CUET UG PG Books Notes Mock Test


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CUET UG PG Books Notes Mock Test

20 Oct, 07:18

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 20.10.2024

1. SPUR (VERB): (प्रोत्साहित करना): stimulate 
Synonyms: encourage, prompt 
Antonyms: discourage 
Example Sentence: Her sons' passion for computer games spurred her to set up a software business. 

2. COMPLACENCY (NOUN):(शालीनता): smugness 
Synonyms: self-satisfaction, self-approval 
Antonyms: dissatisfaction 
Example Sentence: The figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency. 

3. DESCEND (VERB): (उतरना): drop 
Synonyms: go down, come down 
Antonyms: ascend 
Example Sentence: The aircraft began to descend. 

4. ASSERTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (मुखर): confident 
Synonyms: forceful, self-confident 
Antonyms: retiring 
Example Sentence:The job may call for assertive behavior. 

5. SLOPPY (ADJECTIVE): (लापरवाह): careless 
Synonyms: slapdash, slipshod 
Antonyms: careful 
Example Sentence:We gave away a goal through sloppy defending. 

6. THRIVE (VERB): (फलना-फूलना): flourish 
Synonyms: prosper burgeon 
Antonyms: increase 
Example Sentence:Education groups tend to thrive on organization. 

7. CONVENTIONAL (ADJECTIVE): (मानक): normal
Synonyms: standard, regular 
Antonyms: original 
Example Sentence:A conventional morality had dictated behavior. 

8. SABOTAGE (VERB): (नुक़सान पहुंचाना): wreck 
Synonyms: vandalize, destroy 
Antonyms: strengthen 
Example Sentence: Power lines from South Africa were sabotaged by rebel forces. 

9. DISPENSE (VERB):(मुक्त होना): waive 
Synonyms: omit, drop 
Antonyms: include 
Example Sentence:Let's dispense with the formalities, shall we?" 

10. CRITICAL (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वपूर्ण): crucial 
Synonyms: vital, essential 
Antonyms: unimportant 
Example Sentence:Temperature is a critical factor in successful fruit storage. 

CUET UG PG Books Notes Mock Test

19 Oct, 05:36

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 19.10.2024

1. UNBRIDLED (ADJECTIVE): (निरंकुश): unrestrained
Synonyms: unconstrained, uncontrolled
Antonyms: restrained
Example Sentence:He had a moment of unbridled ambition.

2. HUMILIATE (VERB): (अपमानित करना): embarrass
Synonyms: mortify, humble
Antonyms: aggrandize
Example Sentence:You'll humiliate me in front of the whole school!

3. BARBARIC (ADJECTIVE): (निर्दयी): cruel
Synonyms: brutal, barbarous
Antonyms: benevolent
Example Sentence:He carried out barbaric acts in the name of war.

4. ABRIDGE (VERB): (संक्षेप करना): shorten
Synonyms: cut, curtail
Antonyms: lengthen
Example Sentence:The introduction is abridged from the author's afterword to the novel.

5. ABEYANCE (ADJECTIVE): (निलम्बन): suspension
Synonyms: remission, suspense
Antonyms: in hand
Example Sentence:Matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries.

6. OBNOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रिय): unpleasant
Synonyms: disagreeable, nasty
Antonyms: delightful
Example Sentence:They overthrew the chancellor who was very obnoxious to them.

7. ANNIHILATE (VERB): (मिटा देना): destroy
Synonyms: wipe out, obliterate
Antonyms: create
Example Sentence:A simple bomb could also annihilate a lot of things.

8. CONFER (VERB): (प्रदान करना): bestow on
Synonyms: present with/to, grant to
Antonyms: withhold
Example Sentence:The Minister may have exceeded the powers conferred on him by Parliament.

9. VEX (VERB): (खीझाना): annoy
Synonyms: irritate, infuriate
Antonyms: mollify
Example Sentence:The memory of the conversation still vexed him.

10. DEEM (VERB): (मानना): consider
Synonyms: judge, adjudge
Antonyms: mis-judge
Example Sentence:The event was deemed a great success.

CUET UG PG Books Notes Mock Test

18 Oct, 03:06

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 18.10.2024

1. ZEALOUS (ADJECTIVE): (उत्साही): fervent 
Synonyms: ardent, fervid 
Antonyms: apathetic 
Example Sentence: The council was extremely zealous in the application of the regulations. 

2. APPEALING (ADJECTIVE):(आकर्षक): attractive 
Synonyms: engaging, alluring 
Antonyms: off-putting 
Example Sentence: Village life is somehow more appealing than city's. 

3. HOSTILITY (NOUN): (युद्ध): fighting 
Synonyms: conflict, combat 
Antonyms: peace 
Example Sentence: He called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. 

4. RELATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (तुलनात्मक): comparative 
Synonyms: respective, comparable 
Antonyms: absolute 
Example Sentence: The relative effectiveness of the various mechanisms is not known. 

5. AGITATE (VERB): (उत्तेजित करना): upset 
Synonyms: perturb, fluster 
Antonyms: calm 
Example Sentence: The thought of questioning Tony agitated him extremely. 

6. TIRESOME (ADJECTIVE): (थकानेवाला): boring 
Synonyms: dull, tedious 
Antonyms: interesting 
Example Sentence: Weeding is a tiresome but essential job. 

7. GLORIFY (VERB): (महिमामंडन करना): ennoble 
Synonyms: exalt, elevate 
Antonyms: dishonour 
Example Sentence: A football video went viral glorifying violence. 

8. ABATE (VERB): (घटना): subside 
Synonyms: lessen, let up 
Antonyms: intensify 
Example Sentence: In an hour or so the storm would abate and they could leave. 

9. FLEETING (ADJECTIVE): (क्षणभंगुर): brief 
Synonyms: transient, short-lived 
Antonyms: lasting 
Example Sentence: For a very fleeting moment I saw his face. 

10. GLOSSY (ADJECTIVE): (सतही आकर्षक): expensive 
Synonyms: high-quality, stylish 
Antonyms: cheap 
Example Sentence: That is just another glossy TV miniseries.

CUET UG PG Books Notes Mock Test

15 Oct, 03:01


1. Father of Computer - CHARLES BABBAGE
2. Father of Modern Computer Science - ALAN TURING
3. First Un Programmable Digital Computer - ATANASOFF BERRY COMPUTER (ABC)
4. First Electronic Digital Computer - ENIAC
6. World'S Fastest Computer - Sunway TaihuLight, in China.
7. India's Fastest Computer - PARAM SIDDHI AI
8. PARAM SIDDHI AI developed by - Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC)


1. First Generation - (1940-56) - Vacuum tubes - Batch processing OS
2. Second Generation - (1956-63) - Transistors - Multi bag / Time sharing OS
3. Third Generation - (1964-71) - Integrated Circuits - Timesharing/ Real time OS
4. Fourth Generation - (1971-80) - Microprocessors - Real time/ Multi programming OS
5. Fifth Generation - (1980- present) - Semi conductors - Real time/ Multi programming OS


1st - Machine and Assembly language
2nd - Assembly language and high level languages (FORTRAN , COBOL)
3rd - High level languages (FORTRAN II - IV , COBOL , PASCAL , BASIC, ALGOL68)
4th - High level languages(FORTAN 77 , PASCAL , COBOL)
5th - High level languages(C , C++ ,JAVA , .NET)

CUET UG PG Books Notes Mock Test

15 Oct, 03:01

🦊 Scientific Names of Common Animals 🦊

🔹 Cat
Felis catus
🔹 CobraElapidae naja
🔹 CamelCamelus camelidae
🔹 CheetahAcinonyx jubatus
🔹 ChimpanzeePan troglodytes
🔹 CrocodileCrocodilia niloticus
🔹 ChameleonChamaele ontidate
🔹 DogCannis familiaris
🔹 DeerArtiodactyl cervidae
🔹 DolphinDelphinidae delphis
🔹 ElephantProboscidea elephantidae
🔹 FrogAnura ranidae
🔹 FoxCannis vulpes
🔹 GiraffeGiraffa camalopardalis
🔹 Giant PandaAiluropoda melanoleuca
🔹 GoatCapra hircus
🔹 HouseflyMusca domestica
🔹 HippopotamusHippopotamus amphibius
🔹 HorseEqqus caballus
🔹 HyenaHyaenidae carnivora
🔹 LionPanthera leo
🔹 LizardSauria lacertidae
🔹 MouseRodentia muridae
🔹 PantherPanthera pardus
🔹 PigArtiodactyla suidae
🔹 PorcupineHystricomorph hystricidae
🔹 RabbitLeporidae cuniculas
🔹 RhinocerosPerrissodanctyl rthinocerotidae
🔹 ScorpionArchinida scorpionida
🔹 Sea HorseHippocampus syngnathidae
🔹 SquirrelRodentia sciurus
🔹 TigerPanthera tigris
🔹 ZebraEquidae burcheli

CUET UG PG Books Notes Mock Test

19 Sep, 03:48

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 19.09.2024

1. ALOOF (ADJECTIVE): (पृथक): distant
Synonyms: detached unresponsive
Antonyms: familiar
Example Sentence:
They were courteous but faintly aloof.

2. GRATIFICATION (NOUN): (संतुष्टि): satisfaction
Synonyms: fulfilment, indulgence
Antonyms: dissatisfaction
Example Sentence:
My son's success was a great gratification.

3. PRODIGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (बहुत बड़ा): enormous
Synonyms: huge colossal
Antonyms: small
Example Sentence:
The stove consumed a prodigious amount of fuel.

4. STIGMATIZE (VERB): (गाली देना): condemn
Synonyms: denounce, brand
Antonyms: eulogize
Example Sentence:
He was stigmatized in fashion by the people.

5. ABROGATE (VERB): (अभिनिषेध करना): repudiate
Synonyms: revoke, repeal
Antonyms: institute
Example Sentence:
The ministry proposed to abrogate the electoral law of 1850.

6. INSULAR (ADJECTIVE): (संकुचित विचार का): narrow-minded
Synonyms: limited, blinkered
Antonyms: broad-minded
Example Sentence:
They are a group of stubbornly insular farming people.

7. DISPENSATION (NOUN): (छूट): exemption
Synonyms: immunity, exception
Antonyms: restriction
Example Sentence:
Although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to sing.

8. DE FACTO (ADJECTIVE): (वास्तव में): in practice
Synonyms: in effect, in fact
Antonyms: alleged
Example Sentence:
The country was de facto divided between two states.

9. FRAUGHT (ADJECTIVE): (व्यग्र): anxious
Synonyms: worried, upset
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:
There was a fraught silence.

10. DISCRETIONARY (ADJECTIVE): (विवेकाधीन): optional
Synonyms: non-compulsory, voluntary
Antonyms: compulsory
Example Sentence:
There has been an increase in year-end discretionary bonuses.