Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

09 May, 05:10

​​Day Pobedy was a celebration of the victory of the Red Army and the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in World War II 1941–1945. It was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1945 and is celebrated annually on May 9

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

21 Feb, 19:20

future is come

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

06 Jan, 19:22

What is it? question about funnels

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

03 Sep, 19:29

According to the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 2, 1945 On the declaration of September 3 as a Victory day over Japan, it was declared a day of national celebration, a victory day over Japan and was a weekend (non-working) day in 1945, 1946 and 1947.

In the UK, the holiday is celebrated on August 14, in the USA on September 2, in China on September 3, in Korea on August 15. In Japan, the day of the end of the war is celebrated on August 15

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

20 Aug, 13:14

​​Biden says ‘every asset that we have will be available’ to Hawaii residents affected by wildfires

President Joe Biden issued a federal disaster declaration following “devastating” Hawaii wildfires across several parts of the Big Island and Maui and promised to send whatever is needed to help the recovery.

The fires have killed at least 36 people and devastated Lahaina, a town on the island of Maui. Speaking at an unrelated event in Utah on Thursday, Biden said the federal government is moving fast in its response.

“We’re working as quickly as possible to fight those fires and evacuate residents and tourists. In the meantime, our prayers are with the people of Hawaii, but not just our prayers: every asset that we have will be available to them,” Biden said as he began remarks at a Veterans Affairs medical center in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Assistance from the declaration can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses and other programs to help with recovery.

The aid from the disaster declaration “will get aid into the hands of people who desperately need help,” Biden said, vowing that “anyone who’s lost a loved one or whose home has been damaged or destroyed is going to get help immediately.”

Biden also noted that he held a “long conversation” by phone with Gov. Josh Green Thursday morning.

“Let him know I’m going to make sure the state has everything it needs from the federal government to recover,” Biden said of the call.

Green told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on “The Situation Room” Thursday that Biden’s declaration has made “a difference in our spirit already,” noting that president approved the state’s request within six hours.

“That’s a big deal. It could be just days before we see some resources come to the many hundreds of families that will need the help,” the governor said. “It will take more time for insurance to kick in, which we will also be advocating for.”

“But, we are standing here also with the leadership of FEMA,” he added. “They’re already on the ground; we’re grateful to them.”

Earlier Thursday, the White House said the administration is “working very closely with Hawaii” as the state struggles with devastating wildfires that have left dozens of people dead.

“We’re working very closely with Hawaii, Hawaii and official … we’re also deploying some military assets FEMA personnel on the ground,” National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications Jon Kirby told CNN’s Poppy Harlow. “We’re going to focus on this as keenly and as sharply as we can.”

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

22 Jun, 18:53


Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University
Tufts has created a new artificial intelligence (AI) model that could
revolutionize the search for drugs. This model, called ConPLex, is able
to predict which drugs will interact with proteins
in the human body. This is important because proteins are targets for many
drugs that can treat various diseases, such as cancer or
cardiovascular diseases.
The most amazing thing about this model is that it does not need information about
the three–dimensional structure of proteins and drugs. Instead, it
uses a type of AI known as the big language model. These models –
for example, ChatGPT – can analyze large volumes of text and identify
patterns in the use of words (or, in this case, amino acids).
Thanks to this, ConPLex can quickly match proteins and drugs by their
amino acid sequences.
This gives a huge advantage over other methods of drug search,
which require a lot of time and computational resources to calculate the structure
of molecules. With the help of ConPLex, scientists can screen more than 100 million
compounds per day – this is much more than any existing model. In this
way, ConPLex can significantly reduce the failure rate and
drug development costs.
Scientists hope that ConPLex will help them find new drugs for the treatment
of various diseases and evaluate their safety and effectiveness.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

03 Jun, 17:51

💀🫵attention🫢☠️👽an article with serious implications, the world elites decided to reset us
Dozens of US senators distributed satellite phones "in case of a devastating event" Listing "11 signs of an imminent global conflict" (deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, the idea of transferring Taiwan under the US nuclear umbrella, the Taliban's statement about the "imminent conquest of Iran", Pentagon plans to deploy troops in Peru, clashes in Kosovo, the construction of a new American military base in Syria etc.), Global Research columnist Michael Snyder puts the recent curious incident within the walls of the US Senate in last, 11th place.
A few days ago, all 100 US senators were offered emergency satellite phones as "one of the new security measures." At least 50 members of the Senate took advantage of the offer, notes CBS News, and accepted devices that "Senate administrative staff recommends they keep in close proximity while traveling." ▪️ Back in April, speaking before the Senate Appropriations Committee, U.S. Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Karen Gibson said satellite communications are being deployed "to ensure a redundant and secure means of communication during a disruptive event." disruptive event).
Gibson clarified that this is an emergency, in which in some parts of America communications may fail. It can be either a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, according to a memo from the US Department of Homeland Security.
▪️ All this is in addition to general security measures for US senators, including training to stop bleeding. A separate program concerns strengthening the protection of the homes of members of the US House of Representatives.
From what threats it was decided to protect the American congressmen, it is not reported. Mainstream media backing up this news mentions the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband and the recent incident in Virginia where two employees of State Congressman Jerry Connolly's office were beaten with a baseball bat. That's just bits, as a rule, do not bring down cellular communications.
We are waiting for suggestions in a personal or in the comments! Peace ☮️

