Mudflood Research, Tartaria, True Aryan History


This channel is dedicated to the study of true history. We endorse the works of Fomenko and Levashov, among dozens of other authors.

Mudflood Research, Tartaria, True Aryan History

06 Aug, 17:48

Asgard - Not mythology but a real city once located in modern day Omsk, Siberia. Asgard of Iriy was the capital of Aryan civilization on Midgard Earth, where the salvation of humanity began.

They had built bastions and fortresses, star cities and starports, terrestrial infrastructure, tens of thousands of kilometers of canals, artificial waterworks, and dams. They had built power stations capable of producing millions of megawatts of electricity, jewel-covered towers with domes of gold. Alien enemies could not penetrate its forcefield for only those with pure intent could enter. A million fairy tales could never capture the beauty and sanctity of Asgard.

Asgard was later moved to Dagestan and from there to Uppsala, Sweden. This movement was described by Snorri Sturluson in the Heimskringla. Snorri also tells us that the Aesirs came from Asia, pointing to its etymology, as we know the name "Asia" means Land of Aces, the root "As" in Proto-Slavic Sanskrit refers to your true higher self, the god incarnate.

Mudflood Research, Tartaria, True Aryan History

17 Jul, 19:10

According to the official Scaligerian history, The Cossacks were simply a culture of nomadic paramilitary horsemen in the Russian Empire on the coast of the Black Sea. But I find that they were much more than that, they are the last memory of the old world culture, hence their targeted extermination by Bolsheviks.

I see the mirroring of dozens of epic cultures scattered throughout the Scaligerian timeline, Mongols, Huns, Turks, Babylonians, Egyptians, Scythians, Rig Vedic Aryans, and what scholars call "Yamnaya". When we cease to view history through this distorted lens of blatant duplication, relabeling, and mistranslating history over a 5000 year timeline, we see a single unified civilization.

When I read about these Eurasian horseback nomads, powerful and independent, I read about one ancient culture, that is The Old World Order, otherwise known as Tartaria. They were not merely horse riders who occupied Europe and Asia, the entire planet was their empire until it was forcefully taken by enemy parasites.

Mudflood Research, Tartaria, True Aryan History

19 Jun, 17:28

I will not be the only one to testify that when I look at these paintings, they put me into a trance. I know this place; I've seen all of this before. I was there. It was real.

I am not the only one who experiences this, as many have. This is a case of genetic memory that no ordinary painting could tap into. Maybe this is why we are so drawn to the genre of high fantasy. Much of our modern fiction is based on fantasy settings, legendary races, vast kingdoms, forgotten languages, cataclysmic wars, advanced technology, lost continents, mythical creatures, and much more.

Ironically, critics have compared Anatoly Fomenko's New Chronology to Tolkien's fantasy world of Middle Earth. But perhaps Tolkien was the one inspired by the genetic memory of our ancient past, and not Fomenko (who critics joke about being inspired by Tolkien).

There is more truth in fairy tales than in history books.

Mudflood Research, Tartaria, True Aryan History

19 Jun, 17:00

Vsevolod's Vedic Russia

Many have seen these paintings, likely in the context of internet memes pertaining to Hyperborea and lost civilizations or simply while searching for Pagan artwork. However, very few know who the artist behind these paintings is and what their motives are.

Most will be quick to assume that the artist is depicting fairy tales or mythology, perhaps a fictional fantasy or a work of science fiction. Meanwhile, others, failing to notice the depictions of mammoths, giants, and flying machines, simply assume these paintings to be of Pagan times.

But to Ivanov Vsevolod, who was born in the Soviet Union in 1950, this was not fiction. Vsevolod believed that the history of Russia had been falsified, as had the history of the world for that matter.

"Vedic Russia," as he named the series of paintings, sought to depict Russia as it truly was. The artist shows us Vedic Gods, herds of mammoths, and the pagan rites of Vedic Russia. He paints the daily life of the legendary land and its inhabitants.

Mudflood Research, Tartaria, True Aryan History

14 Jun, 17:10

Here is an engraving by Matthias Gottfried Eichler from 1799, View of Moscow from the Balcony of the Imperial Palace in the Kremlin towards the Orphanage.

At first glance nothing seems out of the ordinary, until we notice the Kremlin wall is buried to the top, none of the ground is paved, walls are destroyed with shrubs and other plantlife growing rampantly.

This is not one engraving, I've covered other artists of the same era who all identically portray these medieval cities in total ruins. Those who are adamant on modern chronology and a global flood being fake don't have anything to address this fact. Was it some kind of art trend in the past to depict every single city as having been abandoned in ruins?

Were the rulers of the past this negligent to maintain their cities? After all, how could they possibly construct such enormous architecture yet fail to pave a road or cut a bush.

That's how we know they didn't build it, but inherited it from a previous civilization who left it all abandoned.

Mudflood Research, Tartaria, True Aryan History

05 Jun, 15:36

Oldest Swastika in the World Was Found in Ukraine

The Swastika, which is often associated with German Nazism, has nothing to do with such. Not only is this symbol found all around the world, it's ironically most prominently found in Slavic countries, with the oldest one in the world being found in Mezine, Ukraine. It was engraved on mammoth ivory and is allegedly 20,000 years old.

