Dr .Eman Hamdy ..oral and maxillofacial surgery


Dr .Eman Hamdy ..oral and maxillofacial surgery

16 Sep, 11:34

المنحه المجانيه السادسه للاسعافات الاوليه ب اكتوبر

Dr .Eman Hamdy ..oral and maxillofacial surgery

30 Aug, 21:15

Quinsy (peritonsillar abscess )mostly arises from tonsillitis, but take care as it may arise as a complication of pericoronal abscess when it points near the lower pole of the tonsil .


Dr .Eman Hamdy ..oral and maxillofacial surgery

13 Aug, 11:46

A nice and helpful book about: TMJ_Disorders_and_Orofacial_Pain.pdf

Dr .Eman Hamdy ..oral and maxillofacial surgery

13 Aug, 06:05

على أطباء وزارة الصحة المصرية الراغبين فى التقدم لحضور البرامج التدريبية التسجيل على الرابط وملئ الاستمارة

Dr .Eman Hamdy ..oral and maxillofacial surgery

11 Aug, 06:52

The surgical approach for cases of VME (vertical maxillary excess) or long face syndrome is Le fort 1 osteotomy .. we make superior repositioning of the maxilla (jaw repostioning)

Dr .Eman Hamdy ..oral and maxillofacial surgery

11 Aug, 06:42

In the context of lip repositioning surgery , remember it is contraindicated in cases of minimal attachement zone and sever VME (vertical maxillary excess)

Dr .Eman Hamdy ..oral and maxillofacial surgery

11 Aug, 06:35

In the cases of APE (altered passive eruption ) with the bone close to the CEJ ( cementoenamel junction ) you will need to do osseous reduction plus gingivectomy in order to avoid gingival rebound (regrowth) .. remember to do bone sounding and x-ray in cases of APE

Dr .Eman Hamdy ..oral and maxillofacial surgery

11 Aug, 06:29

Avoiding lateral heat damage during a laser or electrocautery gingivectomy is crucial for ensuring a successful outcome with minimal complication

Dr .Eman Hamdy ..oral and maxillofacial surgery

11 Aug, 06:03

جزء من محاضرتي بمؤتمر idex
surgical options for management of gummy smile

In the context of gingivectomy using laser or electrocautery, lateral heat damage refers to the unintended thermal injury to the surrounding tissues that occurs during the procedure

Dr .Eman Hamdy ..oral and maxillofacial surgery

04 Aug, 20:39

"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it"

سعدت كثيرا بتواجدي ك Basic life support instructor
في مركز الزهراء التخصصي لطب الاسنان التابع لأمانة المراكز الطبية المتخصصة ..
وسعدت جدا بحفاوة الاستقبال والتكريم وكذلك بتواجدي مع جميع الزملاء الحضور

ضمن سلسلة المحاضرات العلمية المقامة تحت رعاية السيد الدكتور وزير الصحة والسكان وأمانة المراكز الطبية المتخصصة لأطباء التكليف وأطباء الأسنان بالأمانة وبدعوة كريمة من الدكتور عبدالرحمن الزيني مدير إدارة الأسنان بالأمانة العامة للمراكز الطبية المتخصصة
#BlS #blsinstructor #knowledgeispower #knowledgesharing #knowledge_sharing_challenge

Dr .Eman Hamdy ..oral and maxillofacial surgery

04 Aug, 19:50

Waiting you in IDEX - Egypt
Lecture: (Unlocking the Secrets of a Perfect Smile :Combining Orthodontic Overview with Multifaceted Approach to Manage Gummy Smile)
With my dear colleagues Dr Sherin Allam and Dr wala Rizk Walaa Salama
#idex2024 #IDEX #gummysmiletreatment #orthodontics #oralsurgery #cosmeticdentistry

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