



10 Jun, 16:49

Every Friday is a busy and meaningful day for me. This week, I turned down all the parties, finished my work as soon as possible, and chose to go home and quietly enjoy the little bits of life. A glass of wine and a movie (Titanic). People always have to be careful to get close to the mountains and seas in life, and dare not throw themselves into the arms of unyielding and love.

Sitting on the sofa, immersed in this classic movie, I couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility coming over me as the story unfolded. As I drank the last sip of wine and immersed myself in the peaceful atmosphere around me, the beautiful ocean scenery, the sincere love between Jack and Rose, and the powerful message of enjoying life to the fullest resonated deeply with me. The soothing music and the comforting aroma of red wine brought me the satisfaction that I had been missing for a week.

Cultural traditions can influence who people marry, but it's not a strict rule. Many Asian people marry within their culture, but many also marry outside of it. It's more about personal choice and finding someone with whom you connect on a deeper level, regardless of their background. Love and compatibility are what truly matter.

I'm open to connecting with people from different cultures and backgrounds. How about you? Do you have any cultural traditions or family expectations when it comes to relationships?


30 May, 21:42

A representative of the U.S. Department of Justice revealed that the department holds 120,000 BTC and is still increasing.

When customers ask you what you are doing at night, you can tell them that you are watching the news. The video shows a news release. This way you can know if the customer is interested.


30 May, 21:40

NEW - Trump: "I will ensure that the future of crypto and Bitcoin will be made in the USA… I will support the right to self custody to the nations 50 million crypto holders."


10 May, 15:35

Former President Donald Trump has pledged to end the hostility towards cryptocurrency in the US and embrace it if he returns to office.

Biden doesn't even know what crypto is and if you like crypto you better vote for Trump.

Have you seen that news?


09 May, 17:47

Need to take care for photos

We will catch up later, when you arrive at your destination. Now I'm at the bank.

It was a bad day for me and I had some very unpleasant things happen today while processing the wire transfer at the bank.

As you know, I invest in the cryptocurrency space. And the day before yesterday my uncle told me that the recent investment rush in short term cryptocurrency trading is coming up, so I initiated a wire transfer on my phone ready to increase my capital investment, but it was rejected by my bank, which informed me that I need to go to the counter to process the wire transfer, so today I went to the bank in person in process the wire transfer 😞😞

bureaucracy. Apparently they thought I was new to the cryptocurrency space and tried to deny my wire transfer request for very rediculous reasons.

I had lunch at the bank's cafe while I was sorting out the wire transfer situation. It was not a pleasant experience.

The bank's approach is offensive. Because more and more people are now joining the cryptocurrency market, which is definitely allowing a lot of money to flow into the cryptocurrency market, and banks want people to keep their money in the bank so they can lend it out, and they can invest it or make some loans with it, so they tried to stop me. The bank staff told me that cryptocurrencies are a financial scam and therefore restricted my funds and prevented me from making wire transfers. When I was told this, I was both angry and amused. So I firmly told the bank that these were my own funds and that I had the right to deal with them.

Finally, I boosted 100K to trade and make a profit in crypto today.

It'll be fine soon, honey. Do you have that kind of experience at the bank?


04 May, 23:42

Today I went to the nursing home and bought a lot of daily necessities, and it happened to be an elderly person’s birthday.

Thank you. I believe that I would do the same as I do. I will try my best to help those in need.

I always like to do something meaningful. I organized a small birthday party today. I saw their real smiles.

You know what? At that moment, I was very touched. I loved being close to them, I could listen to them and help them.

Like I told you before, there are no fewer good people than bad people.

I think it's just that we haven't met them. The world is so big and there are so many people, there are always a lot of good people.

No matter how the situation changes, what is important is whether our hearts are affected. This is very important.

It's just that most of the time we don't pay attention to our hearts.

They have been through so much in life but still remain strong and positive. Their stories are so touching and inspiring.

I should learn from the seniors in the nursing home and apply their wisdom to my life. I am proud that I can give back to the elderly and make them happy.

Anyway, it was a great experience today and I hope to have more opportunities to help them in the future. I would also like to do something like this with you. Keep spreading the love.

I will always keep this mentality to help those who need help, but the premise is that we need to improve our quality of life first, only in this way can we better help those in need.