

30 Sep, 11:18

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27 Jun, 05:55

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10 Feb, 17:26

🎋🌴Notes on Transport in Plants🎋🌴

(1) Types of osmosis

Depending upon the movement of water into or outward of the cell, osmosis is of two types.

(a) Endosmosis: The osmotic inflow of water into a cell, when it is placed in a solution, whose solute concentration is less than the cell sap, is called endosmosis e.g., swelling of raisins, when they are placed in water.
(b) Exosmosis: The osmotic outflow of water from a cell, when it is placed in a solution, whose solute concentration is more than the cell sap, is called exosmosis. e.g., shrinkage of grapes when they are placed in strong sugar solution.

(2) Osmotic concentrations (Types of solutions)

A solution can be termed as hypotonic, hypertonic and isotonic depending upon its osmotic concentration, with respect to another solution or cell sap.

(a) Hypotonic solution (hypo = less than). A solution, whose osmotic concentration (solute potential) is less than that of another solution or cell sap is called hypotonic solution. If a cell is placed in such a solution, water start moving into the cell by the process of endosmosis, and cell become turgid.

(b) Hypertonic solution (hper = more than). A solution, whose osmotic concentration (solute potential) is more than that of another solution or cell sap is called hypertonic solution. If a cell is placed in such a solution, water comes out of the cell by the process of exosmosis and cell become flaccid. If potato tuber is placed in concentrated salt solution it would become shrink due to loss of water from its cell.

(c) Isotonic solution (iso = the same). A solution, whose osmotic concentration (solute potential) is equal to that of another solution or cell sap, is called isotonic solution. If a cell is placed in isotonic solution, there is no net change of water between the cell and the solution and the shape of cell remain unchanged. The normal saline (0.85% solution of NaCl) and 0.4 m to 0.5 m solution of sucrose are isotonic to the cell sap.

(3) Significance of osmosis in plants
(a) The phenomenon of osmosis is important in the absorption of water by plants.
(b) Cell to cell movement of water occurs throughout the plant body due to osmosis.
(c) The rigidity of plant organs (i.e., shape and form of organism) is maintained through osmosis.
(d) Leaves become turgid and expand due to their OP.
(e) Growing points of root remain turgid because of osmosis and are thus, able to penetrate the soil particles.
(f) The resistance of plants to drought and frost is brought about by osmotic pressure of their cells.
(g) Movement of plants and plant parts, for example, movement of leaflets of Indian telegraph plant, bursting of many fruits and sporangia, etc. occur due to osmosis.
(h) Opening and closing of stomata is affected by osmosis.

(4) Turgor pressure (TP)
The plant cell, when placed in pure water, swells but does not burst. Because of negative osmotic potential of the vacuolar solution (cell sap), water will move into the cell and will cause the plasmalemma be pressed against the cell wall.

(5) Wall pressure (WP)
Due to turgor pressure, the protoplast of a plant cell will press the cell wall to the outside. The cell wall being elastic, presses back the protoplast with a pressure equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. This pressure is called wall pressure. Wall pressure (WP) may, therefore, be defined as 'the pressure exerted by the cell wall over the protoplast to counter the turgor pressure.

(6) Plasmolysis (Gr. Plasma = something formed; lysis = loosing)
If a living plant cell is placed in a highly concentrated solution (i.e. hypertonic solution), water comes out of the cell due to exosmosis, through the plasmamembrane. The loss of water from the cell sap causes shrinkage of the protoplast away from the cell wall in the form of a round mass in the centre. "The shrinkage of the protoplast of a living cell from its cell wall due to exosmosis under the influence of a hypertonic solution is called plasmolysis".


