Devansh Agarwal


Devansh Agarwal

05 Sep, 12:20

Everyone's so plugged in these days.

Headphones on.

All the time. Everywhere.

In the gym. While going for a walk.

While working. While eating food.

And it is only gonna get worse.

Just saw a dude forgetting his phone and heading out of the cafe.

Another man saw this and called out his name 4 times as he was going out.

But the dude was 'plugged in' into his own world.

He didn't listen. Obviously.

No idea what's happening in his surroundings.

0 spatial awareness.

And the only way he would have realized that he left his phone back is when he would have walked far enough from his phone for his Bluetooth to get disconnected.

Lucky for him the man was generous enough to run up to him.

Makes sense if you wanna minimize distractions for short periods in your own private space.

But damn, FFS be aware of your surroundings when you're heading out in public.

Makes 0 sense to disable one of your sensory organs just because you can't handle your "thoughts".

Or because you get "bored" so much so that you have to be titillated 24*7 by music.

Just grow up and embrace silence.

Devansh Agarwal

01 Aug, 11:44

Never stop trying new things.

In the past 4 years I have tried:

Cold Emailing
Email Marketing
Lead Generation
Print on Demand
Affiliate marketing
Audience Building
Personal Branding
Appointment Setting
Social Media Marketing

And partys just getting started.

Don't do it hoping that the 'dots will connect'.

Do it for the very fun of it.

Devansh Agarwal

01 Jun, 11:20

"my job is killing me"

"doing business is so hard"

"I can't lose weight"

"No one likes me"

And a bazillion other general excuses people make

And then u see someone with a prosthetic arm.

Really put things in perspective.

No matter where you're in life you gotta be grateful.

Life can always get worse.

Devansh Agarwal

24 May, 13:36

A common advice you must have heard from sales people over and over again:

"Shut up and stop talking after you tell them your prices"

So I thought of fuking around to test this theory.

I got on a sales call for a premium coaching program.

The closer was ticking every box.

Understanding my intent.
My problems.
Possible solutions.
Laying down the roadmap.

The whole charade.

Then we finally got to the main point.
The money point.

I asked him how much.

He replied back with xyz dollars.

And as I expected he shut up.

I also didn't say anything. Intentionally ofcs.

And there was pin drop silence. From both the sides.

We were both just staring at each other.


I was waiting to see how long is he gonna wait before he says something.

He was obviously following what he was taught and learnt over the years.

I couldn't hold it in after 30-40 sec and started laughing my ass off.

So did he.

After he realised what was going on.

Point of the matter is to take the ideas with a grain of salt.

Don't just follow them blindly.

They are not rules you have to abide by.

Reading the room and adapting on the spot is a skill u must hone.

Devansh Agarwal

15 Apr, 05:27

One advice that will help many people break free from the imaginary prison they are in:

Don't underestimate the people's narcissism.

They don't care about you nearly as much as you think they do.

You're at best an extra/side character in their movie.

Rewire your mind by repeating this thought pattern until it solidifies and helps u break free.

Devansh Agarwal

05 Apr, 11:07

As long as you're playing the game of life you can't lose.

You only lose when you quit.

Remember, you just need one win to make it in life.

Just one.

So in a nutshell:

Life gives you endless possibilities.

You need just one big win to make it.

You can't lose until you quit.

And yet 99% people quit too soon.

Make it make sense.

Devansh Agarwal

24 Mar, 07:23

In times when everyone and their mother is preaching about having a personal brand

The people who are building themselves and thriving in the offline world will beat all the copy pasting cookie clutters empty shell of a brand.

People want context.
People want experiences.

They don't wanna be told what to do.
They wanna know what you did to solve the xyz problem.

Devansh Agarwal

17 Mar, 11:53

Kinda crazy how entitled 99% of the population is.

As if the world owes them something.

The Queen of the UK died.

Who cares? Nobody.

Kobe Bryant died.

Who cares today? Nobody.

You need to constantly remind yourself of your mortality

And understand that nobody's opinions matter more than yours.

Stop living in the fear of what other people will think.

You get one shot.

Don't waste it.

Devansh Agarwal

05 Mar, 04:17

My timeline is filled with praise for Dune 2.

And here I'm who found Dune too boring to watch past 20 min.

"Oh but the cinematography"

Don't care if it's boring.

Devansh Agarwal

04 Mar, 06:17

Nobody tells you about the power of a quiet hustle.

Everybody’s chasing the noise.

Looking for the spotlight.

But here's the thing:

True growth lies in the whisper of early mornings, in the grind nobody sees.

It’s in persistence when everyone else is looking for shortcuts.

Embrace the quiet hustle.

Devansh Agarwal

27 Feb, 03:54

Slept for about 4hrs last night.

Didn't feel like getting up and dragging myself to the gym.

But that's what an NPC would have done.

So I went to the gym.

Easy choice.

Devansh Agarwal

17 Feb, 05:28

People say:

"Follow your passion"

"Do what you love"

"Find your purpose"

And hey if you're one of those whose passion is actually propelling you up then congratulations

But the ground reality is that most people either don't know what their passion is or their interests/hobbies are actually detrimental for their life.

Most people's hobbies aren't science, design, or competitive sports but watching movies, scrolling social media, and getting wasted every weekend.

I was one of them.

Didn't have any interests/hobbies I could pursue and neither did I have any bigger than life purpose.

So for such people you need to make freedom your "goal".

Financial freedom. Location freedom. Time freedom.

Purpose can wait.

But if you keep waiting for a grand purpose in your life, you might end up waiting for your entire life.

Also I think it was @JeffBezos who said you don't choose your passion but the passion chooses you.

So the best thing you can do is keep yourself engaged in achieving the "goal". Become better every single way in every single way.

And if passion/purpose finds you, well and good. If it doesn't, keep your head down and continue working. Don't settle.

Devansh Agarwal

07 Feb, 15:38

Devansh Agarwal

30 Jan, 15:10

Devansh Agarwal

22 Jan, 15:27

Devansh Agarwal

16 Jan, 16:33

Devansh Agarwal

11 Jan, 16:39

Devansh Agarwal

09 Jan, 15:19

“Don’t look down”

Said my bungee jumping instructor.

While I was looking down.

Standing at the edge of a 100m fall.

Nervous. Scared. Second doubting.

Down there were pointy rocks and a fast flowing river.

Chances of survival almost 0 if the cable snaps and you hit the ground.

And thats when it hit me that it’s not a problem as long as you don’t look down.

You can extrapolate the same in life as well.

Often times you back out from things just because you look at the worst extreme scenario and get into the whole trap of analysis paralysis.

I’d have kept on overthinking too while standing at the edge of the platform before jumping…

To jump or not
If i’d be safe or not

Blah blah blah

Luckily the instructor cut the bs.

He said i’d count till 5 and then will push you.

And that’s exactly what he did.

And that’s exactly what you need in life too to breakthrough the rat race you’re in.

Stop thinking too much and take the plunge.

You might land safely.

You might hurt yourself.

BUT atleast you won’t regret standing like a moron whos too deep in his head he doesn’t even acknowledge the world thats infront of him.

This is your sign.


Devansh Agarwal

04 Jan, 15:23

Devansh Agarwal

03 Jan, 16:03

Happy new year guys.
What are your new year's resolutions?