Flat Earth Decoded


The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament showeth his handiwork

Flat Earth Decoded

20 Oct, 11:28


Flat Earth Decoded

20 Oct, 11:26

Not a dusty rock floating in space, but rather a beautiful heavenly body emitting its own light upon the earth. The Bible doesn’t say God created one great light and one reflector, it says God created TWO great lights, one to rule the day and the other to rule the night.

Flat Earth Decoded

20 Oct, 11:25

Break free from the lies

Flat Earth Decoded

17 Oct, 14:35


Flat Earth Decoded

17 Oct, 14:13

The sun cannot be a burning ball of gas in a space vacuum 93 million miles away and 109 times the size of earth. Only a lifetime of indoctrination would cause a person to adopt such a nonsensical ideology

Flat Earth Decoded

17 Oct, 14:12

Lies are complicated, the truth is simple

Flat Earth Decoded

17 Oct, 14:10

And it devours $65 million per day

Flat Earth Decoded

17 Oct, 13:58


Flat Earth Decoded

17 Oct, 13:57
