

Open independent conference on Artificial Intelligence, Moscow, Russia


10 Jul, 07:48

Это шедевр: известное австралийское медиа, которое снимает колкую политическую сатиру, опубликовало видео про ИИ

В ролике пародийный ИИ-ассистент GovGPT, "сделанный компанией ClosedAI", с сарказмом и пасхалками прожаривает тех-гигантов и отвечает на вопрос "Будет ли SkyNet?".

Ничего лучше вы сегодня не увидите


10 May, 06:55

Друзья, как вы знаете, конференция в Тбилиси была отменена из-за большого давления на нас(( Но, так как большинство докладчиков все равно приехали в Тбилиси в эти даты, мы напряглись и смогли организовать несколько маленьких оффлайновых митапов.

В том числе была оганизована (практически подпольно) микро-конференция из всех ключевых спикеров, которая прошла в частном доме в горах над Тбилиси) Это было очень ламповое мероприятие с удивительной атмосферой! Нам удалось записать все доклады с этой конференции (ну почти все, в одном был битый звук(( и мы обещали эти записи участникам, которые оформили неполный возврат денег за конференцию.

Записи в течение апреля были смонтированы и выложены в закрытый раздел сайта конференции, который доступен через личный кабинет участников (если у вас страница не открывается, пишите в комментариях к этому посту, быстро разберемся).

Теперь наконец вы можете посмотреть всю эту микро-конференцию, включая интереснейшую заключительную сессию Эмерджентность, в которой, после выступлений Татьяна Шавриной и Константина Владимировича Анохина, было еще прекрасное 2-х часовое обсуждение!)

Большинство докладов было на русском, несколько было на английском, мы позднее добавим субтитры с переводом.

И, друзья, большая просьба - не расшаривайте пожалуйста эти ссылки по всем своим коллегам! Все желающие могут купить эти записи здесь.

Мы от всего сердца благодарим наших партнеров и участников, которые сделали частичный возврат денег и это позволило нам частично компенсировать убытки и сделать микро-конференцию, а теперь и записи с нее! Огромное спасибо!

Итак, видеозаписи микро-конференции 2024 в Тбилиси:


13 Mar, 12:16

Dear friends,

Today we started process of refunding . Each participant today received an email with refund options. We proceed each answer on a FIFO basis. Sorry, but interface of our payment systems does not allow mass refunding, so we proceed each request manually 😏. Around 40 refunds have been executed already.

If you already answered about your refund option, please be patient, we will process your request till end of this week, do not email us again.

If you did not receive email from us today - please ask us at [email protected]

Thank you for your understanding!


04 Mar, 16:02

Игорь Пивоваров, основатель и директор @OpenTalksAI, об отмене конференции в 2024 году в Тбилиси.


02 Mar, 12:13

Dear friends,

unfortunately, we have very sad news(( sorry that over the weekend((

1. The conference in Tbilisi is cancelled. For reasons beyond our control. We are very hurt and sad, but this is the situation.

2. Sorry for the short message, all the details will be on Monday morning, we won't answer before that, we need to work out everything, sorry.

3. Of course, we will refund all participants and partners the money you paid. The details will be in the newsletter.


29 Feb, 11:30

Egor Davydenko,

OpenTalks.AI: introducing speakers!

Egor Davydenko is a leading researcher in MIPT and scientific and technical leader of the robotic football team "Starkit". Btw, this team wins robofootball world cup almost every year) Last time they won robocup 2023 in China!) 😎 Egor will come to OpenTalks.AI to talk about anthropomorpic robots and challenges/solutions to make them intellectual. 🔥

Abstract of this talk and full conference agenda is here.

OpenTalks.AI-2024 will take place on 6-7 March in Tbilisi, Georgia at Pullmann Tbilisi Axis Towers.

See you in Tbilisi!

More news: @OpenTalksAI


25 Feb, 15:03

About OpenTalks.AI afterparty 👻

This year it will be very special 😜

First - it will be in a secret place 😎, unique and interesting venue with a fantastic view to night Tbiisi! 🌃

A transfer will be organized after conference to afterparty and also back to Tbilisi. This is a reason, we will ask all participants to confirm if you will go to afterparty, confirmation will be asked by email from orgcommittee.

Second - we had a lot of requests to arrange calm afterparty without loud music. So, we decided to shorten live music performance and give you more time to talk.

Afterparty will begin ~20:30, then at ~21:00 will be short concert 🎸~40 mins and the rest of time - calm quiet music to allow nice networking.

Live music agenda: Dire Straits, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Splin, Sting, ColdPlay, Metallica))

UPD - of course, there will be a lot of food & wine))

OpenTalks.AI-2024 will take place on 6-7 March in Tbilisi, Georgia at Pullmann Tbilisi Axis Towers.

See you in Tbilisi!

More news: @OpenTalksAI


20 Feb, 09:17

Grigorii Alexeev,

OpenTalks.AI: introducing speakers!

Grigorii Alexeev is a member of AI team in Perplexity and he is a specialist on low-level optimization of computing power resources. Grigorii will make a special tutorial on OpenTalks.AI exploring GPU computing optimization at CUDA level. If you run large models and lack computing power (who doesn’t, huh?) - that’s the tutorial to attend!

