Powerful || English💡


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خێزانێکین لە بچوکەوە دەستمان پێکرد👩🏻‍🏫❤️📚

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Powerful || English💡

21 Oct, 19:36

لَا إِلَهَ إِلا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ

"There is no Lord except you, glory be to you, I was one of the wrongdoers.''

پەروەردگارا، هیچ پەرستراوێکی بەحەق نییە جگە لەتۆ، پاکی و بێگەردی بۆ تۆ، بەڕاستی من لە ستەمکارانم.

Powerful || English💡

21 Oct, 13:15

نرخاندن، هەڵسەنگاندن
تکافل (تضامن)؟
تکلیف بالحضور
ئامادەنامە، بەدوادا ناردن
دروستکردن، دامەزراندن
سازدان، گونجاندن، لێ ڕاهاتن
کەڵک وەرگرتن، چێژ وەرگرتن
Enjoyment, Possession
درێژەپێدان، درێژکردنەوە
To escape
ناکۆکی، ناتەبایی
دەست هەڵگرتن، وازهێنان

تنازل عن حق
دەست هەڵگرتن لە ماف
Waiver of a right

تنزیل درجة
پایە داگرتن، هێنانە خوارەوە لە پلە
تنفیذ حکم
جێبەجێکردنی بڕیارێک
Enforcement of a
ڕاگواستن، پەروازەکردن
رسالة تهدید
نامەی هەڕەشە
Threatening letter
تۆمەت خستنەپاڵ، تۆمەتبارکردن
دەست تێکەڵی، دەست هەبوون
گونجان، کۆک بوون
تەنینەوە، فراوانکردن، پەرەسەندن
چاوەڕوانکردن، پێشبینیکردن
نوێنەرایەتی، بریکاری، وەکیلی
جێگیر، چەسپاو، نەگۆڕ
ڕەوا، دروست، شیاو، ڕێگەپێدراو
Legal, lawful
تەرم، لاشە
مشتومڕ، دەمەقاڵ، بێنەوبەرە
Debate, discussion
زام. برین
جرح طلقة ناریة
برینی گولله
Bullet wound
جریمة مقصودة
تاوانی بە ئەنقەست
Intentional crime
لێدان بە قامچی
تەماعکاری، چڵێسی
گیردان، گڵدانەوە، دەستەبەری
حریة الرأي
ئازادی بیروڕا دەربڕین
Freedom of opinion
حساس، هەستیار
حسن النیة
نیەتپاکی، نیازپاکی
Good faith

وانەی یەکەم، بەهیوای سوود.

Powerful || English💡

20 Oct, 16:34

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

وَقالوا رَبَّنا إِنّا أَطَعنا سادَتَنا وَكُبَراءَنا فَأَضَلّونَا السَّبيلا (٦٧) رَبَّنَا آتِهِمْ ضِعْفَيْنِ مِنَ الْعَذَابِ وَالْعَنْهُمْ لَعْنًا كَبِيرً (٦٨)
(سورة الأحزاب: ٦٧ - ٦٨)

(هه‌روه‌ها) ده‌ڵێن: ئێمه ملکه‌چ و فه‌رمانبه‌رداری سەرکردەو گه‌وره‌کانمان بووین، هه‌ر ئه‌وان ڕێگه‌و ڕێبازی (ڕاستیان) له ئێمه شێواند و ون کرد.(٦٧) سا پەروەردگارا، دوو بەرامبەر زیاتر ئازاریان بدە و نەفرینی بێئەندازەیان لێبکە.(٦٨)
(سوڕەتی ئەحزاب: ٦٧ - ٦٨)

And they will say: ''Our Lord, we obeyed our great ones, and they turned us away from the Right Way. (67) Our Lord, give them double the punishment and curse them with a great curse''. (68)
(Surah Al-Ahzab: 67 - 68)

Powerful || English💡

18 Oct, 07:30

لا تنسي قراءة سورة الكهف.

Don't forget to recite Surah Al-Kahf.

خوێندنەوەی سوڕەتی الکهف لەبیرمەکە.

