

20 Oct, 18:01


ENSO ACADEMY's Topic Wise PYQ Compilations - Geography Optional- (1980-2024)

Price: Rs. 120/- (only PDF format & non-editable)

Those who purchased our 2023 edition have free access to the 2024 updated edition.

Mode of Payment- UPI
For Document and  payment details- contact


20 Oct, 01:25


Now the main question, How to Prepare Geography Optional.

By considering all those above mistakes, the following ingredients may make some difference ( nothing is assured) that too depending on aspirants acceptance and belief.

1. Preparation with Awareness: three sub components

(a) Emphasising on thorough Conceptual Understanding from Standard Textbooks ( ofcourse standard books don't contain complete syllabus, where ever required need to refer other materials and internet)

(b) UPSC Given Geography Optional Syllabus -Understanding and Keeping it as ultimate reference at all stages of preparation

(c) Topic Wise Previous Year Questions , Keeping them as benchmark to check your conceptual understanding and sufficiency of your source ( be it standard books or material) (rather than blindly wasting time on reading inappropriate content or having shallow understanding of concepts, it's better if you check through PYQ, then you can make needed changes effectively)

2. Systems Approach to Preparation: 2 sub components

(a) Treating Total syllabus as a System and syllabus topics as elements of that system representing different domains of our life , and knowing that those elements are interlinked in one or the other way with each other directly or indirectly.

(b) also knowing that some of those elements ( syllabus topics) are dynamic, means they have contemporary dimension ( so while reading a topic itself , trying to cover contemporary developments regarding that topic)

3. Having a clean mind ( without misconceptions and illusions about Optional) and open mind ( ready to accept mistakes and to get adapted to new approach)

4. Knowing that perfection is a myth be it about completing entire syllabus or writing so called best answers. Considering the scope of subject, how much you may cover the syllabus, there is a huge chance to get few questions ( 4-5 ) from unknown or little known topics. Accept this, so that you can know limitations and focus on what you can do.

Writing Answers, keep one thing in mind , purpose of writing answers is to know what kind of mistakes you are doing while understanding question demand and presenting the content in a meaningful way as per question demand. It first starts with imperfections only , sometimes even complete wrong answers do come, but if you focus on what is missing and where and why it's missing, then you can work on those aspects. So that relative perfection and relative good answers will become an outcome of your efforts.

Know what you are doing and whether it have anything to contribute towards your performance in optional exam.

So Finally it's your choice and your consequences.

Preparation with Awareness or Preparation with Ignorance.

All the best 🌿



20 Oct, 01:25


How to Prepare Geography Optional ?

Before knowing how to prepare, let's look into how not to prepare ( of course you can prepare if you want, it's your choice and your consequences)

Few generalized ways of wrong approach to preparation.. as follows

1. Blindly mugging up and reading, revising same xyz notes and thinking they are preparing optional so well

2. Not understanding Syllabus, as rather than syllabus putting trust on some faculty and their notes

3. Focusing more on some institutes test series and model answers, rather than understanding previous year questions.

4. Neglecting ( some don't even buy standard books, rather buy all the material in market) necessary standard books.

5. Not having contemporary dimension regarding syllabus topics, this happens as a result of following some odd notes ( as they are so busy in reading and revising that notes, like all questions are going to come from that notes itself) .

6. lack of interlinking skills for concepts within chapter, between and among chapters and also between both papers ( as it requires quite amount self-efforts and struggle to understand syllabus, no notes will give it artificially).

7. Neglecting Paper-2 and certain portions of Paper-1 , by their imagination that just by reading from the preliminary exam perspective and a little GS mains perspective, they can easily write answers in optional. Don't know how they are missing the logic that if one studies the subject in detail and specifically, then it may help in GS, as Optional syllabus is very detailed and specific.

GS syllabus is very vague and general, how can this vague thing help in writing specific answers. (may be they know the logic)

8. Writing answers, this we need to talk , fixing a format for how to write answers , and reproducing it on paper ( here they don't bother about what question is expecting, they will write what they want to write, like a monarch )

9. The great formula , don't know from where people learning it , it is placing diagram on each page of answer 🙏( here they don't bother about name of diagram or other details of diagram or its specific relevance to question, all they need is they have to place diagram on each page)

10. From the beginning itself approaching Geography Optional with scepticism, getting influenced by the peer aspirants , that geography is difficult, geography is not giving marks , and if the influence is more , changing to other Optional ( that too many a times those who don't clear prelims , blame geography as difficult and change their Optional, if they really feel geography difficult it's good to change anyway, as it depends on their clarity) ,.....etc. ( may be there will be many more mistakes, )

Now , ask yourself if one makes all or some of the above 10 mistakes, then don't you think he/she is perfectly entitled to claim Geography is difficult and Geography is not giving good marks. Obviously, they will and they can say that.

But is it 100% True?

Is it Subject or is it your approach to Subject? Responsible for such claims around Geography. I don't know, so ask your self , may be you will know it.



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15 Oct, 11:42

"To be forewarned is to be forearmed"

Better to be awake and prepare with Awareness, rather than being ignorant and ruining the chances of clearing the Prelims exam.

