Англис тили


Админ: @bekturan

Англис тилин үйрөнүүчүлөргө арналат

Англис тили

16 Jun, 02:04

What is Eid-al-Adha?

There are two key Eid’s (Celebration Festivals) in Islam: Eid-al-Fitr, which signifies the completion of the Holy Month of Ramadan; and Eid-al-Adha, the greater Eid, which follows the completion of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, at the time of Qurbani (sacrifice).

Although Eid-al-Adha has no direct relation to the Hajj Pilgrimage, it is but a day after the completion of Hajj and therefore has significance in time.

The day of Eid-al-Adha falls on the tenth day in the final (twelfth) month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar; Dhu-al-Hijjah. The day that celebrations fall on is dependent on a legitimate sighting of the moon, following the completion of the annual Holy Pilgrimage of Hajj -  which is an obligation for all Muslim’s who fit specific criteria, one of the important Five Pillars of Islam.

The celebration of Eid-al-Adha is to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim’s devotion to Allah SWT and his readiness to sacrifice his son, Ismail. At the very point of sacrifice, Allah SWT replaced Ismail with a ram, which was to be slaughtered in place of his son. This command from Allah SWT was a test of Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness and commitment to obey his Lord’s command, without question. Therefore, Eid-al-Adha means the festival of sacrifice.

Depending on the country, the celebrations of Eid-al-Adha can last anywhere between two and four days. The act of Qurbani (sacrifice) is carried out following the Eid Salaah (Eid Prayers), which are performed in congregation at the nearest Mosque on the morning of Eid.

The act of Qurbani consists of slaughtering an animal as a sacrifice to mark this occasion in remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim’s sacrifice for Allah SWT. This is also known as Udhiya. The days of animal sacrifice total three days, from the 10th to the 12th of Dhu-al-Hijjah.

The sacrificial animal must be a sheep, lamb, goat, cow, bull or a camel; the sheep, lamb or goat consist of one Qurbani share, whereas a bull, cow or camel consist of seven shares per animal. The animal must be in good health and over a certain age in order to be slaughtered, in a “halal” friendly, Islamic way.

The Qurbani meat can then divided into three equal portions per share; one-third is for you and your family, one-third is for friends, and the final third is to be donated to those in need.

Traditionally, the day is spent celebrating with family, friends and loved ones, often wearing new or best attire and the giving of gifts.


• signify – билдирет
• completion – аяктоо
• Hajj pilgrimage – Ажылык кылуу
• sacrifice – курмандык
• significance – мааниси
• obligation – милдеттенме
• Pillar – түркүк
• commemorate – эскерүү
• willingness – даярдык
• commitment – милдеттенме, приверженность
• congregation – жыйналыш
• slaughter – союу
• sacrificial animal – курмандыкка чалынуучу мал
• portion – бөлүк, үлүш
• donate – кайрымдуулук кылуу
• attire – кийим

Англис тили

09 Jun, 13:43

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 – An Unsolved Mystery

On March 8, 2014 a Malaysia Airlines jet carrying 239 people on board vanished from the radar screens. The Boeing 777 was on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing when it disappeared . Almost three years later the three countries that looked for the missing plane, China, Malaysia and Australia, announced that the search was being called off. The disappearance of  Flight 370 is surely one of the greatest aviation mysteries of all times.

About an hour after it had taken off from Kuala Lumpur the pilots  communicated with ground control for the last time. Then the jet changed its course and turned south, flying towards the Indian Ocean. Investigators claim that the plane had flown for at least another 5 hours before crashing into the sea.

In July 2015 , part of a wing was found on Reunion Island. Since then over 20 objects  from the missing plane have been found. The plane’s flight recorder, which could unravel what happened on board, was never found.

In the last three years search crews scanned  over 120 000 square kilometres of the Indian Ocean. However, officials say that it is virtually impossible to pinpoint  the exact location of the crash. The most expensive airplane search in history  cost about 150 million dollars. Despite the best technology available, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370  could not be found.

Support groups who represented the relatives of the passengers said they were disappointed that the search had been called off.


• announce – v. жарыяла-, билдир-
• available – жетиштүү, кол жеткидей, мүмкүн болгон
• call off – stop, токтотуу
• claim – ырастоо, айтуу, талап кылуу
• despite – карабастан
• disappearance – жок болуу
• disappointed – көңүл калтыруу, иренжитүү
• flight recorder – учактын  канчалык ылдам жана кайсы багытта жылып жатканын жазып турган курал
• investigator – изилдөөчү
• official – расмий, официалдуу, кызмат кишиси
• pinpoint – так аныктоо
• search crew – учак издеп жүргөн адамдар
• support group – башкаларга жардам берген адамдардын тобу
• unravel – татаал же сырдуу нерсени ачуу
• vanish – жок бол-, көздөн кайым бол-
• virtually – adv. чындыгында, иш жүзүндө
• wing – канат

Англис тили

01 Jun, 11:32

The experience of a lifetime!🍀

I studied marketing at Michigan State University. When I graduated, I decided to learn a foreign language. I chose Spanish because I heard many people around the world speak Spanish, so I thought it would be useful.

