Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you


زن، زندگی، آزادی




https://t.me/torokhodabiscuitsbokhor :آنلاین شاپ

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

26 Jan, 14:21

I'm stuck between "تلاش برای زندگی کردن" and "تلاش برای فرار از زندگی".

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

26 Jan, 13:39

I honestly have no idea که دارم چه غلطی با زندگی‌م می‌کنم.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

22 Jan, 16:45

I'm sorry that I'm so complicated and گند می‌زنم به همه چیز.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

22 Jan, 15:48

(more anxious than i’ve ever been in my entire life) There is nothing to نگرانی about.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

20 Jan, 17:37

i’m stuck between, i’m too young to عجله کردن and i’m too old to وقت تلف کردن.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

20 Jan, 17:05

Some people asked what is your skin routine? Actually, I don't have a skin routine, I have a نشخوار فکری routine.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

14 Jan, 14:15

stop asking me "چه خبر؟ چیکار می‌کنی؟" i am literally at home and doing nothing.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

13 Jan, 17:13

These days به زور از پس خودم بر میام, please don't expect anything from me.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

13 Jan, 16:49

at this point, i just want to hug شخص خاص and tell them how tired and drained i am.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

01 Jan, 16:36

people see me spending my money and think i'm rich, dear I'm Just می‌زنم به کس گاو.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

31 Dec, 15:15

You are my آخیش, after a full day of سرپا وایستادن.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

29 Dec, 14:56

No, I'm fine, I just need a آدم امن.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

28 Dec, 13:28

the saddest thing is when you're feeling down, you look around and realize that there is no شونه‌ای برای گریه کردن.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

27 Dec, 14:56

Come back, کارمون گیره انگار.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

22 Dec, 14:44

i'm stuck between "من از پسش برمیام" and "گه خوردم نمی‌تونم".

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

22 Dec, 13:57

What else can I do to be جالب to you?

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

19 Dec, 18:03

Sex is good, but has she ever laughed at your شوخی?

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

19 Dec, 15:04

I wish at least گریه would fix everything.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

17 Dec, 15:46

I wish I was your بیست و چهار ساعت هر روز هفته.

Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you

17 Dec, 14:27

we used to be excited about بزرگسالی but look at us now broken, lonely, and tired of this world.