02 Jan, 11:29

PH List🔻

• URINE                             = 6
• BLOOD                           = 7.4
• SPERM                           = 7.2
• STOMACH                     = 1.5-3.5
• ACID RAIN                     = <5.5
• GOOD SOUL                   = 5.6


07 Nov, 18:06

Periodic Table Short Notes 👨‍💻
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03 Oct, 14:06

⊙ Redox Reaction
⊙ Handwritten


05 Sep, 17:12

✍️Notes on Environmental Chemistry:

🔹Components of Environment:

Atmosphere: This comprises a blanket of gaseous layer around earth.

Hydrosphere: This comprises about 96% of earth’s surface & includes all sources of water like oceans rivers lakes, glaciers, ground water etc.

Lithosphere: It refers to earth’s solid crust containing the outer mineral cover. It comprises soil, minerals, organic matter etc.

Biosphere: It refers to the domain of living organism in covalent with atmosphere hydrosphere as well as lithosphere.

🔹Environmental Pollution :
Process of contamination of the environment with harmful wastes arising mainly from human activities.

Pollutant: Any substance or species produced either by a natural source or by human activity, which produces adverse effect on the environment.

Contaminant: A substance which does not occurs in nature but is introduced by human activity into the atmosphere affecting its composition.

Source: The site from which the pollution or contaminants originate.

Sink: The material or medium which consumes or interacts with a long lived pollutant is called sink.

Receptor : Anything that is affected by the pollutants.

Threshold limit value (TLV) : This indicates the permissible limit of a pollutant in atmosphere to which a healthy worker is exposed during hours a day or 40 hours a week for life time without any adverse effects. TLV are determined by experimentation on animals, by use of medical knowledge, epidemiology surveys & environmental studies.

🔹Tropospheric pollution or Air pollution:
It is the atmosphere condition in which the presence of certain concentration produce harmful effects on man and his environment. These substances include:

(i) Gases such as oxides of sulphur, CO, oxide of N2 and hydrocarbons

(ii) Particulate matter such as dust, smoke, fumes etc.

(iii) Radioactive material & many others.

Primary pollutants : These are the pollutants which are emitted directly from the sources. Some examples are:

Particulate Matter : Such as ash, smoke, dust, fumes etc.

Inorganic gases : Such as sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide etc.

🔹Particulate matter:

Soot: produced by incomplete combustion of carbonaceous fossils fuels such as coal, fuel oil, natural gas, wood etc in insufficient supply of oxygen.

Metal particles: These are released by various metal finishing operation. The micro particles of toxic metal & SO2 gas present in the polluted atmosphere get absorbed on the particles rendering them highly toxic.

Metal oxides : They are generated by combustion of fuels containing metallic compounds.

Lead salts: Their source is lead tetraethyl (Pb(C2H5)4) which is added to gasoline to improve its antiknock property. In order to avoid deposition of PbO suitable amounts of C2H4Cl2 & C2H4Br2 are added to gasoline along with Pb(C2H5)4.

Fly ash: It originates from the combustion of high ash fossil. It contains partially burnt particles of the fuels.

Asbestos dust: It originates from industrial units manufacturing asbestos sheets, gaskets ropes etc. Asbestos flowing & asbestos insulations also contribute towards asbestos dust in the atmosphere.

Solid Hydrocarbons: These are emitted from petroleum refineries & comprise of paraffins, olefins & aromatics.

Dust Particulates: Originate from natural, domestic, industrial or agricultural sources. These are thrown into atmosphere by volcanic eruptions, blowing of dust by wind, mining operations etc.

Acid mist : Sulphuric acid mist is produced when SO3 present in the atmosphere comes in contact with moisture. Nitric acid mist is produced when oxides of nitrogen, viz, NO & NO2, undergo the series of reactions in the atmosphere.


27 Aug, 17:50

Animal Kingdom



✓Notochord is a mesodermally derived rod
like structure formed on dorsal side
(During embryonic development)

✓Animal with notochord (Chordata)

✓Animal without notochord (Non Chordata)

✓Give Hearts ❤️❤️


19 Aug, 03:39




31 Jul, 19:11

Ray optics