & Remedies/Detox Protocols & health tips


14 Dec, 21:43

🚨🚨JUST IN - Gov. Evers authorizes the deployment of National Guard troops to Kenosha in anticipation of Kyle Rittenhouse verdict.

Isn’t that fascinating? They needed a mason to play his part so they could implement more control. Their strategy is coming to light but very few will see it. Keep watching tv and sharing his trial, helps them figure out how many still believe what they see.


13 Dec, 16:14

The best gift you can give your children is the Gift of FREEDOM So this time history doesn’t repeat itself.


11 Dec, 22:50

AMAZING Work everyone! Thank you for sharing our post!
I am Very happy to see that many have been so kind to share my remedies everywhere they can 💕
I never thought there would be so much opposition to this type of knowledge to be shared in other groups. My goal is not to compete with anyone but myself.I’m here to bring the good news and try my best to provide solutions to all those in need wherever they are.
I always give prayer, cleansing water and the beautiful plants our Father in Heaven has left here on earth for us to use and make them my full focus. Why? Because when and if we ever encounter danger and darkness, these will be all we will have on us and in that moment we shall stand strong against the enemy. He shall Hear Us call on our Savior and Father in Heaven and the enemy shall retreat for he has no power over us. 💕Stay Strong. We our Fathers greatest creation and He will not withhold any blessings for His Children 💕know it deep in your heart 💕


11 Dec, 20:20

Brazilian nuts = 100% of Selenium. No need to depend on NAC/GLUTATHIONE if you are not able to get these. Fresh Nutrients are always best!

🎁Want to know how to grow these trees easily at home? Follow 💕


11 Dec, 09:46

For those wanting to stay protected from the Coronaviruses=parasites, bacteria.etc aka:”spike protein” or radiation poisoning 5G-20G & for those who have taken the jab 💕

🔑HOSP PROTOCOL WORLDWIDE NOT FAVORABLE TO HUMANS 💀FULL ALERT💥on VEKLURY (remdesivir) then intubation/ventilatorHIGH risk=💀death.

It is also key to get antiparasitics. YES! You can make your own antiparasitics! No need for dr$ fee of presc $$
Or you can order
💕 @MaggieMJJ US ship only unless you can send label to me & I can drop off at USPS/ups. OR SEE LINK

Airways closing? Use asthma inhaler like albuterol or ventolin if hydrogen peroxide is not available. Best choice is HP

& EXPOSURE TO JABBED PPL (spike protein &
Remove Graphene oxide)

Preventive/daily COV protocol

Homemade HCQ (quinine)

Long Haul Cov/sars

NAC: Foods with NAC

Lost sense of smell
Or lost sense of taste?

A MUST! Water filtration system & emergency preparedness for what’s to come, in pinned posts!

Pine tea tree recipe and how to identify pine trees

Pcr test dangers for children. AVOID AT ALL COST PCR TEST FOR ALL.
Breaks the blood brain barrier causing aluminum to go to brain+graphene= instant chronic deceases.
Defend your body & your children’s at all cost.

Vaccine safety for children


EMF hygiene


Reasons to not take the cov sars jab. NO JAB IS SAFE
Cov jab vaccine adverse reactions
Childhood vaccine adverse reactions

Forced to take jab?
Your ex wants your children to get the jab? Have everyone involved in entire process sign these forms. Edit as wished & even make the judge sign it if they are willing to push this. Do not let it set precedent. KEY: NEVER CALL IT A VACCINE IN A COURT ROOM. It’s a 🚨lethal pathogen🚨Vaccine liability

Graphene oxide detox
Pcr test detox
Vaccine detox
Cov jab detox
Spike protein
Remove magnetism

Join us!

Cov legal resources
Vax shedding stories

5G Nano detox baths and anti-nano devices+ Emergency preparedness
zombie apocalypse preparedness


09 Dec, 18:40

A pleasure to introduce you to the Satanist from a group called “Justice for Jesus”
They keep pushing and spamming members everywhere selling them on magic stones 😅 and we have plenty of feedback from people who say “they carry dark energy” and they “feel as if there’s a black hole” in their chest when they wear them.
This is why our Father in Heaven gave us Prayer. Nothing more direct, powerful and with eternal blessings than that!! Believe it 💕


09 Dec, 15:25

Check these out


09 Dec, 02:47

California, it’s not too late for you. Pray for Californians to wake up and unite against evil.


08 Dec, 19:57

Hi to all! If you get messages from others offering you pinesol sprays, mushrooms, deadly pills like iver or hcq, crypto crap please report them to me direct so we can stop the scams! So far we haven’t had any issues as our members are pretty good reporting issues so far. You’ll see me post this often so feel to reach out to report these scammers. Tap my name here to message me.


07 Dec, 03:06




06 Dec, 14:28

Updated version of current dangers & thinks to avoid


05 Dec, 18:03

REMEDIESANDCURES pinned «TOP 20 THINGS TO AVOID TO STAY HEALTHY in 2021 🚨Radiation. 🚨TOXIC pills(ALL) RX replacement =healing w remedies 🚨ALLLL JABS (ALL, pet human jabs made by eugenicists!) 🚨HOSPITALS.…»