Magna_Virtute Brotherhood


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Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

03 Oct, 06:49

"Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards." (Vladimir Nabokov)

Sometimes, on your journey, you may encounter people who stand in your way for no apparent reason. More often than not, these are people who lack your inner peace and try in every way to take it from you. It is difficult—sometimes extremely difficult—but try to observe the situation objectively, and you will realize that you are rich while they are poor in His Spirit, that you know how to turn your frustrations into growth, while they turn theirs into despair. You know how to dance even in the rain, while they can only provoke it and harbor hate.

Loving those who hate you, your enemies, is by no means easy, but you can try.

Have a blessed day: may the Almighty Lord fill your heart with joy in both the small and great things, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

27 Sep, 05:44

"In me, time remains like a fragrant red rose: whether today is Friday, tomorrow Saturday, whether most of me is past, and only a little remains, I couldn’t care less." (Nazim Hikmet) Time, as you know, has different speeds: if you're happy it flies, if you're suffering it never seems to pass. Carefully nurture your spirit and its energy, because your perception changes your reality. Focus on the eternal energy within you: hidden in your spirit is the Joy of God that keeps your heart always young and steady at an undefined age. Your curiosity and desire for knowledge remain unchanged even as time passes, making part of you like an eternal child. Pray and always be grateful: for only those who become like children will be given entry into the Kingdom. Have a blessed day: may the Almighty Lord keep your gaze and heart pure and transparent, and may He always bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

24 Sep, 13:04

"But the true travelers depart for the sake of departing; with light hearts, they drift away like balloons, never trying to escape their destiny, and, without knowing why, they always say: Let's go!" (Charles Baudelaire)

Your life’s journey is an important part of God’s plan: however, much depends on your ability and choice to say yes. He places you on a certain path and not another because He knows you have the ability, because He wants you to meet someone, to learn something, to say or do something specific at a certain moment. Nothing happens by chance, and you must do your part. So, like Mary, say your yes with all your heart and let yourself be guided by the wind of His Spirit: let's go! Do not fear, for He is with you, trust, pray, and always be grateful.

Have a blessed day: may the Almighty Lord accompany you on new journeys and always bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

23 Sep, 07:54

"When you wish for a life without difficulties, remember that oaks grow strong with opposing winds and diamonds are formed under pressure" (Peter Marshall). Do you feel tired and low on energy to start the day? Take a moment to reflect on how all the difficulties you've faced so far have shaped your character and your plans. Everything serves God's will. You are important in His plan, and your small action is essential. You are not here by chance but to fulfill a very specific task. Pray and always be grateful for this opportunity. Happy start of the week: may the Love of Almighty God always protect you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

20 Sep, 10:39

"God has placed within every soul an apostle to guide us along an illuminated path. Yet many seek life from the outside, unaware that it resides within them." (Kahlil Gibran) Do you sometimes compare your situation to others that seem perfect on the surface and wonder why yours is far from it? Remember that His Providence has placed you exactly where you need to be and that everything works together to grow your understanding and improve you. Therefore, seek His courage and His strength within your soul, for the source of His Life is inside you. Pray and always be grateful. Have a blessed day: may the Almighty Lord make your gaze shine with His Light, make His voice heard by your heart, and bless you always in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

18 Sep, 07:18

"The goal is to leave" (Giuseppe Ungaretti)
Being able to take the first step in a situation or in a relationship is always the most difficult moment because then, once done, the rest comes by itself. To move from the inertia of your comfort zone you need a strong internal push that sometimes just isn't there. Pray and ask the Lord for the strength to begin changing what can be changed and the patience to accept what cannot. Accept His will with confidence, knowing that it is the best for you in any case. Happy day: may the Almighty Lord support you in your beginnings and journeys with His Love and bless you always in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

16 Sep, 07:24

Happiness makes the eyes shine, serenity makes the soul shine." (Fabrizio Caramagna)
The eyes are the mirror of the soul but also the main door through which one can access directly to the heart: out of sight, out of mind. In the book of Proverbs, it says that the master's eye fattens the calf, meaning that attention and care nurture growth. Do not avoid the gaze of those who love you, and do not hide from the gaze of God. It is the Father's gaze that makes you grow abundantly, and the Mother's gaze that shows you the way. You are the light of Their Eyes. Make yourself worthy of it.
Happy start of the week: may the gaze of Almighty God make you grow in His Light in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

14 Sep, 07:07

"I wish you all the joy you could ever desire." (William Shakespeare)
When you love someone, you only wish for their well-being, regardless of your own. You want them to always be happy, healthy, loved, and at peace. In the same way, God desires these same things for you: He created you, He chose you to be here, He gave you this time and those around you, He loves you immensely. He sacrificed His Son for you. For this reason, make yourself worthy of His Love and receive His gifts with gratitude, with the same joy and serenity with which you approach a wedding feast. Eat, drink, and dance. With your heart and with your spirit.
Have a blessed day: may the Almighty Lord fill you with His Joy and His Peace and always bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

13 Sep, 07:10

"Blessed be Providence, of which men and things, whether they will it or not, are marvelous instruments that it knows how to use for purposes worthy of itself." (Silvio Pellico)
At times, you thought everything was lost and allowed yourself to be overwhelmed by discouragement. Then, through mysterious ways, you managed to find peace, even in places where you believed joy could no longer exist. The Lord speaks to you with words that go straight to the heart; He creates doors where there were only walls and four-lane highways where any path seemed impossible. Every time, He reminds you that with Him alone, anything can become possible.
Pray and be grateful for every gift and every experience you've received, and learn to trust in His Providence.
Have a blessed day: may the Almighty Lord make you feel His Presence and always bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

