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آموزش زبان انگلیسی به صورت آنلاین و مجازی از طریق ادوب کانکت به صورت خصوصی و گروه های چند‌نفره،
با 5سال سابقه تدریس موفق

درصورت تمایل به ایدی پیام دهید

ادرس کانال👇

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21 May, 18:41

#The Incredibles 2004

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21 May, 18:39


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21 May, 18:37

آموزش زبان انگلیسی به صورت مجازی مناسب تمام سنین
برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر به ایدی درج شده پیام دهید

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14 May, 10:49

💥 انگلیسی یاد بگیر💥 pinned «آموزش زبان انگلیسی به صورت مجازی مناسب تمام سنین برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر به ایدی درج شده پیام دهید»

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14 May, 10:49

آموزش زبان انگلیسی به صورت مجازی مناسب تمام سنین
برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر به ایدی درج شده پیام دهید

💥 انگلیسی یاد بگیر💥

27 Mar, 20:46

loyalty (loi' le te) faithfulness to a person, government, idea, custom, or the like
a. The monarch* referred* to his knights' loyalty with pride.
b. Nothing is so important to transmit* to the youth as the sacredness* ofloyalty to one's country.
c. Out of a sense of loyalty to his friends, Michael was willing to suffer torments,* and he there-
fore refused to identify* his colleagues* in the plot.
الف پادشاه با افتخار به وفاداری شوالیه هایش اشاره کرد

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27 Mar, 20:46

. provide (pro vid ')to supply; to state as a condition; to prepare for or against some situation
a. How can we provide job opportunities for all our graduates?
b. Hal said he would bring the ball provided he would be allowed to pitch.
c. The government is obligated, among other things, to provide for the common welfare and
secure the blessings of peace for all citizens.
فراهم کردن
الف چگونه میتوان برای تمام فارق التحصیل هایمان فرصت های شغلی فراهم کنیم

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27 Mar, 20:46

torment (torment' or tor' ment) cause very great pain to; worry or annoy very much; cause of very
great pain; very great pain
a. Persistent* headaches tormented him.
b. The illustrations* in our history text show the torments suffered by the victims of the French
c. The logical* way to end the torment of doubt over the examination is to spend adequate*
time in study.
باعث درد شدن
الف سردرد های زیاد اورا شکنجه میداد

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27 Mar, 20:46

colleague (kal' eg) associate; fellow worker
a. The captain gave credit for the victory to his valiant* colleagues.
b. Who would have predicted* that our pedestrian* colleague would one day win the Nobel
Prize for medicine?
c. We must rescue our colleagues from their wretched* condition.

همکار همیار

الف ناخدا پیروزی زا به همکارانش نسبت داد

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27 Mar, 20:46

signify ( sig' ne fi) mean; be a sign of; make known by signs, words,
or actions; have importance
a. "Oh!" signifies surprise.
b. A gift of such value signifies more than a casual* relationship.
c. The word "fragile"* stamped on a carton signifies that it must be
handled with caution.*

معنی دادن ،نشانه چیزی بودن
الف کلمه ٱه نشانه شگفتی است

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27 Mar, 20:45

mythology ( mi thai' e je) legends or stories that usually attempt to
explain something in nature
a. The story of Proserpina and Ceres explaining the seasons is typical*
of Greek mythology.
b. From a study of mythology we can conclude* that the ancients
were concerned with the wonders of nature.
c. Ancient mythology survives* to this day in popular* expressions
such as "Herculean task" or "Apollo Project."
اساطیر افسانه ها
تفاوتش با
،legend, fable,myth

شما بگید🧐

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27 Mar, 20:45

درس 32

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27 Mar, 20:45

diminish ( de~ min' ish) make or become smaller in size, amount or
a. The excessive* heat diminished as the sun went down.
b. Our diminishing supply of food was carefully wrapped and placed
with the baggage.*
c. The latest news from the battlefront confirms* the report of
diminishing military activity.

کمتر کردن کمتر شدن

الف هنگامی که خورشید غروب کرد گرمای بیش اندازه کاهش یافت

💥 انگلیسی یاد بگیر💥

27 Mar, 20:45

maximum (mak' se mem) greatest amount; greatest possible
a. Chris acknowledged* that the maximum he had ever walked in
one day was fifteen miles.
b. We would like to exhibit* this rare* collection to the maximum
number of visitors.
c. The committee anticipated* the maximum attendance ofthe first
day of the performance.
بیشترین مقدار

الف کریس اذعان کرد که بیشترین مقداری که تا به حال پیاده روی کرده ۱۵ مایل بوده است

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27 Mar, 20:45

flee ( fle) run away; go quickly
a. The fleeing outlaws* were pursued* by the police.
b. One could clearly see the clouds fleeing before the wind.
c. The majority* of students understand that they cannot flee from
their responsibilities.

فرار کردن
الف یاغیان فراری توسط پلیس تعقیب شدن

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27 Mar, 20:45

vulnerable (vul' nerebl) capable of being injured; open to attack, sen-
sitive to criticism, influences, etc. 
a. Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel. 
b. The investigator's nimble* mind quickly located the vulnerable 
spot in the defendant's alibi. 
c. A vulnerable target for thieves is a solitary* traveler.
آسیب پذیر
آلف اشیل فقط از ناحیه‌ پاشنه اش آسیب پذیر بود

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27 Mar, 20:45

refer (ri fir') hand over; send, direct, or turn for information, help, or
action; (refer to) direct attention to or speak about; assign to or think
of as caused by
a. Let us refer the dispute* to the dean.
b. Our teacher referred us to the dictionary for the meanings of the
difficult words in the novel.*
c. The speaker referred to a verse in the Bible to support his theory.*

تحویل دادن ، فرستادن ارجاع دادن
الف )بیاید مشاجره را به رئیس دانشگاه ارجاع دهیم

💥 انگلیسی یاد بگیر💥

27 Mar, 20:45

💥💥درس 32

distress (dis tres') great pain or sorrow; misfortune; dangerous or
difficult situation; to cause pain or make unhappy
a. The family was in great distress over the accident that maimed*
b. My teacher was distressed by tbe dismal performance of our class
on the final* examination.
c. Long, unscheduled delays at the station cause distress to com-

غم و درد زیاد،اندوه زیاد

الف) خانواده از حادثه ای که کنی رو‌معرفی کرد در اندوه شدید فرو رفت