English Grammar in use


قناة تهتم بشرح سلسلة English grammer in use
وللطلاب المتقدمين لاختبارات القبول .

قناة الفهرس

قناة تابعة لنا "قصص ومقالات انجليزية"


للتواصل والاستفسار @Sjjdhdhdie

English Grammar in use

30 Sep, 16:49

كانت المشكلة دائماً بأننا نرى أكثر من اللازم

لكن: ما لا نَفع في قُربِهِ، لا ضَرَرَ فِي فَقدِهِ."!!

وكما يقول المثل المشهور ( الضرب في الميت حرام)

فلا تعاتب اكثر من مرة .

#خارج النص

English Grammar in use

24 Sep, 11:12

بمناسبة قرب العودة للدراسة نذكر أنفسنا ونذكركم بقول د.أحمد عبد المنعم:

"إذا كان أصحابك في الكلية بيذاكروا هيكونوا بيذاكروا بس، وأنتَ بتذاكر، وبتحفظ قُرآن وبتحضر دروس، وبتطلب علم شرعي فى نفس الوقت.

أنا عارف إن الحِمل تقيل ومجهودك أكبر بس الجنَّة مش ببلاش.

إياك تنشئ صراع وهمي بين الدُنيا والدين.
واتدرّب على طلب العلم بالمذاكرة، ومتنساش.. اوعى تنزل الدُنيا بنية الدُنيا!
انزل الدُنيا بنية الآخرة.. وجدد نيّتك من المذاكرة واجعلها للّٰه فيكون لك عليها أجر".


English Grammar in use

26 Aug, 05:58

لاحظ قبل الضغط ١٣٢ ميجا

بعد الضغط ١٨

English Grammar in use

26 Aug, 05:58


English Grammar in use

26 Aug, 05:58

Conversion Success:
Original file size: 123 MiB
Converted size: 18 MiB
86% saved.

English Grammar in use

26 Aug, 05:58


English Grammar in use

26 Aug, 05:58

بوت رائع لتقليل حجم الصوتيات .

حجم الملف قبل التحويل 50 ميجا بعد التحويل 20 ميجا واحيانا يصل الى اقل من ١٠ ميجا مع بقاء جودة الصوت ثابتة..

English Grammar in use

26 Aug, 05:58


English Grammar in use

22 Aug, 14:09

مع العلم اخواني ان انضمامك الى جروب (المجتمع) في الواتساب لن يظهر رقمك لأحد حتى المشرف نفسه لايستطيع رؤية رقمك كما الحال المعروف في المجتمعات .

بقية تفاصيل الدورة سيتم ارساله في جروب الواتس

الوقت محدود لرابط المجتمع ومعرفة تفاصيل الدورة حتى ظهر يوم السبت ، فيجب الإنضمام سريعا

English Grammar in use

26 Jul, 19:00

من كتاب أولادنا ووسائل التواصل الإجتماعي للمفكر الكبير الدكتور عبد الكريم بكار
نقرأ اول عشر صفحات

English Grammar in use

25 Jul, 09:36

#اليوم الأول
#التخلص من ادمان الهاتف

English Grammar in use

25 Jul, 04:41

#اليوم الأول
#التخلص من ادمان الهاتف

English Grammar in use

25 Jul, 04:41

بسم الله نبدأ مع التخلص من ادمان الهاتف

وكيف نستخدم هواتفنا بشكل انتاجي وفعال.

هناك عبارة تقول " use your phone, don't let your phone use you"

استخدم انت هاتفك ، لا تجعل هاتفك هو من يستخدمك

English Grammar in use

14 Jun, 12:06

Essay: Robotics in Simple Language

Robotics is a field of technology that deals with designing, building, and operating robots. Robots are machines that can perform tasks automatically or with minimal human intervention. They come in various shapes and sizes, from small robotic arms used in factories to large humanoid robots seen in movies.

Robots are designed to help humans by performing tasks that are repetitive, dangerous, or require precision. They can be programmed to do specific actions like moving objects, assembling products, or even exploring unknown environments like the depths of the ocean or outer space.

One common type of robot is the industrial robot used in manufacturing plants. These robots can work tirelessly without getting tired and can handle heavy objects with ease. They help increase efficiency and productivity in industries by speeding up production processes.

Another popular type of robot is the service robot, which is designed to assist humans in various tasks. For example, there are cleaning robots that vacuum floors, medical robots that assist surgeons during operations, and even social robots that provide companionship to people.

In recent years, advancements in robotics have led to the development of autonomous robots that can make decisions on their own based on the information they receive from sensors. These robots are used in applications like self-driving cars, drones for delivery services, and even robotic pets.

