

﴿وَمَا تَوۡفِيقِيٓ إِلَّا بِٱللَّهِۚ عَلَيۡهِ تَوَكَّلۡتُ وَإِلَيۡهِ أُنِيبُ ٨٨۝﴾

- محتوى القناة عبارة عن روابط فيديوهات لمحاضرات شبيهة بمحاضراتنا التابعة
لـ (جامعة الموصل)
وأيضاً أسئلة MCQ

- بوت التواصل مع قناة أُفُـ📚ـق🦷


22 Oct, 15:06

based on Key 3:
In all other crowns, how is the occlusal portion of the labial or buccal surface positioned in relation to the gingival portion?

A) The occlusal portion is labial to the gingival portion
B) The occlusal portion is lingual to the gingival portion
C) The occlusal portion is mesial to the gingival portion
D) The occlusal portion is distal to the gingival portion
E)none of the above




22 Oct, 15:00

For the upper incisors, how is the occlusal portion of the crown’s positioned in relation to the gingival portion?

A) The gingival portion is lingual to the occlusal portion
B) The gingival portion is labial to the occlusal portion
C) The occlusal portion is lingual to the gingival portion
D) The occlusal portion is distal to the gingival portion
E)none of the above

—سؤال على الطاير 🫣🌝


21 Oct, 20:24

هذه اسئلة التقويمي التي وردت عن هذه المحاضرة

أما اسئلة الموصل فبإذن اللّٰه ستنشر قريباً 🥲

المحاضرة مهمة والاختصارات والتعاريف تُنسى 🥲
فاستمعوا للشرح لتترسخ في أذهانكم....

دمتم في أمان اللّٰه وحفظه ورعايته.


21 Oct, 20:21

Cephalometric land marks which can be guesstimated more accurately by bisecting the angle formed by the tangents from the posterior border of the ramus and the inferior border of the mandible

A. B-point.

B. Menton.

C. Pogonion.

D. Gonion.

E. Gnathion.



21 Oct, 20:19

Which soft tissue analysis involves line from the soft tissue chin to the upper lip and, if extended, should bisect the nose in a well- proportioned face?

A. Holdaway line.

B. Rickett's E-plane.

C. Facial plane.

D. Functional occlusal plane.

E. Facial line.



21 Oct, 20:17

The cephalosatat is used to:

A. Analyze soft tissue relation of skull.

B. Analyze the anterio-posterior skeletal relation of skull

C. Apply some standardization to be able to compare radiographs of different individuals.

D. Analyze the vertical skeletal relation of skull.

E. All of the above.



21 Oct, 20:17

- شرح د. أيسر كريم
- part 1
- part 2


21 Oct, 20:16

#Orthodontic5 lec.3


21 Oct, 20:01

اي تصنيفات في هذه المحاضرة #مهم جداً

وتعتبر مراجعة وامور اساسية بالنسبة لنا كَـ "أطباء أسنان"


21 Oct, 19:57



21 Oct, 19:50

Andrews Key II of normal occlusion includes:

A. The labiolingual or buccolingual, "torque."

B. Absence of rotation.

C. Tight contacts.

D. Crown angulation.

E. Curve of spee.



21 Oct, 19:49

• An immediate and permanent posterior disclusion in lateral and protrusive contact with no associated non-working side interferences (tooth contacts); this is achieved by the
presence of canine guidance or group function in lateral excursion,
and incisal guidance in protrusion.