Powerful || English💡

14 Oct, 17:56

Powerful || English💡 pinned «🎙️Reading practice: 📖Words are more powerful than weapons. Words are powerful. They can change how we think, Make choices & feel. With just a few words we can make someone feel happy connect with the world and share critical thinking. It's the words that…»

Powerful || English💡

14 Oct, 17:56

🎙️Reading practice:

📖Words are more powerful than weapons.

Words are powerful. They can change how we think, Make choices & feel. With just a few words we can make someone feel happy connect with the world and share critical thinking. It's the words that make us detestable & it is the words that make us sweet. It's the words that build bridges & It's the words that burn bridges. It's the words which define us. It's the words that lead us to the top & it's the words that get us down. Words can also hurt. They can make people sad, Cause problems, & even lead to arguments. That’s why it’s so vital to think before we speak. When we speak kindly we make people feel respected and cared for. But when we speak in anger or without thinking we can hurt others and break the sense of trust.

Words are more powerful than weapons because they can change people’s minds and feelings. Weapons can cause harm, but words can heal or hurt in ways that last a long time. A kind word can make someone feel better, while a mean word can make someone feel sad for days. Words can bring people together or push them apart. Unlike weapons, Words can travel anywhere & spread ideas to many people. They can start big changes or help solve problems by knowing how to get the point across the world. This is why words have more power than weapons they can make a bigger difference in the world.

Throughout history strong leaders and writers have used words to create change. Great speeches, books & poems have moved people to take action and shaped the world we live in. Words can bring comfort in tough times and give hope when everything seems lost. They can show love, happiness and thankfulness or express fear, sadness & doubt.

How we use words is important. Words can make the world better or worse. In our daily lives, we should remember the power of words. We should try to use them to spread kindness, understanding & good feelings. Like they say words cast spells it can lift someone up and it can cut you deep, Words can hit harder than a punch, When we are careful and educated with what we say we can make someone's day.


Powerful || English💡

14 Oct, 09:08

Dunk= Means to dip bread or other food into a drink before eating it.

Ex\ She dunked her biscuit in her coffee.

Powerful || English💡

13 Oct, 19:11

📖When you are sure about your strength and talents, You don't have to compete with others. But compete with yourself.

When you know what you're good at you don’t need to rush to compete with others who want to challenge you. This kind of confidence comes from understanding yourself and your abilities. When you know what you can do. It makes you feel strong. Instead of trying to impress others all the time you can focus on your own path & goals. Sometimes people around you may want to show off or drag you into contest but you don’t have to become tense until the right time. Because those who mean to compare themselves to you are the only ones who wants to copy who you really are. An incontestable person who's been powerfully built & has God's rock has really no opponents. You can take your time & wait.

When the time comes and they openly face you for no clear reason they will see your real strength. You don't need inspiration but you become inspiration. A serene sea has never made any masterful swimmers. You don’t have to brag about what you can do. your hard work will speak for itself. Being patient is a big part of being confident. It helps you stay calm. Even when others are trying to get a reaction from you. You shouldn’t let their actions change how you feel about yourself. This kind of self confidence helps you stay focused on your goals & keep moving forward.

As you keep going on your journey. Your unique talents speak volumes. In the end it’s not about who is the loudest or who tries to outdo everyone else. It’s about the effort and passion you put into what you love to do. Trust in your abilities, keep working hard, & be ready to show what you can do when the right time comes. Your true strength comes from knowing yourself and letting your talents shine when it matters most.

Powerful || English💡

11 Oct, 17:03

📖Reading practice:

Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.


Socrates once said, Wonder is the beginning of wisdom, This means that curiosity and the desire to know more are the first steps toward gaining wisdom. When we wonder about something, We start asking questions. And through these questions we begin to learn & understand more about the world around us. Wonder pushes us to explore new ideas. Think about things in different ways & challenge what we already know. It helps us look beyond the obvious and discover deeper truths. Without wonder we would stay stuck in our own beliefs, never seeking new knowledge or understanding.

Socrates believed that a wise person is someone who knows that they do not know everything. When we wonder, we admit that there is more to learn & this opens the door to wisdom. Wonder is what makes us curious about science, art, philosophy, & life itself. It drives us to learn more and grow. In simple terms, wonder makes us excited about learning and discovering new things. By embracing our sense of wonder, we take the first step on the path to wisdom as it leads us to explore. Ask questions & continuously search for deeper understanding.