12 Sep, 06:37

"This is our duty towards the child: to cast a ray of light and continue on our way." (Maria Montessori) This should be your duty towards everyone, both young and old, because within each person, a child is hidden, waiting for their ray of light. Sometimes consciously, other times simply sensing a lack. Each one, however, is able to instantly recognize what they are missing the moment it is given to them: often, it is not the lesson that remains in our memories, but how the teacher made us feel. Once this is done, continue on your way. Have a happy day: may the Almighty Lord fill your heart with His Rays of Love in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

11 Sep, 06:40

"The child first speaks like his mother, then like his father, and then like his teacher."
(Pierre-Julien Eymard) Reflect today on the importance of having and being a good teacher for those who rely on your reflections. If you have values and strong points of reference, it is because you were fortunate to meet good teachers and had the courage to follow their teachings. No teaching bears fruit if it is not accompanied by love for the teacher and gratitude for having felt recognized, known, and loved. Love, gratitude, knowledge, and recognition come before any teaching. Have a blessed day: may the Almighty Lord enrich you with His Love, fill you with His Wisdom, and always bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

10 Sep, 06:40

"No one ever condemned wisdom to poverty." (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)
Sometimes you get tired of learning new things, you feel discouraged, and you want to give up. Remember that the opportunities that come your way do not happen by chance: each missed opportunity may not return. Therefore, arm yourself with courage and strength of spirit, and continue to face life's new challenges with your strength and energy. When you think that the task is beyond your abilities, remember that your goal is to do your part and leave the rest to the Lord. Stop thinking you can solve everything: just start and let go. Do not be afraid, trust, pray, and always be grateful. Have a happy day: may the Almighty Lord fill you with opportunities and the courage to seize them, and may He enlighten you with His Wisdom in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

23 Aug, 08:41

"Nothing comes from nothing, just as nothing returns to nothing." (Marcus Aurelius) You were born from God's will, and to Him, you shall return. Everything returns to Him. In the Creed, you recite:

"God from God,
Light from Light,
True God from True God;
begotten, not made;
of one being with the Father;
through Him, all things were made."

And yet, you forget this and spend your days wondering where everything will end up, especially when things don't go the way you think they should. You are a particle in an infinite movement, and what you can understand is only a microscopic part of this whole. Stop trying to understand, stop trying to control, stop investing energy in self-destructive thoughts (if I had said, if I had done...). Trust, try to understand what your purpose is on this journey, and pray to always be grateful for everything and to be guided toward your goal. Have a blessed day: may the Almighty Lord keep you close to Him, guide you on His path, and always bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

22 Aug, 14:28

I’ve Just Published My New eBook: “May God Bless You: 300 Personal Blessings”

I’m thrilled to share my latest work with you—“May God Bless You: 300 Personal Blessings.” This book is very special to me, as each blessing has been written with heartfelt intention and care. It’s more than just a collection of blessings; it’s a reflection of my personal journey and a gift I’m excited to share.

You can find the eBook here:*1mdi6q5*_ga*MTQ2NzY5OTk0Ni4xNzE3OTUyNzEw*_ga_6LJN6D94N6*MTcyNDMzNjU1NC43LjEuMTcyNDMzNjcyOC4wLjAuMA..

It’s not only a meaningful read for yourself but also makes a wonderful gift for loved ones. I hope it brings joy and inspiration to your life.

Please let me know your thoughts after you’ve read it—I’d love to hear your feedback and reviews!

Thank you for your support and happy reading!

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

22 Aug, 13:23

Sorry for my absence, guys, but I got married and have had quite a lot to do lately! Those who are married will understand! I'm coming back stronger than ever!

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

22 Aug, 13:23

"And that is what I would like to tell you that is most beautiful, I haven't told you yet." (Nazim Hikmet)

When you are in love, time flies and never seems enough. You talk for hours with the person you love and never get tired of telling them how much you love them. In the same way, the Lord speaks to you, even though you often don't notice it and are distracted and ungrateful. So today, reflect on this infinite love that you are the object of, and try to learn to be grateful and to reciprocate as much as you can. Pray and be grateful always. Have a blessed day: may the Almighty Lord always fill you, your family, and your loved ones with His Love in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

14 Jun, 07:42

"Joy is the highest expression of love."

Be happy: the Lord wants this for you. Despite your limits, your difficulties, and your sufferings, He asks you to trust and be happy.

When you least expect it, He gives you serenity and lightness and fills you with His Love. Open your hands and learn to receive and be aware that you are worthy of His Love: you will be able to give exactly to the extent that you can receive, in the same way you inhale and exhale in the breath of His Spirit.

So welcome, pray, have faith, and always be grateful.

Have a happy day: may the Almighty Lord fill you with His gifts and always bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

21 May, 13:45

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood pinned «We have decided to create a mentorship service for everyone who wants to learn how to create their Theme Page on Instagram and how to monetize the page, creating a second income, if not the primary one. We also offer mentorship on how to become Christian…»

Magna_Virtute Brotherhood

21 May, 13:44

We have decided to create a mentorship service for everyone who wants to learn how to create their Theme Page on Instagram and how to monetize the page, creating a second income, if not the primary one.

We also offer mentorship on how to become Christian fathers and how to cultivate faith in Christ our Savior.

For any information, contact us privately. ➡️

God bless you.