Binaural Beats


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Binaural Beats

13 Jan, 09:08


1. Excessive effort in regularity of practice and duration.
Many people immediately try to start meditating an hour and a half a day. And when it doesn't work out, they start to berate and blame themselves or get frustrated with the practice. The point is that meditation is not just another item on your to-do list. Meditation should be an enjoyable experience that you look forward to. So start with 10 minutes a day, and then as you find yourself wanting more, increase the time. If 10 minutes seems like an eternity to you too, start with 5 or 7 minutes. Any meditation will be good for you.

2. Excessive effort in concentration.
When we are first introduced to meditation, it seems to us that the ideal meditation will take place when not a single thought visits us during meditation, when there is absolute silence within our mind. But in fact this is achieved only with time. So at first this prejudice plays against us. Concentrating on your thoughts and the desire to get rid of them, you only fill your consciousness more with these very thoughts.

3. Excessive effort in maintaining a static posture.
Of course, many people can sit still for hours in meditation. But at first, every minute of meditation is very much drawn out. So we can't concentrate, but only think about when the meditation will come to an end. And naturally, our attention starts to be attracted by the desire to scratch our nose or stretch a leg that is stiff. Immobility of the body leads to immobility of the mind, so it is better to exclude all scratching and fidgeting during meditation as much as possible. But if you find it difficult to concentrate at first, allow yourself to raise your hand and scratch your nose, because the longer you wait, the more your thoughts and attention will be in the area of your nose.

Binaural Beats

11 Jan, 10:56


The technique of willpower development is based on unlocking the potential of a person's consciousness and utilizing it through special mental exercises.

Technique of execution

1. Lie on your back and relax, close your eyes covering them with a dense cloth or wearing a dark mask for rest.

2. Concentrate on the darkness and mentally merge with it.

3. Begin to sink into the darkness, trying to reach the center. Mentally tell yourself that when you reach the center, you will intuitively know it.

4. When you reach the center imagine a golden ball there, which radiates willpower in the form of a golden-white glow.

5. Visualize it entering and dissolving into you. Meditate like this for about 5 minutes.

6. Then visualize yourself as having the willpower you want to have and come out of this state.

7. Test your willpower. For example, you can stand in one pose for a while. See how your willpower has developed.

Meditate for fifteen minutes every day

Binaural Beats

08 Jan, 10:48


In 1893, Heinrich Wilhelm Dove described an interesting phenomenon: if two tubes transmitting sounds with different frequencies are applied to the ears of a subject, the person perceives the frequency difference, but hears it as a combined sound, one rhythm. But until the 1970s, the scientific community showed no interest in this effect.

It wasn't until 1973 that American biophysicist Gerald Oster published a scientific paper explaining how the brain interprets frequency signals and creates the binaural effect. He noted the potential of the rhythms for cognitive and neurological research. Oster believed that binaural beats would help study how animals determine the origin of sounds in a three-dimensional environment, how they select the right signals in a "sea" of noise. According to Oster, binaural beats can be used to identify auditory and neurological disorders in humans. For example, he found that people suffering from Parkinson's disease among his subjects could not perceive binaural rhythms. But after a week-long course of treatment, the patients were able to hear them. This indicates that binaural rhythms could be used in medical diagnosis and possibly treatment.

Binaural Beats

07 Jan, 18:17


A binaural rhythm or binaural beat is an auditory illusion that occurs when both ears simultaneously receive signals with two different frequencies. In addition to these real different frequency signals, the brain "hears" another illusory one. Thus, if through headphones in one ear a tone with a frequency of 100 Hz, and in the other - 120 Hz, the brain "guesses" and hears a new sound with a frequency of 20 Hz. This effect occurs because human hearing is binaural or birefringent. Thanks to it, we determine the direction from which the sound is coming. It is with the help of the binaural effect that acoustical engineers create phono recordings with realistic surround sound and presence.

Audio tracks with such multi-frequency sounds - so-called binaural music - can be easily found online. They are attributed relaxing and sometimes therapeutic or mystical properties. Some people believe that binaural rhythms can heal or awaken mystical powers. This idea was promoted by popularizer Robert Monroe, a businessman who had a career in radio broadcasting. He gained fame for his experience with "out-of-body travel," wrote a book about it, and founded a non-profit organization called the Monroe Institute. Through the Institute, he distributed audio recordings with Hemisync technology based on binaural rhythms. These audio tracks, along with meditation, can supposedly put a person into an altered state of consciousness and promote "leaving the body." It is believed that all current binaural rhythm audios are based on Monroe's technology.

Binaural Beats

06 Jan, 11:57

How to Practice mindfulness meditation?

Get comfortable

Find a quiet place. Sit on a chair or on the floor so that your head, neck, and back are straight

You should also consider a timer

Although it's not necessary, a timer (preferably with a soft, gentle signal) can help you focus on meditation and forget about time. A timer can help you not to procrastinate your practice

Focus on your breathing

Become aware of your breathing, attune yourself to the sensation of air going in and out of your body as you inhale and exhale

Pay attention to your thoughts

The goal is not to stop the flow of thoughts, but to become a "witness" to those thoughts. When thoughts appear in your mind, don't ignore or suppress them. Just note them, remain calm, and use your breath as an "anchor".

Give yourself a break

If you find yourself getting caught up in your thoughts - worry, fear, anxiety or hope, notice where your thoughts have gone and simply return to your breathing

Binaural Beats

06 Jan, 11:48

What is mindfulness meditation?

Mindfulness meditation is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down your thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm your mind and body. It combines meditation with mindfulness practice, which can be defined as a mental state that involves total focus on the "present moment" so that you can accept your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment

Techniques may vary, but in general, mindfulness meditation involves deep breathing and awareness of the body and mind. Practicing mindfulness meditation requires no tools or preparation (no candles, essential oils, or mantras if you don't like them). To get started, all you need to do is get comfortable and set aside three to five minutes of free time

In the next post, we will cover the basic steps and techniques of mindfulness meditation


Binaural Beats

09 Sep, 16:59

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