Neverdrift - Live Intentionally


Empowering growth minded people to live intentionally

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

21 Oct, 12:40

The importance of self-awareness

It’s possible to be humble and learn from other people while also recognizing that the best strategy for you is the one closest aligned with your unique personality and skills.

A few things happen when you do.

1) You do your best work and have the most fun when you’re not burdened by fear that someone else thinks you’re doing it wrong.

2) You measure how you’re doing against your personal benchmarks, which can both push you to your potential and prevent you from chasing someone else’s.

3) You have a much better shot of getting what you want out of life. Which, again, is all that really matters.

- Morgan Housel

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

20 Oct, 15:52

Though arguably there is no difference between 31 Dec 2024 > 1 Jan 2025, the ending of a year and the beginning of a new one always provides a good checkpoint for us to recalibrate.

Given that we are mostly creatures of habit, we sometimes need an extra push (i.e the activation energy) to push towards a new direction that is more aligned with who we want to be and the lives we want to lead.

Excited to be organizing this program for those who would like this boost of activation energy with coaching guidance and with a small group of growth-minded peers.

📅: Kick off session: 10 Nov 2024 (Sunday)
: 930am - 1230pm
📍: Central (Exact location will be shared with confirmed participants)
🥟: Light refreshments provided

There's just something about new beginnings that gives one more hope

Limited slots available, more info here -

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

17 Oct, 14:47

Sometimes we forget that learning to embrace a beginner's mindset is scary but the first step towards getting good at anything 💪🏻

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

17 Oct, 10:44

So happy to see this :) Intentional actions --> Aligned-for-you results! Super proud of anyone who is putting in the self work. It's not easy but definitely worthwhile 💪🏻🫂❤️‍🔥

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

15 Oct, 21:27

20 Life Lessons I Know at 32 (That I Wish I Knew at 20) by Colby Kultgen

1. Your habits are the silent architects of your life - choose them wisely.

2. Everyone you meet is better than you at something. Always seek to learn.

3. We teach other people how to treat us by how we treat ourselves.

4. Being constantly busy isn't a badge of honor - it's a red flag.

5. Sometimes you have to say "no" to good things to make room for great things.

6. The most valuable things compound over time: relationships, wealth, knowledge

7. Action creates motivation, not the other way around.

8. Stop worrying so much about being perfect - beginners are supposed to suck.

9. You have two ears and one mouth - use them in that ratio.

10. Make a habit of reaching out to people just because they crossed your mind.

11. No one thinks about you half as much as you think about yourself.

12. "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it."- Warren Buffett

13. Sometimes starting over is the most courageous thing you can do.

14. Your mental health is more important than any deadline, meeting, or obligation.

15. Before you chase someone else's dream, be sure you're willing to pay the price.

16. It's never too late to reinvent yourself.

17. The longer you delay taking action, the harder the action becomes.

18. Surround yourself with people who have bigger goals than you.

19. Your worth isn't tied to your productivity; rest isn't a reward, it's a necessity.

20. In 100 years we'll all be dead. Don't let the opinions of other people stop you from going after your dreams.

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

15 Oct, 08:44

This workshop is for those who feel lost, like they are just drifting through life, going through the motions day to day, fulfilling others' expectations instead of feeling empowered to design your own inspired actions.

Being able to get clear on who I am and what matters to me has been a game changer in laying the foundation for living an intentional life :)

Last call for the in-person session on 9 Nov (Sat), 2-6pm or indicate interest for other days in the link

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

14 Oct, 09:26

Someone recently asked me how to navigate some office politics at work - specifically people asking him to do some work then claiming credit for.

Thought I shared my responses here in case its helpful to others :)

I think most things in life are a combination of strategy and tactics.

A) Strategy stems more from root causes i.e how you want to show up as in the world and why.

> In this case, if his boss gave him permission to say no, why isn't he? What beliefs are stopping him?

B) Tactics are more of things you can put in place / actions you can take that is aligned with your strategy i.e how you communicate to others, establish boundaries, put in place systems.

> In this case, how to manage stakeholders better.

My approach is to do both in parallel - B) tactics to help alleviate "pain" in the short to medium term and A) strategy to solve root causes for the longer term.

