MCQs in Oral Surgery


قناة خاصة بأسئلة جراحة الفم 1.2.3

MCQs in Oral Surgery

06 Dec, 20:42

امتحان الجراحة الدور الأول الدفعة (30)
العام الجامعي 2023-2024

MCQs in Oral Surgery

06 Dec, 20:41

امتحان الجراحة الدور الأول الدفعة (30)

MCQs in Oral Surgery

01 Dec, 10:30

Odontogenic infection سؤال في

MCQs in Oral Surgery

01 Dec, 10:13

‏﴿ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ ۚ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا ﴾

‏اللَّهُم صلِّ وَسَلِّمْ وبارِك على نَبيِّنا مُحمَّد ﷺ. 🌿

جمعتكم طيبة وموفقين غدوا دكاترة

MCQs in Oral Surgery

01 Dec, 10:13

💡After incision and drainage of an abscess, the infectious process has failed to regress in spite of the patient being on high doses of an antibiotic. It would be wise to: 
 A. Insert a large drain 
 B. Repeat culture and sensitivity tests ✔️
 C. Debride and irrigate the area with a fibrinolytic agent 
 D. Begin the parenteral administration of proteolytic enzymes to augment the antibiotics

MCQs in Oral Surgery

01 Dec, 10:13

💡An elderly patient under corticosteroid therapy has to undergo dental extraction. Which is the best method to proceed? 
 A. Taper the dose and perform the extraction 
 B. Completely stop the drug and then perform the extraction 
 C. Supplementation of corticosteroids should be given before extraction ✔️
 D. Stop the drugs immediately after extraction to allow healing 

MCQs in Oral Surgery

01 Dec, 10:13

💡A patient who is on high doses of corticosteroid therapy will face all of the following problems during dental treatments except: 
 A. Impaired wound healing 
 B. minor difficulties to achieve hemostasis ✔️
 C. Xerostomia 
 D. susceptibility to infections 

MCQs in Oral Surgery

01 Dec, 10:13

💡Death in Ludwig's angina occurs due to: 
 A. Sepsis 
 B. Respiratory obstruction ✔️
 C. Cavernous sinus thrombosis 
 D. Carotid blow-out 

MCQs in Oral Surgery

01 Dec, 10:13

💡The roof of pterygomandibular space is formed by: 
 A. Temporalis muscle 
 B. Medial pterygoid muscle 
 C. Cranial base 
 D. lateral pterygoid ✔️

MCQs in Oral Surgery

01 Dec, 10:13

💡The greatest barrier to infection is: 
 A. Connective tissue 
 B. Epithelium 
 C. Muscle 
 D. Fascia ✔️

MCQs in Oral Surgery

01 Dec, 10:13

💡The infection from a lower third molar pericoronal area spreads mostly to _ space. 
 A. Submandibular 
 B. Submental space 
 C. Pterygomandibular space✔️ 
 D. Buccal space