Based Book Excerpts


Based Book Excerpts

22 Oct, 06:20

Brief commentary on tonight’s reading

Based Book Excerpts

22 Oct, 06:04

The Revolt Against Civilization: the menace of the under man

By Theodore Lothrop Stoddard

Ch6 the rebellion of the underman

Based Book Excerpts

21 Oct, 07:25

Commentary on tonight’s reading

Based Book Excerpts

21 Oct, 06:48

The Revolt Against Civilization: the menace of the under man

By Theodore Lothrop Stoddard

Ch5 the groundswell of revolt part 2

Based Book Excerpts

20 Oct, 07:25

If you enjoy the content consider contributing. Based content is made possible by contributions from listeners like you!

Based book excerpts is a project intended to make the dissident knowledge of the past more readily available. Dissident books are often expensive, hard to find, or not available in audiobook format. Often originals are expensive but necessary because reprints are sanitized and stripped of “controversial” content. 

By contributing you facilitate the purchase of materials and the funding of this project so that the wisdom of the great and persecuted men of the past is not lost. Thank you for keeping us going through the censorship.

Based Book Excerpts

20 Oct, 07:22

Stoddard finally talks about the jewish role in revolutionary upheavals and the negrification of art and culture

Based Book Excerpts

20 Oct, 06:56

The Revolt Against Civilization: the menace of the under man

By Theodore Lothrop Stoddard

Ch4 the Lure of the primitive part 2

Ch5 the groundswell of revolt part 1

Based Book Excerpts

15 Oct, 05:39

Tonight’s excerpts and commentary

Based Book Excerpts

15 Oct, 05:16

The Revolt Against Civilization: the menace of the under man

By Theodore Lothrop Stoddard

Ch3 the Nemesis of the Inferior part 3
Ch4 the Lure of the primitive

Based Book Excerpts

14 Oct, 05:50

“Hannibal: The story is told that when he was a boy his father made him promise, at the altar of his city’s gods, undying hatred to Rome. ; Roman historians said that toil did not wear out his body or exhaust his energy. Cold or heat were alike to him. He never ate or drank more than he needed. He slept when he had time, whether it was day or night, wrapping himself in a military cloak and lying on the ground in the midst of his soldiers. He did not dress better than other officers , but his weapons and his horse were the best in the army.”

Introductory American History by Henry Eldridge Bourne published 1912

Based Book Excerpts

14 Oct, 05:29

“They were taught to box, to wrestle, to throw the discus, and to hurl the spear. Military training was important for them, since all might be called to fight for the safety of their city.

Boys and young men were trained as runners, wrestlers, and boxers, not only because they enjoyed these exercises; but also that they might bring back honors and prizes to their city from the great games which all the Greeks held every few years.”

Introductory American History published 1912 by Henry Eldridge Bourne

Active clubs are not lighting a new flame, they are rekindling an ancient one. Traditions which come to us from the very beginning of European civilization. A culture of competition and trial that exists to cultivate men who are able and prepared to defend their people.

Without a fighting spirit a people is doomed. That is why these clubs and competitions matter. With a will to fight anything is possible, without one, nothing is.

Based Book Excerpts

04 Oct, 07:28

This is how the Based Books channel was born

We hit 3k!

Based Book Excerpts

03 Oct, 17:38

Deeply enjoying this audiobook and I highly recommend it.

Based Book Excerpts

03 Oct, 06:16

Commentary on the last reading

Based Book Excerpts

03 Oct, 06:06

The Revolt Against Civilization: the menace of the under man

By Theodore Lothrop Stoddard

Ch3 the Nemesis of the Inferior part 2

“Democracy was never intended for degenerates”

Based Book Excerpts

30 Sep, 06:22

Commentary on tonight’s reading

Based Book Excerpts

30 Sep, 06:11

The Revolt Against Civilization: the menace of the under man

By Theodore Lothrop Stoddard

Ch3 the Nemesis of the Inferior part 1

“Democracy was never intended for degenerates”

Based Book Excerpts

27 Sep, 14:50

If you enjoy the content consider contributing. Based content is made possible by contributions from listeners like you!

Based book excerpts is a project intended to make the dissident knowledge of the past more readily available. Dissident books are often expensive, hard to find, or not available in audiobook format. Often originals are expensive but necessary because reprints are sanitized and stripped of “controversial” content. 

By contributing you facilitate the purchase of materials and the funding of this project so that the wisdom of the great and persecuted men of the past is not lost. Thank you for keeping us going through the censorship.

Based Book Excerpts

26 Sep, 07:00

“The underman is unconvertible. He will not bow to the new truth, because he knows the new truth is not for him. Why should he work for a higher civilization, when even the present civilization is beyond his powers?” - Theodore Stoddard “the revolt against civilization”

Those of eugenic worth will often find themselves drifting toward nationalism, the dysgenic may find themselves in their youth for this or that reason in nationalist circles (for the wrong reasons usually) but will eventually extirpate themselves as they come to realize that a system of merit would exclude them.

Based Book Excerpts

26 Sep, 06:51

Commentary on tonight’s reading