Aware Beings


Life insights to help you grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


Unlock your hidden potential:

Aware Beings

10 Jan, 10:12

If you're an introvert, read this

Aware Beings

31 Dec, 12:21

My dear friends, on this last day of the year, let go.

Leave behind everything that

Didn't serve you.
Drained you.
Lowered your vibe.

Let go of,

Old ways.
Old patterns.
Old habits.
Old friends.
Old memories.
Old things.
Old places.

Making this new year the best year of your life.

A year full of healing, self-love, and becoming the highest version of yourself.

A year of new beginnings.

A year of new you.

Aware Beings

29 Dec, 08:16

Don't overthink life.

Trust that you made the right decision and flow with it.

No decision is wrong.
No path is the right path.

What you decide and what path you choose becomes right for you.

That's the miracle of the universe.

All you need is a little trust.
All you need is a little more courage.

And then, surrender.

Aware Beings

21 Dec, 08:43

Let go of your past completely.

Start with a clean slate.

And write on it what you actually want in your life:

- All the things that feel right in your heart.

- The things that are aligned with your true self.

- Things that make you feel proud.

- Things that bring health, wealth, wisdom, and happiness into your life.

- Things that are natural.

-Things that are in harmony with the life force inside you.

And above all things that help you flow effortlessly in the stream of life.

Aware Beings

19 Dec, 12:46

Worry is a misuse of imagination.

A week from now none of your problems will look as serious & important as they do right now.

Relax. It's just temporary.

Like the night.
Like the rain.
Like the storm.

This too will pass.

Trust the universe. And keep going.

Aware Beings

17 Dec, 09:10

You know what holds you back in life?


If you really pay attention, the reasons you give yourself are NOT REAL.

It's still in your imagination. Literally in your mind.

And if you don't take your focus off it, one day they'll manifest and take form.

So focus on what you want in your life.

Focus on love, success, wealth, good vibes, good people, and good health.

Not on what could happen, but what you want to happen.

This subtle shift in mindset can completely change your life.

What you focus on grows. Always remember that.

Aware Beings

13 Dec, 08:36

Make peace your highest priority.

If you have to work hard for one thing, work hard for peace.

Health comes from a disciplined mind & discipline comes peace.

Wealth comes from a focused mind & focus comes from peace.

Wisdom comes from a quiet mind & quiet comes from peace.

Love comes from a fulfilled mind, and fulfillment comes from peace.

When you have peace, you can attract everything you desire effortlessly into your life.

When you have peace, you have God.

Always remember that.

Aware Beings

08 Dec, 13:31

You can change.

It takes only a minute or it can take months.

All it takes is a real deep honest understanding.

Courage to be real with yourself.
For once. Just for once.

Tell yourself,

"I will."

Keep the promises made to myself.
Aways be honest with myself.
Always be my most authentic self.
Never ever lie to myself.

I will....

Change my life
Quit my habits
Start my business
Propose to my love.
Become the new me.

And then, do it.

And trust me, you will.

Heart, my friend, heart is all you need.

Aware Beings

03 Dec, 07:03

In a moment of stress, don't react immediately.


Loud music, toxic person, stupidity, anything that causes stress or anger, pause.

And CHOOSE to act mindfully.

Laugh it off
Show compassion
Show kindness
Show love

Just don't take it seriously.

You have the power to change how you perceive a situation and how you react to it.

Always choose peace, love, kindness and compassion as a response.

Towards others & yourself.


Aware Beings

30 Nov, 07:02

Life is an act of balance.

Like a tightrope walker continues to lean left and right to maintain its balance.

In the same way life also needs to be balanced continuously.

This whole universe works on intricate balance between everything.

Make sure you balance:

• Excess rest vs excess work
• Cooking vs online order
• Eat vs fast
• Earning vs spending
• Alone time vs Socializing
• Work vs fun
• Rest vs Exercise
• Movement vs Stationary
• Love vs space in relationship
• Social media vs Disconnecting
• Cleaning vs clutter
• Reading Books vs Reflecting

Suffering, pain and disease is a clear sign that something is out of balance.

To live a happy & healthy life, find the right balance.

Aware Beings

28 Nov, 08:13

Focus on the lessons.

You are human. And it's okay to make mistakes.

You're still learning.
You're still growing.

And you'll continue to evolve all your life.

Forgive yourself. Just like God does.

Do your best. But don't be too hard on yourself.

Fail, learn, and move on quickly.

Life is long. You got things to do.

Keep learning. Keep growing.

Aware Beings

25 Nov, 14:07

In order to really make a shift in your life, you have to break your toxic patterns.

The ego loves to stay in the patterns.

Dropping your patterns means going into the unknown.

But the ego is afraid of the unknown.

The truth is you can't change anything without letting in the new energy

Embracing the unknown.

Let go of who you were. And align with who you want to BECOME.

That is the secret.

Aware Beings

20 Nov, 14:55

Anytime you find yourself giving more energy than you receive,


Don't let anything or anyone drain you.

Don't give fourth and fifth chances to people who keep hurting you like they did the first, and second time.

Be forgiving, but not stupid.

And above all, don't feel guilty for walking away.

What drains you is not for you. Always remember that.

Aware Beings

19 Nov, 09:37

Feel, feel , feel. You have forgotten how to feel. You need to start feeling again.

• The nostalgia
• the emptiness
• the meaninglessness of everything
• the meaninfulness of everything
• the calm phases
• the storms
• excitement
• happiness
• the phases of quiet contemplation
• the phase of creativity

Stop running away from the moment when it comes.

Don't run away.
Don't distract yourself with a phone.

Just sit with it quietly.

And observe & absorb it.

You'll be wiser when it's over.

Aware Beings

15 Nov, 10:21

Allow things to unfold. Slowly. Naturally.

Control causes friction. And friction causes stress.

And stress kills dreams, ambitions, and your whole being.

Surrender to the way things are. Like water takes the shape of the vessel.

Set your intentions & trust the universe.

Because everything is rigged in your favour.

Aware Beings

07 Nov, 10:30

Balance your life.

Work & rest go together.

24/7 hustle & grind sounds very attractive.

But trust me, it's mentally emotionally and spiritually drains you.

You have to work very hard to succeed doesn't mean to work till the point of exhaustion.

It means, when you're working even for just 30 min, put everything in.

For those 30 minutes the world should cease to exist for you.

And then, take a break.

Nature works in cycles. And so do we.

Work, rest, relax, refuel, work.

That's a healthy way to reach your destination.