

[📔✍🏻🛋️cozy study place контент кріейторки, викладачки англійської та власниці невеличкої затишної мовної школи]

that teacher vibes

🩵Запис на навчання: @fannikap
🩷Школа англійської: https://www.instagram.com/comfort_languageschool?igsh=MXZ1Y3A5bGI5b


22 Oct, 16:12

ловіть ґрунтовний quizlet і поповнюйте свій вокабуляр🧸🖇


22 Oct, 11:24

тут лексика ну просто вогонь, тож накидайте максимум ваших сердечок і я прикріплю готовий Quizlet, бо вже пора замість pointless (B2) вживати futile (С1), угу? 🤩🤌🏻


22 Oct, 11:22

how to manage digital rage?🤯


Explanation: Something that is very obvious, often in a bad way.
Translation: Відвертий, явний.
Explanation: Intense, uncontrolled anger.
Translation: Лють, гнів.
🥰To defuse
Explanation: To reduce the tension or danger in a difficult situation.
Translation: Знешкодити, розрядити (напружену ситуацію).
🥰To reclaim
Explanation: To get something back, especially your calm or control over emotions.
Translation: Повернути, відновити.
Explanation: Something that happens often and is easily recognized, usually with negative emotions.
Translation: Надто знайоме.
🥰Moral outrage
Explanation: Strong anger about something perceived as a violation of what is right.
Translation: Моральне обурення.
🥰To interact
Explanation: To communicate or engage with others.
Translation: Взаємодіяти.
Explanation: Ways or means of expressing emotions, energy, or creativity.
Translation: Способи, виходи (для вираження).
🥰To unwind
Explanation: To relax, especially after stress or tension.
Translation: Розслабитися, зняти напругу.
🥰To be drawn into
Explanation: Being involuntarily involved in something, often an argument or conflict.
Translation: Залучений у, втягнутий у.
🥰To turn heated
Explanation: Becoming intense or angry, especially in a conversation or argument.
Translation: Розпалюватися, ставати напруженим.
🥰To disengage
Explanation: To withdraw or remove oneself from involvement.
Translation: Віддалятися, припиняти участь.
🥰To be entitled to
Explanation: Having the right to something.
Translation: Має право на.
Explanation: Sincerely or truly.
Translation: Щиро, по-справжньому.
🥰Knee-jerk reaction
Explanation: A quick and automatic response, often emotional, without thinking it through.
Translation: Інстинктивна реакція.
🥰To stand up for
Explanation: To defend or support something or someone.
Translation: Захищати, підтримувати.
Explanation: Lacking knowledge or awareness, especially in an important subject.
Translation: Невіглас, необізнаний.
🥰To drain
Explanation: To cause someone to feel emotionally or physically exhausted.
Translation: Виснажувати, витягати сили.
🥰To signify
Explanation: To represent, mean, or be a sign of something.
Translation: Означати, символізувати.
🥰To empower
Explanation: To give someone power, confidence, or the ability to do something.
Translation: Наділяти силою, впевненістю.
🥰To vent
Explanation: Express strong emotions, especially anger or frustration, to release tension.
Translation: Випускати (емоції), виливати.
Explanation: Taking action before a problem develops or becomes worse.
Translation: Проактивний, передбачливий.
Explanation: Doing something without thinking, often out of habit.
Translation: Бездумно.
Explanation: Given or offered without being asked for.
Translation: Незапитаний, небажаний.
🥰To curate
Explanation: To select, organize, and present content or information in a thoughtful and purposeful way.
Translation: курирувати, організовувати, керувати
Explanation: Fair and impartial, without being influenced by personal opinions or feelings.
Translation: неупереджений
Explanation: Giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.
Translation: стислий, лаконічний
🥰To opt out of
Explanation: To choose not to participate in something or stop being involved.
Translation: не брати участь, відмовлятися від участі
Explanation: Incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.
Translation: марний, безрезультатний.

☕️your english🤍inspiration | #англійська


21 Oct, 17:00

I’m not like *totally* into Halloween or anything 🤭

your english🤍inspiration | #англійська


21 Oct, 12:24

english🤍inspiration pinned «»


20 Oct, 11:00

[ще одна прикольна Хелоуінська картинка на повторення zodiac signs 🎃👻♋️]

🖇️ось тут можна пригадати назви та вимову ✍🏻


19 Oct, 10:02

Нейтів спікери святі люди які знають англійську на 101% чи 9 mistakes native English speakers make 😏💅

