Fatemi Academy


انگلیسی برای کار،تحصیل،زندگی
سیما فاطمی پور
کارشناس ارشد آموزش انگلیسی,مشاور آموزش
پژوهشگر، مترجم

🌐 آدرس سایت
👩‍ مدرس کانال
❇️کانال نظرات/دوره ها
❇️پیج اینستاگرام

Fatemi Academy

22 Oct, 13:56

Get punished: If you break the rules, you might get punished.

Get elected: She worked hard during the campaign and eventually got elected as the mayor.

Get stuck: We took a wrong turn and got stuck in traffic for hours.

Get appointed: After a lengthy process, he finally got appointed as the new director.

Get caught: The thief tried to escape but eventually got caught by the police.

Get lost: We got lost while hiking in the mountains.

Get involved: She didn’t want to get involved in the argument.

Get burned: Be careful with the stove, or you might get burned.

Get married: They decided to get married next summer.

Get dressed: Hurry up and get dressed; we’re going to be late!


Fatemi Academy

22 Oct, 13:55

فایل صوتی زیر رابشنوید و این ساختار و مثال های ان را تمرین کنید:


Fatemi Academy

20 Oct, 18:25

I bet: I bet it will rain tomorrow, so we should take an umbrella.

I expect: I expect she will finish her assignment by the weekend.

I reckon: I reckon the meeting will last at least two hours.

I imagine: I imagine he will do well in the final exams.

I wonder: I wonder if they will attend the event next week.

I think: I think they will enjoy the new movie that's coming out.

I’m sure: I’m sure you will love the new restaurant in town.


Fatemi Academy

20 Oct, 18:25

🟩🟥🟨 با این ۷ فعل و ترکیبات آنها درباره پیش بینی های آینده صحبت کنید

Fatemi Academy

18 Oct, 19:55

🟨🟥🟩 بعضی از فعل ها در انگلیسی دو معنی و دو حالت دارند
در حالت State verb استمراری نمی شوند
در حالت Action verb استمراری می شوند

فایل صوتی زیر را بشنوید و مثال ها را در پست بعد بخوانید و تمرین کنید


Fatemi Academy

18 Oct, 07:27

خواندن متن های علمی به افزایش دامنه لغت در زبان انگلیسی کمک موثری می کند.

Science Focus

- موفقیتی درباره بازگشت روند ریزش مو و کچلی
-کشف جدید درباره منشا پیدایش زمین و زندگی

و مقاله های جالب و متنوع دیگه
در این شماره بخوانید


Fatemi Academy

18 Oct, 00:42

21 Habits that Can Actually Increase Happiness

1. Be kind
2. Eat well
3. Exercise
4. Meditate
5. Be honest
6. Dream big
7. Be patient
8. Smile often
9. Love yourself
10. Forgive easily
11. Show gratitude
12. Think positively
13. Drink lots of water
14. Believe in yourself
15. Keep an open mind
16. Put your needs first
17. Don't make excuses
18. Speak well of others
19. Listen to understand
20. Choose faith over fear
21. Make the most of now


Fatemi Academy

16 Oct, 20:22

🟡🔴🟠🟢 سایر فعل هایی که حالت دوگانه (با مفعول و بدون مفعول) دارند:



Fatemi Academy

16 Oct, 20:18

فعل هایی که هم با مفعول و هم بدون مفعول به کار می روند:

1. Begin
- Transitive: She began the project with a plan.
- Intransitive: The meeting began at 10 a.m.

2. Burn

- Transitive: They burned the old documents.
- Intransitive: The fire burned for hours.

3. Change
- Transitive: He changed the settings on his computer.
- Intransitive: The weather changes rapidly in this region.

4. Decrease
- Transitive: The company decreased its prices to attract more customers.
- Intransitive: As summer ends, daylight hours decrease gradually.

5. Open
- Transitive: She opened the door to let the fresh air in.
- Intransitive: The store opens at 9 a.m. every day.

6. Move
- Transitive: He moved the chair to the other side of the room.
- Intransitive: After the announcement, the crowd moved towards the exit.


Fatemi Academy

15 Oct, 12:20

توضیحات مربوط به پیام و تصویر بالا

عبارت های قابل استفاده در احوالپرسی محاوره ای:

1. How's life (treating you)?

2. How is the day treating you?

3. How has the day been treating you?

4. Has the day been treating you well?


Fatemi Academy

15 Oct, 12:11

چند دقیقه پیش یکی از دوستانم در واتس اپ پیامی داد و پیامش رو اینطور شروع کرد. (ایشون آلمانی هستند).

این عبارت برای احوالپرسی محاوره ای استفاده میشه. در فایل صوتی زیر توضیحات این اصطلاح و جملات مشابه و کاربردش رو توضیح میدم.


Fatemi Academy

14 Oct, 16:08

توضیحات و تدریس اصطلاحات پست قبل
با کلمه Street

Fatemi Academy

14 Oct, 16:07

چهار عبارت و اصطلاح با کلمه Street:

1. Come up to you in the street

Definition: To approach someone in a public area, typically to initiate conversation or interaction.

Sample Sentence: "A stranger came up to me in the street and asked for directions."

2. Wander through the street

Definition: To move through a street in a relaxed or aimless manner, often without a specific destination or purpose.

Sample Sentence: "She liked to wander through the street on weekends, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city."

3. Bump into her in the street

Definition: To encounter someone by chance in a public area.

Sample Sentence: "I didn’t expect to bump into her in the street, but it was a pleasant surprise to catch up."

4. Parade through the street

Definition: To walk or march through a street in a public celebration or display.

Sample Sentence: "They paraded through the street, celebrating their win with music and banners."