I believe that's more intentional and sustainable - hopefully it's helpful to some of you who might be facing similar issues 💪

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

11 Oct, 12:12

Here’s a fascinating paradox: we all want to be confident, yet the only way to do that is to make yourself vulnerable.

The only way to build confidence is through doing hard, scary, and uncomfortable things. As Eleanor Roosevelt so memorably described it, “You must do the thing that you think you cannot do.”

While it’s terrifying, there’s also a big reward waiting for you: a deeper, stronger sense of confidence in yourself and what is possible in the future.

Stop saying, “I’m not confident enough to try that.”
Start saying, “I’m scared to try that, but I’m going to anyways, because I know it will make me confident.”

- The New Happy

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

10 Oct, 06:29

Love this most recent post by The Woke Salaryman!!

To me, it underpins why living intentionally is important and why I founded Neverdrift back in 2018.

It's easy to "drift" in life through work as work is an area of our life with much "built-in accountability" already - planned OKRs, set times to be in office, meetings, performance appraisals etc.

What if we applied that same dedication and rigor to our own lives?

Having that clarity when we discover ourselves and then calibrating along the way as we evolve through life enables us to lead a more intentional and purposeful one 💪

I am excited to empower more people with this mission 🙌

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

09 Oct, 07:48

Emotions hold valuable data about ourselves - us learning how to decode them will yield us deep insights that can better inform our next steps. Happy mid-week!! 💪

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

08 Oct, 12:18

Hi all! Addressing some questions I received about the programs for Q4 -

1⃣ When are the programs scheduled?

💬 Clarity as an Edge: 9 Nov (Sat), 2-6pm
Few spots left!

💬 Quarter Leap Accelerator: 10 Nov (Sun), 10-1230pm
Newly launched!

💬 Master the Inner Game: 1 Dec (Sun), 2-6pm
🙏 Full - Waitlist in the form to be notified for future spots

2️⃣ What's the difference between this and the ongoing membership?

The workshops are more of a "sprint" / skills acquisition where it's half a day to give an overview of key concepts.

The ongoing membership is more of a "marathon": A 6 months group coaching program where there's structure + accountability + guidance with a small curated group of growth minded peers! After all, living intentionally is something one must commit to consistently :)

A good taster of the group coaching program will be the Quarter Leap Accelerator which I just launched since it was requested by some members!

3⃣ When will the coaching slots be open again?

💬 The 6 months H1'25 group coaching program will be opening end Oct / beg Nov.

💬 The 1-1 coaching program is open on a rolling basis!

Confirmations have already been sent out to those who registered - excited to see some of you soon :)


Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

07 Oct, 14:49

Happy start of week everybody!! 🌞

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

06 Oct, 08:28

Very grateful to have Frank sharing at NeverDrift's 'Conversations with a Leader' series yesterday afternoon :)

Some of my key takeaways:

1) Platinum rule: Treat people the way they want to be treated > Golden rule: Treat people you would like to be treated.

2) Essential to continually work on our 4 pillars of energy: physical, social, learning, spirituality.

3) It's important to take risks and be agile. We either succeed or we learn.

All very important skills to future-proof ourselves for the ever-changing job landscape 💪

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

05 Oct, 02:28

Happy first weekend of Oct everyone!! 🌟

Quite a number of you have been telling me that you are not entirely satisfied with some of the progress you have made on certain goals so far this year.

As one person told me and I quote 'While I did managed to hit some, I realised I could do with some help to accelerate my progress as having no proper accountability makes me a bit slack 😂'

Some of you also asked whether there's some program that can i) help you with one last boost to end the year well and ii) also for some of you who want a headstart prepping for the new year ahead.

Coming out of most companies' annual planning cycles, I have also wondered why companies spent so much time and energy in annual planning but individuals rarely do the same for their own lives?

I personally think that our own personal growth / happiness goals are also worth charting with the same rigor and dedication.

Given that there are 3 months left to the end of 2024, I designed this accelerator program for these people in mind.

Additionally, it will also be a good taster for iii) those who have interest in signing up for the 2025 6 months group coaching program :)

Ending off with this quote I resonate with from Sahil Bloom: 'Life definitely isn't fair. It's a troubling reality. Instead of wasting energy on every obstacle in your way, focus on what you can control and how you can break through. Stop looking out. Look in. Be accountable. Take back that power.'
