Moneybag Daily


Moneybag Daily

22 Oct, 07:26

Position yourself the way you plan to sell.

You could offer the best service in the world, but if you’re selling to the wrong person, they won’t see the value.

It’s like trying to sell stress balls to me. Some people swear by them, but for me? Useless.

The key is knowing who you’re selling to.

This applies to your social media too. You could post what you think is great content, but if it’s not made for the right audience, it won’t land.

Here’s the question: Who are you really creating for? Who watches your content—or your client’s content?

Dial in on that. Then, build content that speaks directly to them.

That’s how you create connection—and conversions.

Access 19 emails designed to get you amplifying your business here.

Moneybag Daily

21 Oct, 13:28

You don’t need a huge following to make serious money on social media.

Most people think it’s all about cranking out endless content and hitting 10k+ followers. That’s nonsense.

Here’s the game plan:

Pick four topics your audience actually cares about. If you’re building a business, you’ll naturally focus on that.

But people aren’t one-dimensional—they’re into more than just business.

For example, I help people build businesses through social media.

But I also talk about travel, team-building, AI, and whatever else clicks.

Why? Because variety keeps things interesting.

You don’t need to overthink it. Forget the follower count and just start sharing content that speaks to your tribe.

Keep it simple, stay consistent, and the results will follow.


Moneybag Daily

21 Oct, 05:47


Moneybag Daily

21 Oct, 02:05

“Stop budgeting—wait, hear me out. Managing your money is a must.

If you can’t handle what you’ve got now, why chase more? But the way most people budget?

Way too defensive.

They count every penny and end up forgetting to live and earn more. Real budgeting isn’t just cutting back—it’s about making moves.

Save, invest, and spend on things that actually grow you—like travel or experiences. Stop ordering talabat 3 times a day or whatever is expensive in your current level.

But don’t stop there.

Increase your cash flow.

Close more clients. Build your business.

That’s the game: Budget aggressive, not defensively.


If you’re ready to be more aggressive in getting the life you want, I’ve got 19 emails lined up to send you.

Sign up here:

Moneybag Daily

20 Oct, 12:33

NEW VIDEO -> how to escape the matrix

Moneybag Daily

19 Oct, 17:45

Book that flight to the country you’ve always dreamed of. Send that DM to the client you want to work with. Stop mumbling—learn to speak clearly. Tell that girl exactly how you feel.

Nobody’s gonna do the work for you, and nobody’s giving you permission. You’ve got one shot—are you going to let hesitation steal it from you? Every moment you sit on the sidelines is a moment lost forever.

Life’s about action. Start now or stay stuck existing like everyone else.

Moneybag Daily

19 Oct, 11:33

In Christianity it is expected of the man to provide and protect his woman for her entire life.

The Devil is who preaches going "halves".

Moneybag Daily

19 Oct, 06:13

Want to fit in with high performers?

Say you’ll get it done and follow through.

Want to fit in with average people?

Make up an excuse and waste more time.

Moneybag Daily

18 Oct, 11:33

5 steps to Cutting Costs and Living Like a King

Step 1) Start an online business.

> copywriting service
> video editing service
> social media management
> coaching/consulting

Step 2) Charge clients in USD/Euro.

Aka earn in a stronger currency. Make sense in step 3.

Step 3) Move to South America, South East Asia, or Eastern Europe.

With you earning in a stronger currency this gives you a massive advantage. You can live a high quality lifestyle for much cheaper.

Meaning, save more & invest more.

Step 4) Reinvest your money into your biz and stack the rest.

Keep your costs low without taking a lifestyle quality hit.

Step 5) Within 2 years you'll be able to live wherever you want without worrying about money.

Moneybag Daily

18 Oct, 06:38


- Cleaned toilets.
- Worked for Uber.
- Did $50, and $100 gigs.

Now I:

- Run a social media consulting business.
- Teach in TRW.
- Travel the world.
- Manage a team of great people.

I'm not bragging.

Just a reminder there are levels to life.

I say this to hopefully inspire someone to take action

Moneybag Daily

17 Oct, 06:33

Your marketing isn’t getting results?

> You tweak a few things, nothing changes.
> Frustration sets in.
> But you keep experimenting, keep learning.
> Slowly, you start attracting the right clients.
> Results build, momentum picks up.

Marketing is a long game—stick with it.

Moneybag Daily

17 Oct, 02:02

Spend time enough time in the airport and you'll realize most people are mindless and/or reacting to their environment.

Zero thought into a couple hours ahead, let alone their next step.

Moneybag Daily

16 Oct, 17:33

Networking is a waste of time...

Moneybag Daily

16 Oct, 11:18

Success is a daily decision. Every action, every habit is either building your future or destroying it.

Moneybag Daily

16 Oct, 06:17

Nobody cares how busy you are. They care about results. Hustle smarter, not harder. Focus on high-impact tasks and stop glorifying “busy.”

Moneybag Daily

15 Oct, 14:15


Your limits are imaginary lines that people drew in your mind when you were a kid

They're not real

Moneybag Daily

15 Oct, 10:15

Your content should be a magnet, not a megaphone.

Attract the right people with value, instead of screaming into the void. Create content that speaks to your audience’s pain points.