Unless you unearth the intangible mistakes in your Preparation and Prelims Questions solving approach, it may become more difficult to improve your scores as much as you near the final exam.

So try to utilise each mock test you write as an opportunity to find out your mistakes using careful self-analysis, rather than simply memorizing the information given in answer explanations.

Till you are ignorant to your mistakes, anything in the market can drive you according to their selfish motives. As Man’s greatest difficulty is his ignorance about himself. When you don’t even know yourself, it is not surprising if your whole preparation goes wrong.

WithoutSelf-Analysis and Self-Awareness/Self-realization, preparation is like a boat whose captain is not in his senses, but just goes on rowing and steering the boat wherever.

Self-awareness is the basic essential for bringing the right momentum and destination to your preparation.

Prepare well with Awareness.

If you are asleep, try to wake up before its too late.

All the best


15 Oct, 11:33

#Awareness #Prelims #UPSC_CSE_2025


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15 Oct, 11:27

#Information #Prelims #UPSC_CSE_2025

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09 Oct, 14:46


ENSO ACADEMY's Topic Wise PYQ Compilations - Geography Optional- (1980-2024)

Price: Rs. 120/- (only PDF format & non-editable)

Those who purchased our 2023 edition have free access to the 2024 updated edition.

Mode of Payment- UPI
For Document and  payment details- contact


02 Oct, 09:07

ENSO ACADEMY's Topic Wise PYQ Compilation- GS-I, II, III & IV (2013-2024)- will be released soon

Price: Rs. 100/- (only PDF format)

Those who purchased our 2023 edition, have free access to the 2024 updated edition (after releasing the document they can ask for updated edition)

Mode of Payment- UPI

For Document and  payment details- contact


02 Oct, 00:30

🔥🔥  🌱🌱

There is a famous quote from Sun Tzu, “Know your enemy, know thyself, and you shall not fear a hundred battles.” Which is to say, without knowing your enemy, you will not understand what you must do in order to face him.

Here also more or less the same goes, "Know UPSC CSE demand, know thyself, and you may create an opportunity to clear UPSC CSE examination."

But the tragedy here is though everyone claim to be Serious and Sincere Aspirants to themselves, most of the times even after spending years and years together in this Preparation, they rarely do know UPSC CSE demand and even more worst is they never tried to look into themselves through self-analysis to know themselves w.r.t CSE exam, so it is obvious that what will be the consequences of such DUAL IGNORANCE, i.e., ignorance about UPSC CSE demand and ignorance of themselves.

Except UPSC CSE demand, these aspirants know everything else that's being propagated in the market through an instrument called as "CONDITIONING" (about exam and about their skills) by multiple forces for their self-interest through.

However irrespective of what market does, it is much of self-inflicted ignorance only. Here it's being remarked as self-inflicted ignorance, because there is no use in blaming market forces, thats their way of business, but as an aspirant trying to be AWARE of oneself and UPSC CSE demand, is one of the basic attributes to be expected.

In this self-inflicted ignorance, right from the beginning aspirants are reeling under market forces and facing consistent failures irrespective of their potential.

For your ignorant sleeping, you can blame 'n' number of market forces, but it only hardens your victim mindset and make you a living puppet in the hands of circumstances.

Awakening must come from inside, that will only happen when there is rigorous self-analysis and self-acceptance founded on the complete self-responsibility.

It is very saddening to see how aspirants are continuously becoming slaves to the market forces, loosing their self-esteem and turing out to be inefficient gradually.

Though physical slavery is more of ended, currently it is the age of mental slavery through much more forceful and powerful means like "manipulation and conditioning". So it is basic requirement of an aspirant who is aspiring to serve or lead others, first to secure himself/herself from the mental walls of slavery.

Anyone can enslave you only, until you don't realise that you are a slave, until you are reluctant to take self-responsibility and until you don't have an absolute self-belief.

So first being aware of current position and having a rational self-analysis is necessary to Awaken.

There are several good things in the market that may help an aspirant in their journey of preparation, but only the given condition that Aspirant is a Real Aspirant, and he/she knows UPSC CSE demand and himself/herself.

The most available way to understand UPSC CSE demand is, the Syllabus and the PYQ and some of the instructions provided by UPSC.

And to know oneself, what is required is keeping aside EGO voice, victim and defence mindset and seeing through one's self, to realise what one is doing everyday w.r.t Exam both in terms of Syllabus Preparation and mindset needed for the aspiring role.

This lack of self-analysis is diluting many potential aspirants productivity through subtle wastages of time here and there (in trivial activities which have nothing to do with the goal of that aspirant).

Thus, those supposedly real Aspirants out there, and if at all any of you are in ignorance sleeping, try to Awaken, before it's too late for making any changes.

Especially those giving 2025 attempt, it's critical time to Awaken urgently and utilise the next four months with Awareness of UPSC CSE demand and Yourself, so that your efforts may provide you an opportunity to clear this exam.

Prepare well with Awareness
All the best 😊



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