Powerful || English💡

11 Oct, 13:09

📖Reading practice:

I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.


I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think. It shows his belief that true learning doesn’t come from just giving someone answers. Instead people must find understanding on their own by thinking deeply and reflecting. Socrates believed that teaching wasn’t about telling people facts like in a lecture, but about encouraging them to explore ideas and think critically. He pushed his students to not just accept what they were told but to question everything. Look closely at their own beliefs & seek truth through reason.

Socrates made learning a personal responsibility. His method, called the Socratic method. Involved asking tough questions that made people think about what they didn’t know and see their own mistakes. Instead of giving answers he helped others come to their own understanding. This way of learning has been used for hundreds of years and is still important today. By encouraging people to think for themselves, Socrates helped them become more independent thinkers. His ideas remind us that real learning comes from actively thinking and engaging with the world not just from listening or memorizing facts.

Powerful || English💡

10 Oct, 14:32

📖Reading practice:

Socrates' quote, "Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people," reflects his perspective on the different levels of intellectual engagement and conversation. By "strong minds," he refers to those who seek to understand and debate abstract concepts, innovative ideas & profound questions about life, ethics, and philosophy. These people are forward-thinking & visionary, focusing on solutions, progress, and understanding the deeper workings of the world around them. They challenge the status quo and encourage growth through critical thinking and creativity.

On the other hand, "average minds" refer to those who tend to engage with current events, societal happenings, or occurrences in their immediate environment. While not as visionary as discussing ideas, conversations centered on events are still meaningful. They help people stay informed, reflect on what's happening around them, and react to their circumstances. However, this type of discussion lacks the depth and intellectual stimulation that comes from contemplating broader ideas.

At long last "weak minds," Socrates critiques those who spend most of their time gossiping or talking about others for no clear reason. Often focusing on personal flaws mistakes, or trivial matters. These conversations are often shallow & driven by judgment or jealousy, offering little room for growth or understanding. Instead of focusing on personal development or broader topics. Weak minds remain caught up in pettiness, which limits their intellectual and emotional growth.

In essence, Socrates is urging people to elevate their conversations, aiming for discussions that foster growth, creativity, and deeper understanding rather than wasting time on gossip or surface-level subjects. It's a call to engage in meaningful discourse that contributes to personal and collective betterment.

Powerful || English💡

10 Oct, 14:32

"Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people."

~ Socrates

Powerful || English💡

09 Oct, 12:11

I'm gonna play a recording of people chanting,
" That is embarrassing", four times.

After the fourth time, write down what you hear. That is embarrassing!

Interesting. Almost everyone here heard, That is embarrassing.

Listen again and watch the screen. That is embarrassing!

You heard the same thing every single time. Our eyes and ears take in electrical signals which our brains interpret based on our expectations.

We don't see reality. We see our reality

To what extent do you agree with the content of this video?


Powerful || English💡

08 Oct, 18:33

📖The Conquest of Jerusalem and the Faith of Salahuddin Ayyubi:

On a day like today in the year 1187 AD, Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi, after his victory at the Battle of Hattin, managed to liberate the city of Jerusalem and a large part of Palestine. In this battle, the Crusader army was three times larger than Salahuddin's forces.

Ibn Taghri Bardi says about Salahuddin: "Salahuddin was a noble, courageous leader and a devoted warrior for the cause of Islam. He was very generous and wore simple clothes, Avoiding those prohibited by Sharia. His gatherings were free from idle talk and meaningless conversation. He surrounded himself with scholars and historians and loved listening to wisdom. He was so humble that those seated beside him wouldn't recognize they were sitting next to a sultan. He was extremely attentive to his prayers in congregation and never consulted astrologers or soothsayers. Whenever he made a decision, he entrusted it to God and proceeded to execute it."

Ibn Shaddad says: "He had strong faith, constantly remembered God, and whenever he heard the call to prayer, he would immediately pray, even if he was on horseback. He lived without wealth, never accumulating enough to owe zakat, and was exceptionally generous."

He had a deep love for the Quran, with great reverence and humility, often moved to tears out of awe of God.