A friend who was a student at Temple University in Philadelphia recommended that I study Spanish there, An important part of the course involved studying abroad. Well, at first I didn't really know which country to go to, but one day I saw a TV show about Panama. It looked like a great place to visit, so that's where I went!

When I got to Panama, I was nervous because it was my first time abroad on my own. However, everyone at the college was really friendly and welcoming. On weekends, they took me and the other new students to visit a lot of fun places. They also organized activities so we could meet the local people. Our Spanish teacher was really good, too. I was only there three months, but I learned a lot.

Afterward, I went back to Philadelphia and immediately started investigating other study abroad options. This time I decided to go to Mexico! After one month in Mexico City, I moved to Guadalajara. I really enjoyed my time in both places, and felt my Spanish improved a lot. In Mexico City, I stayed with a host family as it was more economical. I worked part-time in a restaurant and saved some money, so when I moved to Guadalajara, my budget was bigger and I rented an apartment. My four months there were the best of all. We spoke Spanish all the time in class! I found it very hard at first and sometimes got annoyed because I couldn't understand everything. However, it was a very effective way to learn and actually, by the time I left, I was fluent.

That's why, when I graduated a year later from Temple University with a degree in Spanish, I found a job in Spain. I started working for an advertising company in Madrid. Nowadays, I can't believe how lucky I am. Madrid is such an interesting and historic city to live in, and I really enjoy my job. What's more, shortly after settling here, I met a Spanish girl named Adela. Six months ago we got married!

For me, studying abroad was an amazing opportunity to socialize and become friends with people from all over the world. It gave me some fantastic insights into different cultures. But it also gave me a great job, a wife ... in fact, a whole new life. I'd recommend the experience to everyone. Go on, give it a try!

Gavin J. Lawson

• thought – ойлоо
• recommend [рэко‘мэнд]–v. сунуш кыл-; кеңеш бер-
• involve [ин‘волв] – камтуу, тартуу, жалпы кылуу.
• However [хау‘эвэ] – adv. ошондой болсо да, бирок
• activities – иш-аракет, ишмердүүлүк
• Afterward – Андан кийин
• immediately – дароо, токтоосуз
• investigate – изилдөө
• option – тандоо, вариант
• improve – өркүндөтүү, жакшыртуу
• budget [‘бажит] – бюджет
• annoy [э‘ной]–v. жадат-; кыжырга тий-, кыжырды келтир
• effective –майнаптуу, натыйжалуу, таасирдүү, үзүрдүү, үзүрлүү, эффективдүү
• fluent [‘флууэнт] –тез; шар, шыр
• advertising – жарнама
• settling –отурукташуу
• opportunity –мүмкүнчүлүк
• socialize–коомдук
• insights – түшүнүк, идея

Англис тили

27 May, 01:17

🔰 What are the chances of + (verb-ing)
( мүмкүнчүлүк / шанс кандай)
( каков шанс, Какова вероятность)

• What are the chances of winning the lottery?
Лотереядан утуп алуу шансым кандай?

• What are your chances of getting the job?
Жумушка ээ болуу мүмкүнчүлүгүңүз кандай?

• What are our chances of going together?
Биздин чогуу барууга мүмкүнчүлүктөр кандай?

Англис тили

22 May, 18:21

Advanced C1

Full Transcript 👈
#Listening: 👂🎧

Англис тили

18 May, 02:36

Дословный перевод: төгүлгөн сүткө ыйлоо; плакать о пролитом молоке

Смысловой перевод: өзгөртө албаган нерсеге өкүнүү, өткөн менен жашап, көз жашыңыз кайгыңызга жардам бербейт.


🌿 There's no use crying over spilled milk. Let's focus on finding a solution.
[зэриз] [ноу] [юз] [краин] [овер] [спиллт] [милк] [летс] [фокус] [он] [файндин] [э] [солюшн]
[ðerz] [noʊ] [jus] [ˈkraɪɪŋ] [ˈoʊvər] [spɪld] [mɪlk]. [lɛts] [ˈfoʊkəs] [ɒn] [ˈfaɪndɪŋ] [ə] [səˈluːʃən].
Өткөн ишке өкүнүүдөн пайда жок. Чечим табууга көңүл буралы.
Нет смысла плакать о пролитом молоке. Давайте сосредоточимся на поиске решения.

Англис тили

15 May, 03:51

Другие значения слова: (кытыгы келтирүү) веселить, угождать, щекотка.

Stop tickling me!
[стоп] [ˈтиклин] [ми:] !
[stɒp] [ˈtɪklɪŋ] [mi:] !
Мени кытыгылаганыңды токтот!
Перестань меня щекотать!

Grass tickles my feet.
[грэс] [ˈтиклз] [май] [фи:т] .
[ɡræs] [ˈtɪklz] [maɪ] [fiːt] .
Чөп бутумду кытыгылайт.
Трава щекочет мои стопы.

Англис тили

12 May, 15:28

Другие значения слова: ( ат, жылкы ) жеребец, конь, лошадь


🌿 He mounted his trusty steed and rode off into the sunset.
[хи] [маунтэд] [хиз] [трасти] [стид] [энд] [роуд] [офф] [инто] [зэ] [сансэт]
[hiː] [ˈmaʊntɪd] [hɪz] [ˈtrʌsti] [stiːd] [ænd] [roʊd] [ɔːf] [ˈɪntuː] [ðə] [ˈsʌnˌsɛt].
Ал ишенимдүү айгырын минип, күн баткан тарапка жөнөдү.
Он вскочил на своего надежного скакуна и устремился в дальний путь под закатом.

Англис тили

12 May, 04:25

Другие значения слова: (n. көрүнүш; көз караш;
v. кара-, тикте-; ) картина, вид, пространство, обзор


🌿 The breathtaking view from the mountaintop left me speechless.
[брифтейкин] [вью] [фром] [зэ] [маунтэйнлоп] [лэфт] [ми] [спичлэсс]
[ðə] [ˈbreθˌteɪkɪŋ] [vjuː] [frɒm] [ðə] [ˈmaʊntənˌtɒp] [lɛft] [miː] [ˈspiːtʃləs].
Тоонун чокусунан укмуштуудай көрүнүш мени сөз жок калтырды.
Захватывающий вид с горной вершины оставил меня без слов.

🌿 I sat by the window and enjoyed the serene view of the lake.
[ай] [сэт] [бай] [зэ] [виндоу] [энд] [энджойд] [зэ] [сэрин] [вью] [оф] [зэ] [лэйк]
[aɪ] [sæt] [baɪ] [ðə] [ˈwɪndoʊ] [ænd] [ɪnˈdʒɔɪd] [ðə] [səˈriːn] [vjuː] [əv] [ðə] [leɪk].
Терезенин жанына отуруп, көлдүн бейпил көрүнүшүнөн ырахаттандым.
Я сидел у окна и наслаждался спокойным видом на озеро.

Англис тили

11 May, 16:35

Другие значения слова: (буйрукту аткаруу) повиноваться, слушаться, выполнять приказание.

You must obey.
[ю] [маст] [оˈбэй] .
[ju] [mʌst] [əˈbeɪ] .
Сен баш ийишиң керек.
Ты обязан подчиниться.

They refused to obey the order.
[зэй] [риˈфью:зд] [ту] [оˈбэй] [зэ] [ˈо:дэ] .
[ðeɪ] [rɪˈfjuːzd] [tu] [əˈbeɪ] [ðə] [ˈɔːdə] .
Алар буйрукту аткаруудан баш тартышты.
Они отказались подчиняться приказу.

Англис тили

07 May, 17:08

Другие значения слова: трикотажный, спаянный, крепкий.

I like to wear knitted socks in winter.
[ай] [лайк] [ту] [уээ] [ˈнитид] [сокс] [ин] [ˈуинтэ] .
[aɪ] [laɪk] [tu] [weə] [ˈnɪtɪd] [sɒks] [ɪn] [ˈwɪntə] .
Кышында токулган байпак кийгенди жакшы көрөм.
Зимой я люблю носить вязаные носки.

I feel very cosy in my knitted sweater.
[ай] [фи:л] [ˈвэри] [ˈкоузи] [ин] [май] [ˈнитид] [ˈсуэтэ] .
[aɪ] [fiːl] [ˈveri] [ˈkəʊzi] [ɪn] [maɪ] [ˈnɪtɪd] [ˈswɛtə] .
Токулган свитерим менен өзүмдү абдан ыңгайлуу сезем.
Мне очень уютно в своём вязаном свитере.

Англис тили

04 May, 04:58

Другие значения слова: ( төмөн түшүү, ылдый түшүү; )опускаться, происходить, снижаться.

We need to descend down the rope.
[уи] [ни:д] [ту] [диˈсэнд] [дaун] [зэ] [роуп] .
[wi] [niːd] [tu] [dɪˈsɛnd] [daʊn] [ðə] [rəʊp] .
Биз аркан менен ылдый түшүшүбүз керек.
Нам надо спуститься вниз по верёвке.

Our plane started to descend.
[ˈaуэ] [плэйн] [ˈста:тид] [ту] [диˈсэнд] .
[ˈaʊə] [pleɪn] [ˈstɑːtɪd] [tu] [dɪˈsɛnd] .
Биздин учак ылдыйлай баштады.
Наш самолёт начал снижаться.