

For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness.


22 Oct, 14:37


The classroom scene alone reveals a wealth of information which I intend to cover over the coming days.

The first part is the evolution of U.S. Presidents, with Bush evolving into Obama, below an evolution chart on the wall and an unfinished game of hangman on the board.

The final stage of evolution is the Illuminated one, which is the Last President and Antichrist, Trump.


15 Oct, 13:41

I, Pet Goat II is a 2012 animation created by Lord of the Rings visual effects' director, Louis Lefebvre. The title is a reference to "My Pet Goat", the book George Bush was reading to school children at the time of the 9/11 attacks.

Taking 6 years to complete, this predictive programme is packed with symbolism revealing future events ahead of time. The main story surrounds a second attack on New York City that will lead to the rise of the Antichrist.

This hasn't been put together by some geeky kid sitting in his bedroom, it's been created by a professional team in a purpose-built studio. In a radio interview, the director alludes to a second attack being the reason why he called it I Pet Goat II.

It uses imagery from the "First 9/11" to tell the story of the second.

More to follow.


14 Oct, 20:14

Other channels have covered the Antichrist riding the White Horse and the wounded Statue of Liberty. But none of them have connected it to the Phoenix Rising at the Olympic closing ceremony.

The final performance was by the French band Phoenix. They sang four songs in total, their last one being 1901. This song not only bears a 9/11, but its release came via the album "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix". The cover of which portrays the bombing of land alongside a coastline.

The song is supposedly about Paris at the turn of the century, but I don't buy it. The performance and lyrics allude to the fall of New York City.

"Watch them build up a material tower, think it's not gonna stay anyway" - "Falling, Falling, Falling".... This is the fall of the Tower of Babel and New York City. 

As you watch the video, it becomes clear the camera crew are focused on just the U.S. team. The lead singer from New York enters among them where they raise him up like a Phoenix. As the performance ends fallout rains down upon them.


04 Oct, 19:14

I believe New York's destruction will be the catalyst to the First Seal being opened. From this destruction, the White Horse rider will arrive with his Bow and go out to conquer the perpetrators.

The White Horse he sits on is The White House, his Bow being the Vice President, whose birth name is Bowman. The rider of the Red Horse is Putin. Red being the colour of Russia and the Soviet Union.

The trigger event looks likely to be America giving Zelensky approval to launch US missiles into Russian territory. Putin has already warned the US of dire consequences if such approval is given.

I believe this could happen during the Presidential Transition period following the Democrats' election defeat. This scenario would lead to Trump entering the White House sooner than expected.


04 Oct, 19:14

Babylon must Fall for The Antichrist to Rise.

Babylon, New York City will be destroyed by a group of 10 Kings in order for the Antichrist to rise as World Ruler. These 10 King's are now in place within the BRICS Alliance, with Putin the Head of the Presidency.

In the wake of Babylon's destruction, the Antichrist will rise and wage war against these Kings, and 3 of them will fall. Defeated, they all agree to give their power and Kingdom over to him.

He will then be World Ruler.





