Murfski - Ideas & Trades


Murfski - Ideas & Trades

05 Aug, 13:56

The VIX hit 62 earlier.

There have only been two other instances where this happened:

2008 - GFC
2020 - Covid Crash

In the past it has coincided with market bottoms or near about.

Worth keeping an eye on!

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

02 Aug, 09:16

Just to update on this, market is still looking a bit boring to me.

Weighing up whether I return or continue travelling...

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

02 Aug, 09:15

Been a while since I posted a $BTC chart

Current thoughts are that this structure needs to hold, otherwise things will get hairy

Losing this level invites us down to the Point Of Origin @ $57,000

R/R on longs good here with correct entry

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

18 Jul, 12:34

WIF: Top Down Review

TLDR: Looks bottomed

3M - Price absorbed from the lows of June and now bouncing well above the Q2 Close

1M - Only halfway through the month but current candle sporting a hammer with the wick originating from June's low

1W - Deviation from Quarterly range will be confirmed upon a close above $2.50 at the end of the week

Target = Quarterly Highs @ $4.60

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

14 Jul, 08:43

I wouldn’t usually talk about Politics in this channel but because Trump is pro-crypto I feel this post is relevant.

Trump has all but secured POTUS 2024 with the happenings from today.

This picture will be one for the History Books.

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

03 Jul, 07:35

It’s holiday month for me guys.

I’ll be back from August if the market starts to become interesting again!

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

26 Jun, 09:54

Bitcoin Dominance beginning to show real signs of weakness

No more clean, sustained uptrend, Rather, a vertical chopsolidation without any impulsive moves to the upside

A sign of things slowing down for sure

A reversal comes next

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

21 Jun, 10:17

Been stopped out on BTC unfortunately guys

CPOOL trade still hanging on by a thread lol.

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

16 Jun, 13:27

Looking good guys! Lets hope this continues into the new week 🫡

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

15 Jun, 04:01

Been filled on BTC and CPOOL guys

Both trades shared above in advance

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

12 Jun, 09:37


Bidding here if we get it

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

12 Jun, 06:17

BTC - Long Idea

Bidding atop this inefficiency shelf confluent with a D1 Block

Expecting one more push down into my entry

2.5R assumed

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

07 Jun, 06:14


One situation I could see materialise is this

OI has ramped up significantly on this move so I think it leaves both longs and shorts vulnerable and for the taking

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

07 Jun, 06:12


I don't really see the bearish arguments here

This looks like an incredibly bullish chart that simply wants higher prices

If you're inexperienced, best to resort to high timeframe levels and use them as a barometer for trend

No loss of Daily Structure = no change in trend

Murfski - Ideas & Trades

05 Jun, 09:23


Been a while since I've spoken about this one

The market completely wiped out most alts in April 2024, and as such, my bottom targets with it

Today I want to talk about the technicals , I will make a separate post to cover the fundamentals soon

Chart 1: Price expands upwards from a near two year consolidation and returns to the point of Origin (2W Block). This level represents an area of significant support + structure and must hold if we are bullish

Chart 2: Whilst not clear on the lower timeframes, it is on the Monthly. Price has essentially completed an S/R flip of the aforementioned consolidation

Chart 3: Monthly Range which I will be watching over the remainder of the year. Reclaim $3.50, and we have a real chance of seeing $7.50