4 th year El minia mcq


‏اللهم اجعل قبور أمواتنا نور على نور وبشرهم بجنات تبدل وحشتهم سرور.

4 th year El minia mcq

21 Oct, 20:44

السؤال ده هتبقي الاجابه
24 hours urine collection
( حسب إجابة الدكتورة شيرين )

4 th year El minia mcq

21 Oct, 20:21

4 th year El minia mcq pinned «Pediatrics 👶🏻 ›› Rheumatic heart disease»

4 th year El minia mcq

21 Oct, 20:21

17-year-old patient comes to the internal medicine clinic complaining of knee and ankle pain associated with dyspnea and orthopnea. The patient mentions that he had a sore throat 2 weeks ago that went away with the aid of some herbalremedies. On examination, pulse: 110 beat/minute and regular
BP: 110/80, T: 37.8 cd RR: 25 /minute. There is swelling and tenderness in the right and left ankle joint. Apex is hyperkinetic with 3rd heart sound and holosystolic murmur heard at the apex and radiate to the axilla. Bi-basal crackles are heard in lung examination. The abdomen is soft without tenderness. A normal neurological examination. A throat swab is positive for streptococcus pyogenes.