🤍Me and I
Mistakes with ‘me’ and ‘I’ are becoming more and more frequent. ‘Our teacher told James and I to learn more grammar’ is clearly wrong to English learners. But native speakers of English say this all the time. It should be ‘Our teacher told James and me to learn more grammar.’ An easy way to check what you should be saying is by removing the other person: would you ever say, ‘Our teacher told I’? No, because you need an object pronoun: ‘me’.
However, ‘James and I need to learn more grammar’ is correct, because ‘James and I’ are the subjects of the sentence.
🤍 There, their, they’re
These are homophones: words that sound the same but are spelled differently. There are loads of these in English and they cause problems for native speakers in writing. ‘There’ is a place; ‘their’ is a possessive adjective; and ‘they’re’ is a contraction of ‘they are’.
Their cat is sitting over there thinking that they’re idiots.
🤍 Fewer and less
This mistake native speakers make is a grammar crime committed by supermarkets all over the UK where checkouts for ‘10 items or less’ abound. In fact, the word ‘fewer’ is used quite infrequently in daily speech by native speakers. The rule is: ‘less’ is used with uncountable nouns; ‘fewer’ with countable.
‘I drink less beer than her, so I have fewer headaches.’
🤍Affect and effect
In their most common uses, ‘affect’ is a verb and ‘effect’ is a noun. So: ‘The rainy weather in England affects my mood’ or ‘The rainy weather in England has a bad effect on my mood’.  
🤍Lay and lie
This is one I make mistakes with. I blame English. It’s common to hear someone say, ‘I need to lay down’. Lay down what? The law, perhaps. ‘Lay’ needs a direct object, while ‘lie’ does not. So, ‘I need to lie down’ is correct, as is ‘lay me down (on a bed of roses)’ – ‘me’ being the direct object. So far, so good.
But, the past tense of ‘lie’ is ‘lay’ (dammit English), so ‘I lay on the floor and screamed when I first heard about this rule is correct.
🤍 Well and good
“I speak English really good.” No, you don’t. Native speakers often mix up the adjective ‘good’ the adverb ‘well’. ‘Good’ describes a noun, so you can say, ‘I speak good English’, as here you are describing your English. But, when you describe how you speak, you must say ‘well’. I speak English well.’ Or, ‘I did well on that test’ NOT ‘I did good on that test’ (saying this implies you must be mistaken).
🤍 Lose and loose
Sometimes an ‘o’ makes all the difference. ‘Lose’ means not know where something is. ‘I always lose my keys at the worst moment’. ‘Loose’ means not tight. ‘The screw is loose’.
🤍 Could of and could have
This is another mistake English native speakers make that is so common that it might become an accepted form in the not-too-distant future. Though I hope not, because this one annoys me.
All English learners know that ‘coulda, woulda, shoulda’ is not ‘could of, would of, should of’ but ‘could have, would have, should have.’
So please, the next time you hear an English speaker saying ‘I could of had that extra beer,’ politely correct them: ‘You SHOULD HAVE had that extra beer’.
‘Literally’ means something actually happened – word for word, no exaggeration. Its overuse might reflect how dramatic we want to make our lives seem. So, when your drama queen English friend tells you, ‘I literally died when I saw John Legend on the train,’ you can respond, ‘Gosh, you look remarkably well for someone who’s passed on.’


18 Oct, 17:28

знаєте, що зараз у тренді?бути втомленою, тобто “frazzled”🥤🌟

Новий тренд цього сезону - frazzled english woman («втомлена англійка»)


18 Oct, 16:37

а ну-ка перекладіть мені це informal ≈ B2-C1 слово 👇🏻💅🏻


18 Oct, 13:24

читаємо на каналі?🤩
🧥 your english🤍inspiration | #англійська


18 Oct, 10:49

[🤩скоро поділюсь з вами найновішим випуском журналу Happiful!]

stay tuned 💛🧥🍂


18 Oct, 08:29

трохи затишку та нової лексики вам 🍯🥮🍁

▫️Nourishing meal - a meal that provides essential nutrients and promotes health and well-being.
Поживна страва
▫️ Pumpkin – a large, round vegetable with thick orange skin.
▫️ Chickpeas – small, round, beige-colored legumes used in many dishes.
▫️ Ginger – a spicy root used to add flavor or for health benefits.
▫️ Coriander – a herb and spice made from the seeds of the cilantro plant.
▫️ Spinach – a dark green leafy vegetable.
▫️ Cilantro – fresh coriander leaves used in cooking.
▫️ Dried cranberries – dehydrated red berries.
Сушена журавлина.
▫️ Sage – an aromatic herb used for flavoring.
▫️ Vegetable broth – a liquid made from simmering vegetables, used as a base for soups.
Овочевий бульйон.
▫️ Thyme – a fragrant herb used in cooking.
▫️ Rolled oats – oats that have been flattened for quicker cooking.
Вівсяні пластівці плющені.
▫️ Cinnamon – a sweet and spicy bark used as a flavoring.
▫️ Nutmeg – a warm, aromatic spice made from the seeds of the nutmeg tree.
Мускатний горіх.
▫️ Maple syrup – sweet syrup made from the sap of maple trees.
Кленовий сироп.
▫️ Almond milk – a dairy-free milk alternative made from almonds.
Мигдальне молоко.
▫️ Walnuts – a type of large, wrinkled nut.
Волоські горіхи.
▫️ Chia seeds – tiny black or white seeds rich in nutrients.
Насіння чіа.
▫️ Green lentils – small, flat legumes used in soups and stews.
Зелена сочевиця.
▫️ Brown lentils – another type of lentil, more common in everyday cooking.
Коричнева сочевиця.
▫️ Celery – a crunchy, green vegetable often used in soups and salads.
▫️Bay leaves – aromatic leaves used to flavor soups and stews.
Лаврове листя.