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

09 May, 06:39

​​Pobedy Day was a celebration of the victory of the Red Army and the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in World War II 1941–1945. It was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 19452 and is celebrated annually on May 9

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

25 Apr, 19:24

Planetary nebula HDW 3 in the constellation Perseus Such an unusual shape of the nebula is the result of the interaction of the shock wave from the ejected shell of the star and interstellar gas. The nebula has so far only had the catalog designation "HDW 3" (Hartl-Dengel-Weinberger 3)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

19 Apr, 20:07

NASA has selected ten researchers from American scientific institutions in preparation for participation in the scientific working group of the Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

The JAXA MMX mission, which is scheduled to be sent into space in 2024, will visit two Martian moons – Phobos and Deimos. It is planned that the mission will land on the surface of Phobos and take a sample of the surface. The sample should be delivered to Earth in 2029.

On April 17, during the 38th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado, NASA and JAXA signed an agreement to formalize their cooperation within MMX.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

12 Apr, 06:27

Today, Cosmonautics Day! 🚀🚀🚀

Who knows what happened that day?
leave the answers below
by the way, if someone does not like the fact that other countries and peoples are also doing great events, please leave our community!
everyone else is welcome to the brave new world that we will build with you!

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

03 Apr, 06:37

Good morning, people!
So much has happened in such a short period of time, we need to start discussing the topic with chatgpt
about its practical side of use, we are waiting for your examples!
the second point is forbidden questions, I suggest everyone write about it in the comment’s

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

04 Feb, 20:44

What do you think about politics ?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

26 Jan, 16:00


​​The creator of the C++ programming language, Bjarne Stroustrup, responded to a call by the US National Security Agency (NSA) for an unlimited number of organizations to abandon the use of programming languages in which the responsibility for memory management is assigned to the developer, such as C and C ++, in favor of more secure work with memory, for example, the favorite of modern programmers Rust.

In his open letter published on the, Stroustrup expressed disagreement with the agency's position. First, he noted that its representatives "lumped together" C and C++, despite the fact that the languages have evolved independently over the past 30 years. However, the practice of using C++ is largely "stuck in the past" - developers often ignore changes in the language that can dramatically improve the security of the code, complains Stroustrup.

In fact, in his opinion, C++ is in no way inferior to modern so-called safe

The agency's experts recommended that organizations engaged in the creation of software, if possible, abandon the use of programming languages that either do not provide memory protection at all, or do not do it effectively enough. According to the agency, these include the languages C and C ++.

Alternatively, we recommend that you use C#, Go, Java, Ruby, and Swift.

"Memory-safe programming languages provide varying degrees of security when working with memory, so available means of code protection, such as the use of appropriate compiler options, instrumental analysis and operating system configuration, should also be applied. By using memory-safe languages and available code protections, many memory access vulnerabilities can be prevented or made extremely difficult for cybercriminals to exploit," the report said.

What do you think about that ?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

09 Aug, 18:55

​​And for connoisseurs of art

On August 9, 1173, the construction of the Leaning Tower of Pisa began. Conceived as a bell tower, the tower was erected in the Italian town of Pisa, hence its name. The main feature of the tower - an unintentional tilt due to an engineering miscalculation - became a feature, thanks to which it gained fame all over the world.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

09 Aug, 18:40

​​But there are also good and interesting events on August 9.

August 9 is a very literary mark in the calendar, because on this day the World Book Lovers Day is celebrated. The holiday is dedicated to writers, poetry figures and directly to readers. Those who celebrate the date set themselves the task of popularizing the reading of books, even sellers of fiction and specialized literature on this day hold sales and exhibitions.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

09 Aug, 18:30

​​A great tragedy occurred from 6 to 9 August 1945

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

10 May, 19:11

​​Pobedy Day was a celebration of the victory of the Red Army and the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in World War II 1941–1945. It was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 19452 and is celebrated annually on May 9

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

12 Apr, 20:09

​​Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin launched on April 12, 1961 from the Baikonur cosmodrome on the Vostok-1 spacecraft and made the world's first orbital flight around the planet Earth. The flight in near-Earth outer space lasted 1 hour 48 minutes.
In the Soviet Union, the holiday was established by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 9, 1962, at the suggestion of the second USSR pilot-cosmonaut German Titov.
April 12 is also celebrated as World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day, according to the protocol of the 61st General Conference of the International Aviation Federation, held in November 1968, and the decision of the Council of the International Aviation Federation, adopted on April 30, 1969 on the proposal of the USSR Aviation Sports Federation.
In Russia, Cosmonautics Day is celebrated in accordance with Article 1.1 of the Federal Law "On the Days of Military Glory and Commemorative Dates of Russia".
On April 7, 2011, at a special plenary session of the UN General Assembly, a resolution was adopted that officially proclaimed April 12 as the International Day of Human Space Flight.