Abstract of this talk and full conference agenda is here.

OpenTalks.AI-2024 will take place on 6-7 March in Tbilisi, Georgia at Pullmann Tbilisi Axis Towers.

See you in Tbilisi!

More news: @OpenTalksAI


17 Feb, 13:55

Alexandr Notchenko,
ODS London

OpenTalks.AI: introducing speakers!

Alexandr Notchenko is co-founder of ODS - OpenDataScience, one of the biggest ML/DS communities. Alexandr will come to OpenTalks.AI to share his expertise in Generative AI to talk about latest and hottest things happend in this field last year.

Abstract of this talk and full conference agenda is here.

OpenTalks.AI-2024 will take place on 6-7 March in Tbilisi, Georgia at Pullmann Tbilisi Axis Towers.
See you in Tbilisi!

More news: @OpenTalksAI


16 Feb, 15:45

Three weeks left till OpenTalks.AI conference, which will take place in Tbilisi on March 6-7! 👻

We just published updated agenda: 2 days of fantastic talks, welcome drinks, networking party with live music, excursions and degustation! 🔥

Just to note some talks:

Prof. Ruslan Salakhutdinov from Carnegie Mellon will talk about recent advances in RL.

Mikhail Burtsev from LIMS will make an overview of LLM’s evolution.

Alex Novikov from DeepMind (one of the authors of their recent work FunSearch, published in Nature) will talk about LLM’s and how to get even more from them.

Prof. Alexander Gasnikov, rector of Innopolis university, will talk about computational optimization. Btw, Prof. Gasnikov made an absolute record in 2022, when 9 (nine!) papers by his team were accepted to NeurIPS-2022!

Alexander Notchenko, co-founder of ODS and founder of ODS London will give a talk about generative AI.

Mikhail Neverov, director on data analysis in X5 will make overview of AI technologies in retail.

Tatiana Shavrina from Snapchat and Konstantin Anokhin from MSU will discuss the emergence of LLM’s and what can be expected in the future.

And besides overviews there will be a lot of cool talks on LLMs and applications, CV, RL, neuromorhic computing, robots and drones and several tutorials! 🔥

All speakers (except 2) will be offline! 😎

Full conference agenda is here.

OpenTalks.AI-2024 will take place on 6-7 March in Tbilisi, Georgia at Pullmann Tbilisi Axis Towers.

See you in Tbilisi!

More news: @OpenTalksAI


12 Feb, 11:00

Tatiana Shavrina,

OpenTalks.AI: introducing speakers!

Tatiana Shavrina is well known researcher on LLMs, she writes about AI/ML in channel Kali Novskaya. Tatiana will come to Tbilisi to talk about one of the most intriguing LLM properties - the emergency. Can we expect new emergent properties from LLMs? Is this a real thing - emergence? Let’s discuss!

Abstract of this talk and full conference agenda is here.

OpenTalks.AI-2024 will take place on 6-7 March in Tbilisi, Georgia at Pullmann Tbilisi Axis Towers.
See you in Tbilisi!

More news: @OpenTalksAI


09 Feb, 13:36

We just published new agenda of OpenTalks.AI conference, which will take place in Tbilisi on March 6-7! 👻

Agenda includes 2 days of fantastic talks, welcome drinks before conference, networking party with live music after it and even more! 🔥

Just to note some talks:

Alexander Notchenko, co-founder of ODS and founder of ODS London will give a talk about generative AI.

Mikhail Neverov, director on data analysis in X5 will make overview of AI technologies in retail.

Mikhail Burtsev from DeepPavlov will talk about NLP и LLM,

Alex Novikov from DeepMind (one of the authors of their recent work FunSearch, published in Nature) will talk about LLM’s and how to get even more from them.

And besides overviews there will be a lot of cool talks on LLMs and applications, CV, RL, neuromorhic computing, robots and drones and several tutorials! 🔥

OpenTalks.AI-2024 will take place on 6-7 March in Tbilisi, Georgia at Pullmann Tbilisi Axis Towers.
See you in Tbilisi!

More news: @OpenTalksAI


08 Feb, 11:24

Mikhail Burtsev,
London Institute of Mathematics

OpenTalks.AI: introducing speakers!

Mikhail Burtsev, great researcher in NLP & LLM, founder of famous open source library DeepPavlov will come to talk about LLMs - their evolution through last years and current state.

Abstract of this talk and full conference agenda.

OpenTalks.AI-2024 will take place on 6-7 March in Tbilisi, Georgia at Pullmann Tbilisi Axis Towers.
See you in Tbilisi!

More news: @OpenTalksAI


07 Feb, 08:02

Aleksei Shpilman,
Gazpromneft, ITMO university

OpenTalks.AI: introducing speakers!

Aleksei Shpilman, ex JetBrains, ex Yandex, one of the most influental RL researchers in our community, will come to OpenTalks.AI to give a talk about most interesting & fun things happened in Reinforcement Learning last year.

Abstract of this talk and full conference agenda.

