Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf


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Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

22 Oct, 09:32


Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

22 Oct, 08:36

Va'da qilingan kitob kuniga qanaqilb 100+ so'z yodlash uuchun qo'llanma

Reaksiya bosib qo'yishga arzidi🔥


Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

21 Oct, 16:08

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

21 Oct, 15:02

Live stream started

Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

21 Oct, 05:46

Assalomu alaykum Xayrli kun hammaga☺️

Kecha darsimiz juda zo'r boldi juda Xursandm bo'ldim 80 ga yaqin kuzativchilarimiz darsda qatnashishdi va yaxshi fikrlar qoldirishdi😊

Bugun ham bitta dars o'tib beraymi Kechagidanda Yaxshi qilib

Ha - 🔥🔥🔥
Harakat qilaman -👍

P. S.Darsdan Keyin ham grammatika ham speakingni oson yaxshilashni o'rganasz

Speaking sizni eng yaxshi ko'rgan partizga ayalanadi In shaa Alloh🙂

Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

20 Oct, 15:44

Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf pinned Deleted message

Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

20 Oct, 14:30

Live stream started

Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

20 Oct, 12:39

Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf pinned «❗️Darsimiz 19:30 da boshlanadi. 🔺Darsda quidagilarni o'rganamz: Assalomu Alaykum!!! Bugun sizlarga Xudo xoxlasa: Speakingni qanaqa qilib rivojlantirish  Qnday qilib qilib Fluencyini 5.0 dan 8.0 chiqarganish O'rgangan gammatikalarimiz speakingda qo'llashni…»

Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

20 Oct, 12:39

❗️Darsimiz 19:30 da boshlanadi.

🔺Darsda quidagilarni o'rganamz:

Assalomu Alaykum!!!

Bugun sizlarga Xudo xoxlasa:
Speakingni qanaqa qilib rivojlantirish 
Qnday qilib qilib Fluencyini 5.0 dan 8.0 chiqarganish
O'rgangan gammatikalarimiz speakingda qo'llashni

Darsimiz voqti hammaga  qulaymi o'zi?

P.S.Ha aytgancha bugungi voice chatda qo'shilganlarga yaqinda ochiladgan speaking (beginner/elementary rocket) kursimga 50 % chegirma qilib beramz 🤩


Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

19 Oct, 05:51

#speakingsample recent topics

-Absolutely! Bicycles are undoubtedly one of the most environmentally-friendly modes of transportation. Using a bike to commute, whether from home to work or vice versa, is an excellent way to get around. In fact, it's probably one of the most efficient forms of transport, especially for short distances. On top of that, cycling is fantastic for your health—it helps you stay fit and active. So, overall, I’d say it’s not just practical but also beneficial in many ways.

Useful chunks:
- Undoubtedly: A more sophisticated way to say "I would say yes."
- Modes of transportation: A higher-level phrase for "types of transportation."
- Efficient: More specific than "best," adding precision.
- On top of that: A natural phrase to introduce another advantage.

Band 8.0+ with the help of Chatgpt (mine is actually 7.5)

P.S. Reaksiya bosib qoyamz 🔥

🎯Join for more: @Englishwithyusuf @Englishwithyusuf

Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

19 Oct, 05:45

#speakingsample recent topics

Regarding the drawbacks, bicycles are indeed one of the slowest modes of transportation. For instance, if you’re traveling a distance of over ten kilometers, a car might take around twenty to twenty-five minutes, while cycling could easily take an hour or even more. However, when discussing the advantages, cycling is extremely beneficial for your health and helps you stay in shape, as I mentioned earlier. Moreover, it’s an environmentally friendly option, which is a significant advantage in today’s world. So, these are the key points that come to mind.

Useful chunks:
- Regarding the drawbacks: A more formal way to start discussing negatives.
- Modes of transportation: A higher-level phrase.
- For instance: A more polished way to provide an example.
- Significant advantage: More impactful than just "benefit."

Band 8.0+ with the help of Chatgpt

P.S. Reaksiya bosib qoyamz 🔥

🎯Join for more: @Englishwithyusuf @Englishwithyusuf

Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

19 Oct, 05:35

📋 Learning to drive

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Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

19 Oct, 05:35

#6_Minute_English #BBC

🎧 Learning to drive

🎯Join us for more: @Englishwithyusuf

Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

18 Oct, 16:06

Darsni recordinggini tashlaymi?

atiga 50 ta olovchadan 🔥 keyin

Grammar for IELTS writing task 2 | MuhammadYusuf

18 Oct, 16:02

Live stream finished (1 hour)