your english🤍inspiration | #англійська


17 Oct, 11:34

The phrase "ground zero" is typically considered a C1-level word due to its nuanced meaning and historical significance.

1 Original Meaning
: It refers to the point on the earth's surface closest to a nuclear explosion or another catastrophic event.
2 Modern Usage: It is now also commonly used to describe the exact point where something significant or destructive happens, especially in relation to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S. It can also refer metaphorically to the starting point of an activity or situation.

The area around ground zero was completely destroyed by the blast.
This little town became famous as ground zero for the Mexican War of Independence.
This street can be seen as the ground zero of the city's architectural renaissance.

• Ukrainian
: "епіцентр."


15 Oct, 19:54

[підготувала вам лексики з мого робочого місця, але ⤵️🧸]

pov: хочеш облаштувати собі girly aesthetic workplace з fancy snacks and drinks 🫖

real: перетворюєш свій workplace в непогану столовку для вєчно голодного 💅🏻

your english🤍inspiration | #англійська


15 Oct, 09:18

🍂🧥🧸вирази з осіннім вайбом які точно прокачають вашу англійську!

Harvest your thoughts
• Meaning
: To gather your ideas, insights, or feelings in a reflective way, similar to harvesting crops.
• Example: During my evening journal sessions, I like to harvest my thoughts and gain clarity.
• Translation: Збирати думки/впорядковувати думки. Під час вечірніх сеансів ведення щоденника мені подобається «збирати» думки й отримувати ясність.

Savor the moment
• Meaning
: To deeply enjoy and appreciate the present time without rushing.
• Example: I make sure to savor the moment when I’m sipping my coffee in the crisp autumn air.
• Translation: Смакувати момент/насолоджуватись моментом. Я завжди «смакую момент», коли п'ю каву на свіжому осінньому повітрі.

Let go of the hustle
• Meaning
: To stop being constantly busy and embrace a slower pace of life.
• Example: October is the perfect time to let go of the hustle and focus on relaxing evenings at home.
• Translation: Відпустити
. Жовтень — ідеальний час, щоб відпустити поспіх і зосередитися на спокійних вечорах удома.

Soak up the season
• Meaning
: To fully enjoy the experiences and atmosphere of the season.
• Example: This November, I’m going to soak up the season by visiting pumpkin patches and cozying up by the fire.
• Translation: Насолоджуватися сезоном. Цього листопада я буду насолоджуватися сезоном, відвідуючи гарбузові ферми й гріючись біля вогню.

• Meaning
: To withdraw from regular activity, resting or recharging (like animals in winter).
• Example: As the days get shorter, I tend to hibernate at home with my favorite shows and blankets.
• Translation: Залягти в сплячку. Коли дні стають коротшими, я зазвичай «залягаю в сплячку» вдома з улюбленими серіалами та ковдрами.

Turn over a new leaf
• Meaning
: To make a fresh start or change your behavior for the better.
• Example: October is a great time to turn over a new leaf and focus on self-improvement.
• Translation: Почати з чистого аркуша. Жовтень – чудовий час, щоб почати з чистого аркуша і зосередитися на самовдосконаленні.

Carve out time
• Meaning
: To make space in your schedule for something important.
• Example: I always carve out time in the evening to meditate and reflect on my day.
• Translation: Виділяти час. Я завжди виділяю час ввечері, щоб помедитувати і підвести підсумки дня.

Slow down
• Meaning
: To take life at a more relaxed pace, without rushing.
• Example: As the days get shorter, it’s a great time to slow down and enjoy cozy evenings.
• Translation: Сповільнитися. Настання коротших днів це чудовий час, щоб сповільнитися і насолоджуватися затишними вечорами.

Curl up with a book
• Meaning
: To get comfortable and read a book, often used for relaxation.
• Example: On cold November nights, I love to curl up with a book and a cup of tea.
• Translation: Вмоститися з книгою. У холодні листопадові вечори я люблю вмоститися з книгою та чашкою чаю.

• Meaning
: To relax and release stress.
• Example: After a long week, it's important to unwind by reading a good book.
• Translation: Розслабитися. Після важкого тижня важливо розслабитися, читаючи хорошу книгу.

your english🤍inspiration | #англійська





