Palestinian Lounge 🇵🇸🔻


Palestinian Lounge is coming to you with its telegram version to spread the truth about what's happening in Palestine.

Palestinian Lounge 🇵🇸🔻

22 Oct, 19:03

🇵🇸🔻Al-Qassam Brigades:
Watch: Destroying a zionist Merkava tank with a powerful explosive device in Tal Al-Zaatar east of Jabalia camp, northern Gaza Strip.
Al-Aqsa Flood

1080p + English Captions Added.

Palestinian Lounge 🇵🇸🔻

22 Oct, 14:15

The use of English in some of the “preparing to settle Gaza” conference speeches is quite uncommon for such events. Given the entitled brat mentality of many settlers, this could be a simple exercise in pettiness; gloating to non-Jews internationally, maybe even to intentionally embarrass the U.S. as it constantly denies Israel has any interest in illegally settling Gaza.

It could also be a message aimed specifically at the Arabs and Gazans to demoralize them, yet after what they’ve seen in this war I doubt a speech by a shrieking yenta is what will be the tipping point.

Palestinian Lounge 🇵🇸🔻

22 Oct, 10:20

Scenes from the “Preparing to settle Gaza” conference, which was reportedly attended by 1/3 of Likud’s MKs as well as MKs from other parties, most notably Ben Gvir’s party, Otzma Yehudit (Jewish power), and Smotrich’s party, Mafdal, (National Religious Party–Religious Zionism).

⭕️ Leader of Nachala, an orthodox Israeli settler movement, said at the conference that thousands of settlers are ready to move to Gaza, and Palestinians have 'lost the right' to be there.

⭕️ Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said that Gaza is the "land of Israel" at a conference on Monday, calling for new settlements.

Well, give it a shot Jews. 🔻

Palestinian Lounge 🇵🇸🔻

21 Oct, 23:47

A common occurrence in Gaza.

A Northern Gazan family is separated and displaced due to Israel’s non-ending aggression on civilians. The father is either detained by the IDF or his whereabouts are unknown in the besieged North.

The family makes its way to central Gaza, in Deir el-Balah, where now the eldest brother and sister, no more than 9-10 years old, have to provide for their much younger siblings by traversing to different parts of central Gaza to eke out a measly 3 shekels a day( ~0.79 $) out of a needed 30 shekels just so that they can buy loaves of bread for their family.

This isn’t a scenario where such a small amount of money is ameliorated by cheaper prices that reflect the relative purchasing power. In Gaza, prices have increased 10-100x to the point where even to a comparatively wealthier western audience the prices would be considered astronomical. From data adapted from an Al-Jazeera report, a single kilogram of cucumbers in the besieged North of Gaza costs around $150, tomatoes $180, and flour upwards of $1000 dollars.

None of these pure children have the luxury to complain, this is the life they know, and such is the case with thousands and thousands of families in Gaza.

It is because of these hardships that the remaining families in Northern Gaza refuse to leave, if they are to face humiliation and death in the North or South then it is better to live and die together, that’s the morbid conclusion that many have reached in the North.

The accusations of genocide aimed at Israel aren’t figurative, they’re literal.

Palestinian Lounge 🇵🇸🔻

21 Oct, 21:13

🇵🇸🔻Al-Qassam Brigades:
Watch: Targeting a zionist troop carrier and sniping a soldier in the vicinity of the Khozondar area north of the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, Gaza City.
Al-Aqsa Flood

1080p + English Captions Provided.

Palestinian Lounge 🇵🇸🔻

21 Oct, 21:04

🇵🇸🔻 Al-Qassam Brigades:
Watch: The destruction of a Zionist "Merkava" tank with a highly explosive device east of Jabalia camp, north of the Gaza Strip.
Al-Aqsa Flood.

1080p + English Captions Provided.

Palestinian Lounge 🇵🇸🔻

21 Oct, 18:40

CNN released an article attempting to shed light on the supposedly deteriorating mental health of Israeli soldiers who returned from waging death and destruction on Gaza.

Who did CNN think would be a good candidate to evoke sympathy from the masses? Eliran Mizrahi, an Israeli settler from the illegal West Bank settlement of Ma’ale Adumim whose job was to bulldoze homes and run over Gazans “dead or alive, in the hundreds,” and eventually committed suicide.

This settler’s friend, Guy Zaken, who worked alongside him in the IDF, recounts “the gruesome scenes he witnessed from his bulldozer in Gaza.” For it wasn’t he who caused said gruesome scenes nor was it he who bulldozed people alive; he simply was “witnessing” death unfold before him.

These “gruesome scenes” caused him to avoid eating meat altogether as he recalls that “everything squirts out,” when you run over hundreds of Palestinian bodies.

The same soldier maintained that all those he killed were “terrorists,” but the same time stated that “there is no such thing as [Gazan] citizens (civilians).”

The cherry on top? CNN admits that after Mizrahi took his own life images and videos of him smiling and gloating while bulldozing Gazan homes and posing in front of vandalized structures were posted all over social media, some of which he himself had posted on his own social media accounts. A character that’s easy to sympathize with, I’m sure.

It is also worth noting that Israel has one of the world’s lowest suicide rates for both men and women and that rate actually decreased after October 7 where most Israelis (90+%) supported the war on Gaza and did not want any ceasefire in exchange for captives, with only 6% of Israelis thinking that the war had gone too far.

The attempt to portray Israelis as those who suffer in silence for what they’ve been “forced to do” (a staple of Hasbara since 1967) has clearly been a waste of effort post October 7, as every soldier’s sob story is accompanied with a collage of footage of them laughing as they commit war crimes while denying any took place.