Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]


📌 Mainly about IELTS

Fayozova Sevinch [ IELTS 7.0 | LISTENING 8.5 | WRITING 7.0 ]
— Avid learner
— Persistent writer
( I will be sharing things which you may not see in any other channels )

✍🏻Owner: @SincerelySevinch

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

22 Oct, 19:29

Everything beyond the arrow is nothing but a distraction.

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

22 Oct, 13:18

PS 2: Demonstrate so’zini definition iga qarasez process larga ko’proq mos tushishini bilib olasiz … 🔛

Shuning uchun men hamma process larimga demonstrate so’zini ishlataman

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

22 Oct, 13:12

🟢 Again Pauline Cullen is explaining why it is a good idea to use “show” in Writing Task 1. If you are unsure about the use of other verbs , do not hesitate to use “show” as it doesn’t affect your score. But if you use other words inaccurately, it will DEFINITELY affect your score 💯

PS: Writing an introductory sentence is not compulsory ❗️

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

22 Oct, 10:36

Look carefully at what Pauline Cullen says.
➡️Points to notice

I have never seen a band 8.0 + report where words like “below”, “given” are included.

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

22 Oct, 10:11

Very cliched and mechanical way to start an intro/overview. It is not recommended to write so.

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

22 Oct, 10:03


Create your own style and be unique. Stop copying. Stop imitating.

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

21 Oct, 22:30


Agar Writing dan 8.0 osam, ushbu kanalni Writing uchun bag’ishlayman. I swear

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

21 Oct, 22:21

How to write introductions for a 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 in Writing Task 1🔤

➡️ The pictures illustrate how … is made/produced/recycled.

➡️ The pictures show the steps involed in making/producing … .

➡️The diagram highlights the
process by which … is made/produced/recycled.

🔗 Make use of it!

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

21 Oct, 21:51

I failed to keep my promise

And punished myself with writing two reports

The punishment has been accepted 🫡

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

21 Oct, 21:45

The process demonstrates the steps involved in the production of tea and how a cup of tea is made.

Overall, the process is comprised of three primary stages in which tea is produced and made ready to consume, including cultivation, delivery and preparation to drink.

Tea is native to India and China. Initially, seeds are sown across a field, making them readily available to absorb sunlight that the plants need to grow. After this stage, tea leaves are picked and put in basket before they are dried. Once this cultivation phase comes to end, the ready products are packed into boxes before being loaded onto a lorry, which serves to deliver the tea boxes to supermarkets where they can be sold.

After undergoing the stages above, ‘preparing a cup of tea’ phase comes, in which some water is boiled and poured into a cup containing a tea bag. Having done so, it should be left for two minutes. After this step, some milk and sugar can be added in to make its flavor more special. Finally, it is ready to be drunk.

(202 words)

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

21 Oct, 21:12

📌There are 3️⃣ major stages in this process :

➡️ cultivation

➡️ delivery

➡️ preparation to drink

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

21 Oct, 21:08

The process demonstrates the stages in which aluminium cans are recycled.

Overall, there are 3 major stages involved in the entire process: before, during and after the recycling phase.

The whole recycling process commences from throwing away obsolete cans prior to the step where these cans are collected and carried by a truck. Upon the arrival of this particular stage, these cans are cleaned, sorted, shredded and compressed, making them ready for the next stage where they are melted by extreme heat.

After being heated, it comes into new existence, thereafter which it is rolled up in thickness of 2.5 mm - 6 mm just before it is recycled. After undergoing the stages above, the final product is ready to be reused. In the UK, usually three quarters of aluminum is recycled.

(155 words)

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

21 Oct, 18:41

QUESTION: Ushbu processda nechta asosiy stage lar bor ? ⁉️

Write in the comments below⬇️:

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

21 Oct, 18:06

Buni bitta ko’ring, OVERVIEW yozish haqida fikriz o’zgaradi 🧑‍🎓

⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

21 Oct, 17:50

Sizam xohlasez komentga o’zizni «собственный» OVERVIEW izni yozib qoying, o’qib ko’raman. 🙂

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

21 Oct, 17:47

NEGA bu overview ⚡️dan yuqori ball ololmaydi?

To’gri grammar tomondan xatosiz yozilgani ba’zilarni chalg’itib qo’ygan bo’lishi mumkin, 🤔 LEKIN bu overview da shunchaki nechta step borligi va nimadan boshlanib, nimada tugashi aytilgan , lekin yaqinroqdan qaraganda 2-3 ta asosiy bosqich bor xolos. A biz esa overview da MAIN FEATURE ni yozishimiz kerak. XULLAS, steplar ni grouping qilishiz kerak. O’shanda decent overview yozgan hisoblanasiz.😎


Overall, there are 3 major stages involved in the entire process: the stages before, during and after the recycling phase.


1️⃣ recycle qilinishigacha bo’lgan davr

2️⃣ recycle qilinishini o’zi

3️⃣ recycle qilib bo’linganidan keyingisi

(Shunaqasiga grouping qisak bo’ladi hozirgi holatga)

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

21 Oct, 17:22

Hozir tushuntiraman NEGAligini 😉

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

21 Oct, 17:21

To’ppa-to’g’ri jovob shu bo’ldi .

Bu OVERALL g’irt ⚡️ ballik Overall edi.

Fayozova Sevinch [L:8.5; W:7.0]

21 Oct, 17:20

6 or 6+ chunki mem ham teacherimga wunday holda yozb korsatgandm wunaqa dedi.(teacher who has 7.5 in writing section)