مسرح faustus 🪄


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مسرح faustus 🪄

19 Oct, 21:52

Polonius to Claudius

Polonius obsequiously agrees with Claudius’s plan, but suggests that before sending Hamlet to England, Claudius should make one final attempt to get to the root of Hamlet’s madness by having Gertrude confront her son. Claudius agrees with Polonius’s advice, stating that Hamlet must be closely observed Claudius and Polonius know they must be careful—if they upset Gertrude by taking Hamlet away, their plans could backfire on them..

خلص المشهد الاول من Act3

مسرح faustus 🪄

19 Oct, 21:39

Hamlet when speaking to Ophelia, he describes her as a "nunnery". Clarify Hamlet's point of view.

هذا السؤال اجه سنه من السنين فاينل على هذا السبيج 👆

مسرح faustus 🪄

19 Oct, 21:36

هنا هاملت وصف اوفيليا بالراهبه

Hamlet to Ophelia

Hamlet warns Ophelia to stay away from him because he is a sinner. She is better off far away from his corruption. Hamlet knows that he can go off at any second and wants Ophelia to be safe from his wrath.
from his deep-seated anger and disillusionment with women, largely due to his mother's hasty remarriage. Additionally, Hamlet may be using Ophelia to further his facade of madness and to drive her away for her own safety, knowing the dangerous path his quest for revenge might take.

مسرح faustus 🪄

19 Oct, 20:51

Ophelia to Hamlet
- basically saying that when he came into her room and was acting crazy he was no longer sweet to her

Ophelia greets Hamlet and asks how he’s been doing. He tells her he’s been well. Ophelia tells Hamlet she has some “remembrances” to give back to him. Hamlet doesn’t even see what it is she has to give to him before insisting he never gave Ophelia anything. Ophelia insists that Hamlet gave her many gifts and sweetly-composed letters—but says that the joy they once brought her is gone, and she doesn’t want them anymore.

مسرح faustus 🪄

19 Oct, 20:23

اهم سبيج بالمسرحية كلها
اول سطر يجي فراغ
To be or not to be

Hamlet in his sililoque
- he is basically saying alive or dead that is the question, it applies to himself and to everyone around him
he is basically asking if it is better to endure or fight the bad luck and troubles that face you
he is saying that the problem with death is that no one knows what happens after death,
METAPHOR sleep for death
- METAPHOR dream for the after life

. The phrase “by opposing end them” seems noble or glorious, but what it literally means is to vanquish one’s “outrageous fortune” by ending one’s life. Thus Hamlet presents his lack of suicide not as the result of insufficient desperation, but rather his apathy from wishing to take on such a fight. Life becomes, for him, a constant decision of whether he will finally arrive at sufficient motivation to shift course and end his and/or Claudius’s lives.

مسرح faustus 🪄

19 Oct, 20:12

King to himself
- he is basically agreeing with what Polonius said and is saying that he is a hypocrite
- king confesses to us in this aside

murder of king ham, very important comment: admits he's guilty of the crime, and shows us he has guilt; this is important bc he has only one soliloquy in the whole play so this is important to know that he's guilty, makes him more nervous about hamlet

مسرح faustus 🪄

19 Oct, 20:08

عدكم هنا بهذا السبيج اول لاين من الملكه للملك
I shall obey you هنا الكلام موجه للملك
كالتله سأتبعك يعني اتبع كلامك
Gertrude to Claudius
- shakespear is sexist and portays women as pawns to the men in their lives rude

بعدين هذا And for your part…….
هذا الملكه لاوفيليا

Queen to Ophelia
this whole interchange is very ironic, because Hamlet will attack her virtue
-gertrude loves ophelia, wants this to bring them back together, there are two distinct reasons for this encounter: gertrude is concerned about hamlet out of love, claudius is concerned about hamlet because he doesnt want to get caught
- she is basically saying that she hopes that Ophelia is the cause of Hamlets madness

مسرح faustus 🪄

19 Oct, 19:49

Act 3 scene 1

King (Claudius )to queen (Gertrude)

When they leave, Claudius sends Gertrude off so that he, Polonius, and Ophelia can plan the "chance" meeting between Ophelia and Hamlet. Through this staged meeting, Claudius and Polonius hope to test Polonius's thought that it is Hamlet's love for Ophelia that is so distracting him.

مسرح faustus 🪄

18 Oct, 13:01

Act 3, Scene 1

هذا الفصل مهم
Claudius and Gertrude interrogate Rosencrantz and Guildenstern about their discussion with Hamlet. The men have little to report except that the company of players who arrived shortly after they did seemed to have interested and pleased the prince, and that he has directed them to perform for the court this evening. Claudius sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to watch the prince and encourage him in this endeavor.

When they leave, Claudius sends Gertrude off so that he, Polonius, and Ophelia can plan the "chance" meeting between Ophelia and Hamlet. Through this staged meeting, Claudius and Polonius hope to test Polonius's thought that it is Hamlet's love for Ophelia that is so distracting him. They instruct Ophelia to stroll the hall, seemingly absorbed in a book, while they hide nearby to watch and listen.

