Health and high vibration🙌💚Know Thy Self👁


Health and high vibration🙌💚Know Thy Self👁

22 Oct, 14:24

Do not chase after people who do not respect you as a human being. Don't try to force your way into their asses, look into their mouths in search of understanding. Stop opening the wrong doors, looking through the wrong windows, walking winding paths behind people who don't have time for you. Bet on a few simple rules in life, on clear priorities. Bet on people who are there for you and who you can count on when your foot gets twisted. Bet on quality, not quantity. Avoid, avoid as much as possible fake friends who have a vested interest in you. Don't try to please everyone, don't ask for their attentions, don't fight for people who would never fight for you. Bet on yourself, build a relationship with someone who wants you, but doesn't need you. Because the recipe for happiness lies in simplicity, because love is simple, and the road to happiness for two despite the many twists and turns is passable if you have the right person by your side.
- Nawrocki

Health and high vibration🙌💚Know Thy Self👁

22 Oct, 14:15

In your reality you have this film that is displayed in your "projector". What you draw - that's what you see. The only problem is that people do the opposite: what they see - that's what they paint. Do you understand this difference?
Vladim Zeland

Health and high vibration🙌💚Know Thy Self👁

22 Oct, 13:24

Ego don't want to face that fear sets boundaries and is about one's own box and demands for others to get in it. Conflict only exist for people in a box demanding others get in it. Setting boundaries is fear of history repeating and it does for the energy of fear. Nope what I said doesn't validate the unconscious behaviour of fear that demands people to be controlled.
Chris Duff

Health and high vibration🙌💚Know Thy Self👁

22 Oct, 13:15

Surrendering is not the giving up of something.
True surrender is the total acceptance of yourself.
You're not 'losing' anything in the surrender, the way your society usually means that word. You are not giving up anything in the sense of loss. Surrender means to open up: Open up to your total self; to give in and let go of the things you think you're supposed to be. Just be who you are. It will see you through.

Health and high vibration🙌💚Know Thy Self👁

22 Oct, 10:01

“Wearing a human costume” can be a metaphor for the roles and masks we put on in our daily lives. It suggests that sometimes we might feel like we’re just playing a part, hiding our true selves behind a facade to fit in or meet expectations.

This idea encourages us to reflect on our authenticity and the ways we can be more genuine in our interactions.

Health and high vibration🙌💚Know Thy Self👁

22 Oct, 09:57

Your energy is precious and deserves protection. Guarding your energy means setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and being mindful of influences around you. By doing so, you can maintain well-being and live a balanced, fulfilling life. 🌌

Set clear boundaries. Learn to say no to things that drain you and yes to what uplifts you. Prioritize your needs and avoid overcommitting. 🌿

Surround yourself with positive influences. Spend time with people who support and inspire you. Avoid those who bring negativity or drain your energy. Positive relationships are vital for maintaining a healthy energy balance. 🧘‍♀️

Practice mindfulness and meditation. These help you stay present and manage your energy effectively. By grounding yourself in the moment, you can better handle stress and prevent energy depletion. 🌠

Engage in regular self-care. Activities like exercise, healthy eating, adequate sleep, and hobbies that bring joy are essential for replenishing your energy. Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. 🌸

Limit exposure to negative media. Constantly consuming negative news or social media can drain your energy. Instead, seek out uplifting and inspiring content that nourishes your mind and spirit.

Practice energy-clearing techniques. Yoga, deep breathing, nature walks, or using crystals and sage help clear negative energy and restore vitality. 💖

Listen to your body. Pay attention to how different environments, activities, and people affect your energy levels. Adjust your lifestyle to ensure positive, energizing influences. 🌿

Maintain a positive mindset. Focus on what brings joy and fulfillment. Practicing gratitude and positive affirmations keeps your energy high and your spirit vibrant. 🌟

Protecting your energy is a continuous practice. Be gentle with yourself and make adjustments as needed. By valuing and safeguarding your energy, you can live a more balanced, peaceful, and joyful life. 🌿

Health and high vibration🙌💚Know Thy Self👁

22 Oct, 09:51

What we call consciousness is a word that implies your real nature, your real Self. Which is you right now. Right now you are the Self. Right now you are everything you want to be. Right this moment.

You say to yourself: "No, I'm just a dumb human being.", then you are. If that is what you want to call yourself. But no matter what you say to yourself. No matter what you do to yourself you can never change your real nature one iota.

You are Brahman, the absolute reality. No matter what you say, no matter what you do, no matter how you act. You're still God.

Robert Adams

Health and high vibration🙌💚Know Thy Self👁

22 Oct, 09:46

Whenever we take too concretely an urge to love or hate, then the coniunctio is exteriorized and thereby destroyed.

If we are gripped by a strong attraction to a person or a thing, we must reflect on it.

As Jung says:

Unless we prefer to be made fools of by our illusions, we shall, by carefully analysing every fascination, extract from it a portion of our own personality, like a quintessence, and slowly come to recognize that we meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.

The same applies to our passionate antipathies.

They also must be subjected to thorough analytic scrutiny. Whom do I hate? What groups or factions do I fight against?

Whoever and whatever they are, they are a part of me; I'm bound to that which I hate as surely as I am to that which I love.

The important thing, psychologically, is where one's libido is lodged, not whether one is for or against a particular thing.

If we follow such reflections diligently, very gradually we will collect our scattered psyche from the outer world, as Isis gathered the dismembered body of Osiris, and in doing that we will be working on the coniunctio.

~Edward F. Edinger, Mystery of the Coniunctio, Page 17-18

Health and high vibration🙌💚Know Thy Self👁

21 Oct, 23:30

People that want to attract something into their life...

The question they want to ask themselves is, why do you want that thing in your life?

what emotions do you want to feel?

Because if someone’s like, “Well, I want more money, I want the relationship. I want this, I want that.”

Why do you want that?

If you get down to the core, you want it because of some emotion you will feel if you had it.

Now, the funny thing is you can feel those emotions right now.

You could, it’s just that the brain has an expectation that “I will not feel this until this happens.”

And the focus is what literally blocks the feeling from being primed into the energetic field.

Focus instead on priming your energetic field for the emotions you want to experience more of.

So if you can feel grateful for something before it’s in your life, you will experience more synchronicities and opportunities that reflect that energy state.

Health and high vibration🙌💚Know Thy Self👁

21 Oct, 23:18

We accept people into our lives, relate, date, mate and marry from abandonment issues. Virtually 99% of what we call love, is not. It’s an intoxication of external validation because we have such little value and love inside from our childhood. The needy wanting and trying and seeking is virtually mostly from this blind space within. Writers of fiction in novels, plays and tv and movies all write from these blind places. It’s an utter bitch to be Toto and pull the curtain open on the false wizard of oz of love. It’s ok. All issues problems stem from our unloved self. We match the lack inside us, blame the other from us. And that’s the mirror of us.