English House | Lifetime learning


Contact: @khumoyun_ali
📞 administration: +998943966665

English House | Lifetime learning

22 Oct, 16:25


O'zingiz bilgan va ko'p qo'llaydigan qisqartmalarni izohlarda qoldirishni unutmang!

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English House | Lifetime learning

22 Oct, 15:03

Ingliz tili olimpiada natijalari (Zarbdor 2024)

Markazimiz faoliyatida bo’lgan va bo’layotgan o’quvchilarimiz ko’pchiligi bugungi ingliz tili fan olimpiadasida o’z bilimlarini sinab ko’rishdi

English House | Lifetime learning

17 Oct, 15:37


IELTS 6.0 holders

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English House | Lifetime learning

17 Oct, 02:33

Iltimos, yetarli ball to’play olmaganlar buni imtixondan yiqilish emas, balki qayta takrorlash deb qabul qiling. Axir boshqa fanlardan ham yillab takrorlash qilasizlarku.

English House | Lifetime learning

16 Oct, 18:36


Bu oyda CEFR guruh ochilmayapti, asosiy sababi CEFR guruhga talabgorlarning ballari pastligi, noyabr oxirida bir nechta intermediate guruhlar imtixoni orqali Yangi CEFR guruh ochiladi. Shu sababli imtixondan o'tgan va o'tmagan o'quvchilar o'zlariga belgilangan guruhlarda qatnashib turishina so'rab qolamiz. Dekabrda shoshilinch topshirmoqchi bo’lganlar Xondamir bilan bog’lansalaring bo’ladi.

Markaz ma'muriyati

English House | Lifetime learning

16 Oct, 18:30

Level: Intermediate Revision
(Unit 6/ next exam: November)

Time: 14:00 - 18:00 (Monday / Wednesday / Friday)

Room F

Teacher: Ravshanov Doniyor

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English House | Lifetime learning

16 Oct, 18:30

Level: Upper-intermediate

Time: 16:30 - 18:30 (Tuesday/ Thursday/ Saturday)

Room F

Teacher: Uralov Azizbek

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English House | Lifetime learning

16 Oct, 17:02

Movie time atmosphere

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English House | Lifetime learning

14 Oct, 13:42

Meet Fazliddin Giyosov, the only NINER currently working in Jizzakh, who lately highlighted our valuable contribution to the growth and development of students’ lives.

We had the opportunity to work together back in between 2018-2019 at iTeach Learning Centre.

Recently, Fazliddin Giyosov launched his own center, Spot One, where he and his team offer a wide variety of courses designed to cater to the needs of young English learners.

English House | Lifetime learning

14 Oct, 13:05

If you don't live cities but want to learn English _____

English House | Lifetime learning

14 Oct, 08:36


Delayed results!!!

Kushboqov Sharofiddin, Iskandarova Dinora and Uralova Zilola got delayed results some time later than their groupmates. Despite some pauses in studying, they showed persistence and accomplished their mission.

English House | Lifetime learning

14 Oct, 03:33

Level: Upper-intermediate - IELTS Standard

Time: 16:00 - 18:30 (Tuesday/ Thursday/ Saturday)

Room G

Teacher: Karshibaev Khumoyun

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English House | Lifetime learning

13 Oct, 08:17


At sharp 2:10 PM, the door will be closed: “DO NOT BE LATE”.

At 2 PM, English House will be open for you to go inside until then feel free to wait outside of the venue.

Thank you, in advance!

English House | Lifetime learning

12 Oct, 17:05

Come to English House and watch the movie you’ll probably expect to enjoy! See you tomorrow!🫡

English House | Lifetime learning

12 Oct, 15:12

🎬 Movie Time at English House LC 🎬

We are excited to announce a special Movie Time event this upcoming Sunday for all our students! Join us for an afternoon of fun, relaxation, and great cinema! 🍿

🗓 Date: October 13
🔜 Time: 2 PM (14:00)
📍 Location: English House LC

This is a perfect opportunity to unwind, enjoy a fantastic film, and bond with your fellow students. Don’t miss out!

See you there! 🎥

POV: You can bring snacks 🍿and drinks🥤

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