Hamlet eventually appears, lost in his thoughts and apparently contemplating suicide. Catching sight of Ophelia, he interrupts his thoughts to speak with her. Ophelia tries to return some gifts he gave her, but, suspicious of her motives, he denies they are from him. He further denies that he loved her, which serves to bewilder and wound Ophelia. The two have an impassioned discussion, reeling in confusion and a mutual feeling of betrayal. Hamlet orders her to a nunnery and leaves.

Claudius and Polonius come to Ophelia's side, shocked by what they have witnessed. Polonius insists Hamlet's love for Ophelia—love that Polonius made her refuse—is at the root of the prince's madness. Claudius, already beginning to show a guilty conscience as an earlier aside suggests, is now convinced that Hamlet is brooding on something bigger—something that could be dangerous to his position. Although he initially refutes the idea that Hamlet is mad, he does say that madness should not go unchecked. He decides to send Hamlet to England, away from the stress of Denmark. Polonius agrees that sending him abroad is the best course, but also suggests trying one last idea: sending the queen to speak with Hamlet after the play that evening, while he (Polonius) hides nearby to witness the conversation.

مسرح faustus 🪄

16 Oct, 18:03

ملف Act 2

مسرح faustus 🪄

15 Oct, 20:40

خلص المشهد الثاني 🙆🏻‍♀️

مسرح faustus 🪄

15 Oct, 20:40

واخيراً آخر سبيج هوه soliloquy هاملت مهم هذا

Alone, Hamlet begins a lengthy monologue in which he laments that while even an actor reciting a work of drama could rouse in himself such emotion and feeling, Hamlet himself can feel—and do—nothing in the face of his own father’s murder. Hamlet calls himself names, curses himself, and berates his own cowardly inaction. He resents himself for being unable to stir up the anger and vengefulness he would need to man up and murder Claudius.

مسرح faustus 🪄

15 Oct, 20:33

What do we mean by a play within play?

Throughout Act II, the depiction of the theatre is a clear symbol of manipulation and action. Hamlet uses the play within a play to see if Claudius reacts guiltily to the reenactment of his father's murder. Hamlet's manipulation of the events on stage further highlights his complex and dangerous mentality.

مسرح faustus 🪄

15 Oct, 20:27

توضيح لنهاية المشهد هذا التوضيح
هنا عدكم الممثلين راح يمثلون فد مشهد معين
هذا المشهد من خطة هاملت حتى يتأكد ان كان عمه هوه القاتل
هاملت خله اصدقائه براقبون عمه وأمه أثناء تمثيل المسرحيه حتى يشوفون ردة فعل عمه من يشوف احداث يمثلونه نفس الأحداث الي هوه سواها وشلون قتل اخوه حتى يستلم الحكم
أثناء عمل المسرحيه والممثلين ديمثلون ارتبك الملك وشرد لان الأحداث ذكرته بفعله ويه اخوه هرب من هرب هنا هاملت تأكد هوه وره الحريمه وصلت 🌚 هاي الأحداث كلش مهمه ولدكتوره او الدكتور راح يسألكم سؤال بخصوص الي هوه

Play within play
وخاصه ست مسار تحب هالسؤال

مسرح faustus 🪄

15 Oct, 20:15

A trumpet sounds—the players are arriving. Hamlet exuberantly shakes the hands of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, insisting on giving them as warm a welcome as he’s about to give the players. Before the troupe enters, Hamlet warns Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that they can expect to see Hamlet’s “uncle-father and aunt-mother deceived” and confused to boot. Hamlet cheekily suggests that he is only mad on occasion—in other words, his craziness and melancholy are an act.

مسرح faustus 🪄

15 Oct, 19:37

هنا محاوره بينهم عن ممثلين يمثلون على المسرح ف اي سبيج من ذني عادي يتقبل هذا الشرح

Rosencrantz suggests that if Hamlet has lost the ability to enjoy the company of real people, he might be charmed and brightened by a troupe of actors. Rosencrantz says that he and Guildenstern passed a troupe of players on their way to Elsinore, and have invited them to come perform at the castle. Hamlet says the actors will be welcomed—if they play their parts well. Rosencrantz tells Hamlet the troupe is one that Hamlet used to love and visit often in the city.

مسرح faustus 🪄

15 Oct, 19:08

Hamlet cheekily offers to tell the men the reason for which they’ve been sent.

lost all interest in socializing, and become unable to see the gorgeous halls of Elsinore and even the majesty of the natural world beyond it as anything other

مسرح faustus 🪄

15 Oct, 18:54

Hamlet with his friends

Hamlet asks them to confess anything about coming here to see him, he doubts them because their faces look confused , he knows that the king and Queen sent them , he says frankly in front of them, at first they try to deny , but Hamlet remembers their childhood together and the beautiful moments in their childhood to be honest with him, whispering among themselves, will they confess or not