Inspiring Thoughts


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๐Ÿ“š @InspiringThoughts

Inspiring Thoughts

21 Oct, 02:02

May be it's a repeat post... Still..
Please watch this video till the end: "Every Life Matters" and forward further. We don't know whose life it will touch.

Every problem has a solution. We just need the right guidance to find it.

Who will guide me? If you have faith, God will send the right person at the right time to lead you in the right direction.

One Life, One Opportunity.

Donโ€™t waste it by worrying over small things. Cherish the most precious gift of all โ€“ this life as a HUMAN.

God bless.
๐Ÿ™ Hare Krishna ๐Ÿ™
- Atchuta

Inspiring Thoughts

21 Oct, 01:30

What truly matters is not the victories in small battles, but the ultimate triumph in the war.

Wish you most and more

Inspiring Thoughts

20 Oct, 02:56

Mother cat lifting her baby.
Very interesting.

Inspiring Thoughts

19 Oct, 01:32

@ Mahatria :*๐Ÿ”ด๐Ÿ”ด๐Ÿ”ด

This is success, this is God, this is faith, this is good wife, this is good husband, this is an ideal son, this is how a country should be, this is how a business should run. We have already created a lot of these definitions and we are expecting life to fit into that definition. Your own definitions are limiting the possibilities of what you can be because there are definitions with which you look at a person and you are not relating to reality.

By what you define, you confine." If that has to expand, your psychological bandwidth of perception has to expand. Break it open. Become an open book. Just expand these bandwidth of perceptions. Relook at your beliefs!!! (Part - 3/3)

Wishing you most & more.
๐ŸŒนJai Shree Krishna ๐ŸŒน

Inspiring Thoughts

19 Oct, 01:32

@ Mahatria :๐Ÿ”ด๐Ÿ”ด๐Ÿ”ด

There are qualities in a relationship which you are not experiencing. And you begin to relate to those qualities in the relationship if you can alter your bandwidth of perception. The divine providence is available all the time. In fact, so many times people come and ask, "I do pooja, I do this, I do that, why I am still not able to experience God?โ€

You are not able to experience God because you have a perception of who your God is. Rather than taking an experience and defining it, you have already defined something and you are expecting your experience to fit into that definition. With all the knowledge we have gained we have somehow created a lot of pre-definitions: - (Part - 2/3)

Wishing you most & more.
๐ŸŒนJai Shree Krishna ๐ŸŒน

Inspiring Thoughts

19 Oct, 01:32

Mahatria :*๐Ÿ”ด๐Ÿ”ด๐Ÿ”ด

All of us have a psychological bandwidth of perception which are called beliefs. The life that we are able to perceive, the life that we are able to experience, and the life that we are able to live is within the scope of the psychological bandwidth of your own perception, which are your beliefs.

And all that is required is to alter the psychological bandwidth of perception, and suddenly you begin to see in life what you never saw before. And by shift in beliefs you no more have to see what you need not see. And all that is required is alteration in the bandwidth of your own perception. Everything happens only after a transformation in your bandwidth of perceptions!!! (Part - 1/3)

Wishing you most & more.
๐ŸŒนJai Shree Krishna ๐ŸŒน

Inspiring Thoughts

19 Oct, 01:18

Ram is your soul

Sita is your heart

Ravan is your mind that steals your heart from your soul

Lakshman is your consciousness, always with you and act on your behalf

Hanuman is your intuition and courage that helps retrieve your heart to re-animate your soul

That's Ramanaya

Inspiring Thoughts

19 Oct, 01:09

Try to avoid 2 traps

1. Caring about what others think.
2. Thinking that others care.

Inspiring Thoughts

18 Oct, 17:58

What an idea Sir Ji! ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Š

Inspiring Thoughts

17 Oct, 03:49

๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†This is the mystery of life - it is not who started first or the fastest or the strongest who wins the race of life!

So just do your best, be happy and life will bless you !

Inspiring Thoughts

17 Oct, 00:18

Time waits for no one. Use each moment wisely, for every second is a building block toward your dreams.

The future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.

Inspiring Thoughts

17 Oct, 00:17

Success is not about how fast you reach the goal, but how consistently you move toward it, even when the path is unclear.

Every step counts, and time rewards the persistent.