On the right is an extract from the Slavo-Aryan vedas featuring various ancient Swastikas. These ancient texts were deemed "extremist material" in the Russian Federation, possession of which can lead to imprisonment.

The word Swastika itself derives from Proto Slavic (Sanskrit) language. The root Swa- refers to the heavens (center of galaxy), with a derivational suffix -tika likely referring to motion. The names Svarog and Svarga both derive from the same root.

In conclusion, this symbol has nothing to do with Germany or Neo-Nazism. This symbol finds it's home far north on the continent of Da'Arya, otherwise known as Hyperborea.

Mudflood Research, Tartaria, True Aryan History

12 May, 15:31

Mistranslation of the Bible

The entire Hebrew religion is based off of lies, this isn't better demonstrated than with the very beginning of their "holy" book. In every single translation of the Bible, Genesis 1:1 reads "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth", yet the actual grammatically correct Biblical Hebrew reads this as "In a beginning, Gods created the heavens and the Earth".

Let's break down the grammar a bit.

In Hebrew there is a definite article "he" (ה), or "the" in English, and it is omitted. So to describe an indefinite noun in Hebrew, "a" in English, the article "he" is simply omitted, in linguistics this is called zero-morpheme, where the absence of a morpheme indicates a grammatical meaning, so the proper translation according to Hebrew grammar should be indefinite "a beginning" in English.

Next, moving forward, the word "Elohim" (אלוהים) is a plural noun, it should literally translate as "Gods" in English, yet it has never been translated as such. Many scholars dismiss this as a grammatical irregularity, yet the singular form of "Elohim" is "Eloah", and this singular form is in fact used multiple times in the Bible, and for some reason the authors of the Bible chose not to use this in Genesis, only using it to refer to other Gods.

Here is a website used for translating the Hebrew Bible into English, it shows the exact conjugation and declension of every single word. This page literally shows that "Elohim" is declined in the plural, yet due to the severe cognitive dissonance of the translator, they decided decided to go with "God" instead. This is the same mental gymnastics that the Christian religion is based on today. It amuses me to watch people argue over the most accurate version of the Bible, but not a single version addresses this mistranslation, why trust any of them?

Mudflood Research, Tartaria, True Aryan History

15 Apr, 15:00

Yahweh is Reptilian Dragon

There are several physical descriptions of the God of Israel in the Bible. The Judeo-Christian religion is adamant on the idea of their God being an immaterial transcendent omnipresent being. Yet the Bible has several physical descriptions of Yahweh, describing him as a fire-breathing, winged, reptilian dragon.

The word "אפּים" (apayim) is a dual noun referring to nostrils. This word is notable because it's used with the adjective "ארוך", meaning long. We see several descriptions in the Bible describing Yahweh's long nostrils and his ability to breathe fire.

Job 41:19-21 Flames stream from his mouth; sparks of fire shoot out. Smoke pours from his nostrils as from a boiling pot over burning reeds. His breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from his mouth.
Deuteronomy 32:22 "For a fire is kindled in my nostrils, and shall burn to the lowest hell, and it shall consume the Earth with with her increase, and set ablaze the foundations of the mountains."
Psalm 18:8 "Smoke went up from his nostrils and devouring fire from out of his mouth. Coals flamed forth from him".
Here are 6 verses from Psalms which describe a Yahweh with wings, 17:8, 36:8, 57:2, 61:5, 63:8, 91:4.
Zechariah 6:1, Deuteronomy 33:2. Judges 5:4,Habakkuk 3:3 - Imply Yahweh's dwellings on copper mountains.

Perhaps this is why in Exodus, Yahweh required a massive portable tent, the tabernacle, which was his Earthly dwelling place. Why else would he demand animal and human sacrifices? Remember, after Moses' brutal military campaign against the gentile Midianites, they had stolen 675,000 sheep, 72,000 cattle, 61,000 donkeys and kidnapped 32,000 virgin girls. Yahweh demanded 0.1% of all the spoils, with the remainder to be divided in half between the soldiers, and the priests. Yahweh would receive 808 animals, and 32 human virgin girls. Maybe this is why we have many folk tales of a fire-breathing dragon which make it's home in the mountains, siting on treasures and often holding a virgin girl hostage.

Mudflood Research, Tartaria, True Aryan History

06 Apr, 22:39

"The vocabulary of Egyptian astronomical symbols once applied to horoscopes from temples allows for extraction of unique dates of eclipses. Astronomical data therein contained is sufficient for unique dating. There are symbols allowing for astronomical interpretation and the symbols do not change from one temple horoscope to another. The horoscopes from temples contain data about eclipses visible in Egypt allowing their exact pinpointing on the time axis"

Here are the sources to the four Egyptian horoscopes, from which the images from the post above were extracted, which are taken from "History: Fiction or Science?", which has been translated into English and I highly recommend you read all of the books. If not for Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko and his colleagues, we would not be having any talk today regarding Tartaria or false history. All credit goes to him.

On another note, what I find most hilarious about all of this is watching people argue over whether or not the Egyptians were black or white, or if aliens built the pyramids. The fact that this is even allowed to publicly be talked about on mainstream media such as The History Channel, goes to show that all discussion regarding "Ancient" Egypt is a psyop to reinforce the narrative of falsified (((Scaligerian Chronology))).