Overall, robotics plays a crucial role in our lives by making tasks easier, safer, and more efficient. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see more innovative uses of robots in various fields.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

1. What is robotics?
A) A field of technology dealing with designing and operating machines
B) A type of dance performed by machines
C) A cooking technique using automated tools
D) A form of art involving mechanical sculptures

Answer: A) A field of technology dealing with designing and operating machines

2. What are robots designed to do?
A) Help humans by performing tasks automatically
B) Replace humans entirely
C) Cause chaos and destruction
D) Sleep when not needed

Answer: A) Help humans by performing tasks automatically

3. Which type of robot is commonly used in manufacturing plants?
A) Cleaning robot
B) Medical robot
C) Industrial robot
D) Social robot

Answer: C) Industrial robot

4. What do service robots do?
A) Assist humans in various tasks
B) Perform only entertainment functions
C) Work independently without any human input
D) Create obstacles for humans

Answer: A) Assist humans in various tasks

5. What are autonomous robots capable of doing?
A) Making decisions on their own based on sensor information
B) Following only pre-set instructions
C) Operating only during daytime hours
D) Communicating with other non-robotic devices

Answer: A) Making decisions on their own based on sensor information

English Grammar in use

06 Jun, 12:31

Cholera Pandemic

Cholera is a severe diarrheal disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. The disease spreads through contaminated water and food, leading to rapid dehydration and potentially fatal consequences. Cholera pandemics have occurred throughout history, with the most notable being the 19th-century pandemics that spread globally.

During cholera pandemics, poor sanitation and lack of access to clean water exacerbate the spread of the disease. Symptoms include watery diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps. Without prompt treatment, cholera can lead to death within hours.

The first cholera pandemic began in 1817 in India and quickly spread to other parts of Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America. The rapid transmission of the disease was facilitated by trade routes and travel.

In the mid-19th century, British physician John Snow conducted pioneering epidemiological work during the London cholera outbreak of 1854. By mapping cases of cholera, he identified contaminated water from a public pump as the source of the outbreak.

Improvements in sanitation and hygiene practices have significantly reduced the impact of cholera in many parts of the world. Oral rehydration therapy is a crucial treatment for managing dehydration caused by cholera.

Despite advancements in healthcare and infrastructure, cholera outbreaks still occur in regions with poor sanitation systems and limited access to clean water. Humanitarian organizations play a vital role in providing aid during outbreaks and implementing preventive measures.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is the main cause of cholera?
A) Virus
B) Bacterium
C) Parasite
D) Fungus

2. How does cholera primarily spread?
A) Airborne transmission
B) Contaminated water and food
C) Physical contact
D) Mosquito bites

3. Which century saw significant global cholera pandemics?
A) 16th century
B) 18th century
C) 19th century
D) 21st century

4. Who conducted groundbreaking work during the London cholera outbreak of 1854?
A) Louis Pasteur
B) Alexander Fleming
C) John Snow
D) Edward Jenner

5. What treatment is essential for managing dehydration caused by cholera?
A) Antibiotics
B) Vaccination
C) Oral rehydration therapy
D) Antiviral drugs

6. Where did the first recorded cholera pandemic begin?
A) Europe
B) India
C ) Africa
D ) South America

7 . What role do humanitarian organizations play during cholera outbreaks?
A ) Providing entertainment
B ) Implementing preventive measures
C ) Spreading misinformation
D ) None

8 . How quickly can untreated cases of cholera lead to death?
A ) Within days
B ) Within hours
C ) Within weeks
D ) Within months

9 . What did John Snow identify as the source of a London outbreak in 1854?
A ) Contaminated food
B ) Contaminated air
C ) Contaminated water
D ) Contaminated soil

10 . Which factor has significantly reduced the impact of cholera in many regions?
A ) Improved transportation systems
B ) Advances in space exploration
C ) Enhancements in sanitation practices
D ) Development of new energy sources

English Grammar in use

25 Jan, 19:55

A lie is when you say something that is not true. It's like telling a story that didn't really happen. Sometimes people lie because they are afraid of getting in trouble or they want to make themselves look better. But lying is not a good thing to do.

When you lie, it can hurt other people's feelings. They might feel sad or angry when they find out the truth. And if you keep lying, people might not trust you anymore. Trust is important in relationships, so it's best to always tell the truth.

It's also important to remember that lying can get you into trouble. If someone finds out that you lied, they might not want to be your friend anymore. And if you lie at school or work, you could get into big trouble with your teachers or boss.

So it's best to always tell the truth, even if it's hard sometimes. Being honest shows that you are a trustworthy and reliable person. And it helps to build strong and healthy relationships with others. So let's try our best to always be honest and avoid telling lies.

English Grammar in use

23 Jan, 19:06

مُلخصات شرح سلسلة «المنهاج من ميراث النُّبُوَّة»
للشيخ أحمد السيد -حفظه الله-..

(١)- مُلخصُ المحاضرة الأولى:
«مقدِّمة السلسلة، وباب مرجعيَّة الوحي»..

English Grammar in use

07 Jan, 16:56

سلّم على البانِين صرحا أتلَدا
شادوا منارا كي يدُل على الهدى

فبنوا مراقيَ للعلوم مدارجا
لتكونَ للطلابِ نهجًا مُرشدا

▫️معاشر المبتغين بهذا العلم رضوان الله؛ حياكم الله وبيّاكم، ومد سنا آثاركم، وزادكم عزمًا وهمة، هذه أبواب التسجيل قد فتحت وشرعت، فدونكم الرابط:






