Covid Sense


Covid Sense seeks to expose the elitist depopulation plan, while simultaneously doing our part to help save humanity. ♡

Topics include: COVID-19, future pandemics, UN Agenda 2021-2063, World Bank project plans, Build Back Better, The Great Reset, & more.

Covid Sense

18 Jan, 00:39

Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins, two of the U.S. government’s most senior and highly paid officials were deposed in Congress last week about COVID-19.

And we learned something very important. And that is Fauci’s and Collins’ defense strategy.

Covid Sense

15 Jan, 22:10

Fully Vaxxed and Boosted “All My Children” Actor Dies Suddenly at Age 50 – COVID Suspected as Cause of Death

Covid Sense

15 Jan, 20:49

DISEASE X: World leaders meeting in Davos for the World Economic Forum (WEF) this week are set to discuss concerns about the potential for a future pandemic that could cause 20 times more fatalities than Covid-19.


Follow @InsiderPaper for more news

Covid Sense

13 Jan, 20:38

This is all you need to know about the "unexplained" surge in sudden deaths:

"If the sudden deaths we're seeing were occurring in the unvaccinated, this would be on every news channel 24/7. But it's not."

"The employed of our country are dropping dead and getting disabled at a rate that is beyond the general population. I blame the vaccines. If it's not that, then what is it? And why aren't we talking about it?"

— Edward Dowd

Related Stories on @Vigilant_News:

Ed Dowd Drops Bombshell Data: Hematological (Blood-Related) Claims Up 522% Above Trend in 2022

Scientists warn the latest COVID variant could trigger a “heart failure pandemic.”

Dr. McCullough Reveals More Bad News About the COVID Shots

WEF warns Disease X “could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic.”

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Covid Sense

02 Jan, 20:25

After injecting you with a cancer causing bio weapon pfizer spends 43 BILLION to buy Seagan a CANCER TREATMENT corp.

Covid Sense

31 Dec, 19:56



Starting Today: All of Johnny’s Shows and Conservative Daily Shows will be streamed on #YIG HOUSE. 🏠


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New Years Eve A.R. Live! w/ Johnny 🎤

5:30 pm Eastern/ 2:30 pm Pacific

News, Discussion, & more. Come hang out in the chat with us!


Covid Sense

31 Dec, 19:07

HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎉 🎉 🎇 2024

Covid Sense

29 Dec, 23:39


Covid Sense

24 Dec, 19:08

Merry Christmas, Fam 🎄🎄🎄🎁
Much Love and Blessings

Covid Sense

11 Dec, 23:57

The New Zealand vaccine data "is horrific," says NZ Loyal party leader Liz Gunn.

Database administrator Barry Young found that one individual who vaccinated a large number of people had 400 deaths tied to her name.

"There'll be people who have vaccinated who will be lying in bed at night going, 'How many people have I killed?'"

A huge thank you to The Wellness Company for sponsoring the first episode of Media Blackout.

Support the show and arm yourself with eight essential medications, including ivermectin, Z-Pak, amoxicillin, and more for whatever comes next.

Stock up:

Follow @Vigilant_News

Covid Sense

11 Dec, 03:31

The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials.

There was a "bait and switch." The clinical trials tested "Process 1" while the public received "Process 2."

And what they never told you is that "Process 2" was only tested on about 252 people, instead of 40,000 people.

They also didn't tell you that the vials were contaminated with plasmid DNA.

A new study by Kevin McKernan and colleagues found "the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry, all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188 to 509-fold."

In layman's terms, that's not 500%, that is up to 500 times the amount of residual DNA that is acceptable.

Full Interview:

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Covid Sense

11 Dec, 03:30

This statistician, Barry Young, 56, has been arrested by New Zealand authorities for exposing this data:

Mr. Young, a Ministry of Health employee-turned-whistleblower, examined connections between specific COVID-19 vaccine batches and mortality rates. What he found was alarming:

Batch ID 1: Total Vaccinated 711, Death Count 152, 21.38% Dead

Batch ID 8: Total Vaccinated 221, Death Count 38, 17.19% Dead

Batch ID 3: Total Vaccinated 310, Death Count 48, 15.48% Dead

Batch ID 4: Total Vaccinated 364, Death Count 37, 10.16% Dead

Batch ID 6: Total Vaccinated 1006, Death Count 101, 10.04% Dead

Batch ID 2: Total Vaccinated 1018, Death Count 98, 9.63% Dead

Batch ID 7: Total Vaccinated 38, Death Count 3, 7.89% Dead

Batch ID 72: Total Vaccinated 5882, Death Count 278, 4.73% Dead

Batch ID 62: Total Vaccinated 18173, Death Count 831, 4.57% Dead

Batch ID 71: Total Vaccinated 11019, Death Count 498, 4.52% Dead

The underlying mortality rate in New Zealand should be only 0.75%, said Young. So the odds of all these deaths happening by chance is approximately 100 billion to 1.

"So statistically, what we're saying is that there is no chance that this vaccine is not a killer," declared Young.

Steve Kirsch responded to the case:

"The data is legit; that's why they are arresting Barry. He's a hero for exposing the truth."

Read the full story:

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Covid Sense

20 Oct, 14:44

Health Canada confirms SV40 simian virus (removed from Polio jab for causing cancer) is in Pfizer covid vaccine!

Covid Sense

14 Oct, 17:14

Exactly a year ago I was messaging with you in airports on my way to the South Pacific. A trip you were so excited I was taking.

I would’ve never imagined waking up in another country to the news: “we lost our YIG”.

I think you knew something we didn’t and your last message to me was, in a way, a goodbye and advice for a good life.

What I know for a fact is that in this long year YOU have been behind every opportunity that has come our way, not only with me but with Johnny and Hibbinz. I pray you are looking down on us and are proud.

To this day, this saying I loved to share with you so much, keeps coming to mind. But now I know the STAR we hitched our wagon to was YOU!




Covid Sense

13 Oct, 16:39

Covid Sense

13 Oct, 16:38

What’s this all about? asking for a friend?