English for lawyers


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English for lawyers

04 Dec, 11:19

🎧 Synonyms for SUPER🎧

⚫️Dazzling ⚫️ Marvellous
⚫️First-rate ⚫️ Sublime
⚫️ Exquisite ⚫️ First-class
⚫️ Glorious ⚫️ Top-notch
⚫️ Stellar ⚫️ Banging
⚫️ Cracking ⚫️ Smashing
⚫️ Mega ⚫️ of the first water
⚫️ Peerless ⚫️ Outstanding

English for lawyers

04 Dec, 11:19

Useful vocabulary for IELTS Listening 🎧

Bilamiz, IELTS listeningda ko’p hollarda Part 1 da umumiy suhbatlar qo'yib beriladi. Suhbatlarda eng ko'p uchraydigan mavzulardan biri bu uydir. Yana, uyni bezash, jihozlash yoki ta'mirlash kabilar.

Keling, shunday so’zlar ro’yxati bilan tanishamiz. Quyidagi so’zlar albatta sizga IELTS Listening paytida asqotadi.

Decoration & Repair 🛠

1. Furnished - jihozlangan

2. Crack - yoriq

3. Unfurnished - jiozlanmagan

4. Install - o’rnatmoq

5. Baby crib - bolalar kravati

6. Maintenance - uyni yaxshi sharoitda saqlash

7. Decoration - bezash

8. Plumber - santexnik

9. Multiple glazing - derazaga 2 qavatli oyna o’rnatish

10. Washing machine - kir yuvish mashinasi

11. Cupboard - kichkinashkaf

12. Refrigerator/fridge - muzlatgich

13. Sideboard - idish saqlanadigan shkaf

14. Light bulb - lampochka

15. Sink - rakovina

16. Heater - isitgich

17. Pipe - quvur

18. Furnace - isitish qozoni

19. Leak - teshik

20. Air conditioning - konditsioner

English for lawyers

30 Nov, 04:39

Lug'atlarni yod olishni samarali usuli 📌

●Alive - Dead
●Allow - Forbid
●Ancient - Modern
●Bottom - Top
●Dawn - Dusk
●Deny - Admit
●Exciting - Boring
●Fear - Courage
●Fix - Break
●Harvest - Plant
●In - Out
●Land - Take off
●Low - High
●Mess - Order
●Peace - War
●Polite - Rude
●Save - Spend
●Wide - Narrow
●Work - Rest

Yaqinlaringizga ulashing ♻️
🎓 @English_AcademyMSF 📚

English for lawyers

30 Nov, 04:39

↪️ Normal and Native ↩️

● Sorry - My bad
● Goodbye - I am off
● I made a mistake - I screwed up
● I don't understand it - I don't get it
● I am listening to you - I am all ears
● I am very hungry - I am starving
● Give it a try - Give it a shot
● It makes me laugh - It cracks me up

Yaqinlaringizga ulashing ♻️
🎓 @English_AcademyMSF 📚