OpenTalks.AI-2024 will take place on 6-7 March in Tbilisi, Georgia at Pullmann Tbilisi Axis Towers.
See you in Tbilisi!

More news: @OpenTalksAI


02 Feb, 13:03

Dear friends,

We gladly announce a BIG UPDATE to the OpenTalks.AI conference agenda!

We included new sessions, a lot of new speakers, please have a look:

As usual we have big overviews on NLP/LLM, CV, RL. We have tracks on business, R&D and academia and a lot of tutorials this year! Also welcome drinks on March 5th, afterparty on March 7th and additional excursions on March 8th.

The last call for talks is still open, so we expect more intersting talks coming soon!

OpenTalks.AI-2024 will take place on 6-7 March in Tbilisi, Georgia at Pullmann Tbilisi Axis Towers.
See you in Tbilisi!

More news: @OpenTalksAI


31 Jan, 15:38

Alex Novikov, Deepmind

OpenTalks.AI: introducing speakers!

Alex Novikov (one of the authors of recent work FunSearch, published in Nature) will come to OpenTalks.AI and give a talk about LLM’s and how to get more from them.

Abstract of this talk and full conference agenda.

OpenTalks.AI-2024 will take place on 6-7 March in Tbilisi, Georgia at Pullmann Tbilisi Axis Towers.
See you in Tbilisi!

More news: @OpenTalksAI


27 Jan, 11:00

Dear friends,

Due to numerous requests, we've opened the last 3-rd call for proposals
to conference OpenTalks.AI-2024 ! 🤓

❗️This is absolutely last chance to apply a talk, poster or apply to be a moderator on OpenTalks.AI

You can apply here: till 23:59 04 February 2024, Tbisili time.

P.S. We remind you, that approved speakers participate in OpenTalks.AI free of charge 👻 and have some additional benefits (e.g. +1 complimentary 🤝).
Not approved applicants will receive opportunity to registrate at special conditions - 50% from the price, valid at the time of submission.

P.P.S. For those applicants, who already applied and did not get the response. First - please, check your e-mail box and application status. We returned back a lot of apllications for update and asked for specific details to add. May be this is your case? If not - your application is mostly probable considered as a potential talk and final decision on it will be emailed to you next week.

Full agenda is here:, it is updated each 3 days.

OpenTalks.AI-2024 will take place
on 6-7 March in Tbilisi, Georgia
at Pullmann Tbilisi Axis Towers.
See you in Tbilisi!

More news: @OpenTalksAI


24 Jan, 14:58

Dear friends,

First version of OpenTalks.AI-2024 agenda is published on website! 👻

Two days of fantastic talks on LLM, NLP, GenAI, CV, RL and Hardware! Welcome drinks night before and traditional networking party with live music night after! 🤟 And even some more additional activities to explore Georgia with friends!

Traditionally for OpenTalks.AI, agenda includes great overviews of previous year. Mikhail Burtsev (LIMS, UK) will make an overview of key works in LLM and NLP in 2023. And Alex Novikov (DeepMind, UK) will make an overview of recent ideas on how to approach surpassing human abilities with LLMs in different domains.

We will host several great tutorials on ML from famous Dmitry Vetrov (Construct University, Germany) and special guest tutorial on computing optimization with CUDA by Grigory Alekseev (Perplexity)!

All speakers will be offline! (if other is not mentioned on website)

Full agenda is here:, it will be updated each 3 days.

OpenTalks.AI-2024 will take place
on 6-7 March in Tbilisi, Georgia
at Pullmann Tbilisi Axis Towers.
See you in Tbilisi!

More news: @OpenTalksAI


31 Dec, 14:52

Друзья, с наступающим Новым годом!) 🎉 Пусть он будет легче и светлее, чем уходящий! Ну и конечно пусть нас радуют новые достижения в области AI/ML!

А в качестве новогоднего подарка мы вам дарим запись пострясающей финальной сессии с конференции OpenTalks.AI-2023 “10 лет революции ИИ - работы, которые потрясли мир!”, на которой выступали:
🔥 Александр Крайнов, Дмитрий Ветров, Евгений Бурнаев, Виктор Лемпицкий, Михаил Бурцев, Татьяна Шаврина, Ирина Пионтковская и Алексей Шпильман 🔥 Звездный состав выступающих и звездная сессия! ⭐️

Будет что посмотреть в новогодние праздники!)

С наступающим Новым годом!) 👻
Ура!) 🎉🎉🎉


15 Dec, 15:36


Мы объявляем второй сбор заявок на доклады на OpenTalks.AI-2024🔍!
Подать заявку можно до 31 декабря тут:

Напоминаем, что одобренные докладчики участвуют в конференции бесплатно!)🔥 Мы предпочитаем очные доклады, но возможность выступить онлайн тоже есть.

Для принятия первичного решения по заявке, программному комитету достаточно увидеть тему доклада, предпочитаемую секцию, краткие тезисы, а также актуальную презентацию с наиболее значимыми результатами. Но для окончательного решения мы можем попросить доработать доклад, уточнить результаты или выводы.

До встречи на OpenTalks.AI-2024 !