

Stay updated on the current ways to make money, fix your mindset, get rich. Here I’ll share everything I know.


22 Oct, 20:51

Guys, don’t date women if you can’t afford it, focus on yourself.

It’s just rude of you inviting a woman into your messy life & you’ll lose focus anyways.

Level up first..


20 Oct, 23:21

Comfort is the killer of man


19 Oct, 22:11

A healthy man has a thousand wishes, but a sick man only has one.

Do not give up your health on the way to the top & never take it for granted. Extract yourself from things that will ruin your body.


18 Oct, 10:51

Wanna get rich? Answer messages instantly, do things fast, stop perfecting bullshit


17 Oct, 21:14

My secret to success was taking one step before knowing the next, you’ll figure things out as you go, stop wasting your time learning everything beforehand.

The path will get clearer as you walk it, for each step you take you’ll be lead into the next one.

Anyone studying everything & perfecting things before starting is an idiot


14 Oct, 17:29

I still hustle like I'm broke, that's why I got richer than most people in the game


14 Oct, 17:28

Another 14 hour work day completed. I actually do this. Nobody in the game has the same drive & hunger, they make some money & get comfortable, I learnt from comfort, it's the killer of man. Every day we need to give everything and be obsessed with improvement, make your whole life around it. There's no point in playing video games or drinking with friends, it's funnier to have beers with your boys in Monaco, in some penthouse celebrating a million dollar month, that's an actual reason to party. Most don't have the hunger. To be honest you need to be a bit crazy and obsessive to get rich, but it's easy. You reading this can do it, just be crazy enough to believe it's possible, and take just one step every day. You will learn as you go, step by step, but know that it takes work. Everyone promising you ROI and richness in 2 months are fooling you for their own profit. While it's possible, this is a long term game, play it like that, don't rush for 10K tomorrow. Just get better every day and soon you'll be a millionaire, maybe next year.


14 Oct, 12:54

Use this if you're starting a new Shopify store in Q4, it gives you Shopify for just 1$.


14 Oct, 12:54



14 Oct, 10:32

Always be available, that’s how you make money.

I’m in my phone 16H/day, not fully focused, not always working but I’m always available.

People want to do business with available people, not the type of guys who you can’t reach because it’s weekend.

Be available & easy to deal with, if I call a doctor and and he doesn’t respond in 1 minute, I’ve already found a new one I’m paying. I want things to happen instantly & if you’re not available you’ll miss the deal


13 Oct, 13:21

Should I post it this week?


13 Oct, 13:21

I took a dropshipping store from 0-30,000$ the first month of running it, who wants a full reveal on my channel showcasing the product, how I found it, just everything


13 Oct, 08:54

New week coming up, Q4 is here, let’s make it count.

You can either make a bunch of money now or watch me & my students do it from the sideline. You need to get activeâś…


11 Oct, 10:09

Don’t be scared to fail guys. If you’re all in & try every day, you will make it. Just keep pushing every day for a couple of months, trust me it will all work out🙏

Don’t live day by day & be demotivated by your last failure, chase tomorrows victory instead, look a few months ahead from now where you can be.


11 Oct, 09:49

Do not date if you’re broke or unready ^^


11 Oct, 09:30

How to get serious results in life^^


11 Oct, 09:19

My soul not for sale^^