Abdul Qadir Khan


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( Social worker | Medico )

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Abdul Qadir Khan

06 Mar, 14:38


Abdul Qadir Khan

04 Jan, 12:33

61.Frog eye appearance is seen in  Anencephaly

62.Large chorioangioma are associated with  Poly-hydramnios

63.Shortest diameter of pelvic cavity  Interspinous diameter

64. Immune rejection of fetus is prevented by which hormone  HCG

65.Early amniocentesis is done at the gestational age of =12-14 weeks

66.Oligohydramnios is associated with  =Renal agenesis

67.At term, amount of amniotic fluid  =800 ml

68.Burns Marshall technique is used to deliver  Aftercoming head in breech

69. Litzmanns obliquity is =Posterior asynctilism

70.Syphilis is transmitted in which week of pregnancy = 28 week

71. MTP act was passed in which year  =1971

72. Sphingomyelin Lecithin ratio is measured for assessing the maturity of  =Lung

73.AFP levels are decreased in =  Down syndrome

74. Type of ectopic pregnancy which commonly ruptures = Isthmic

75.Shortest diameter in AP plane = Obstetric conjugate

76. Most consistent sign of ectopic pregnancy  =Pain

77. MC fungal infection in 3 trimester of pregnancy  =Candida albicans

78.MC cause of pyometra =  Carcinoma cervix

79.  Longest diameter of fetal skull=  Mentavertical

80. MC cause of post-partum hemorrhage  =Uterine atony

81.Late deceleration is due to = Uteroplacental insufficiency

82.Peak levels of HCG are by what intrauterine age  =7-9 weeks

83.Amniocentesis is done at=  12-20 weeks

84. % of breech presentation  =3%

85.MC cause of perinatal mortality in twins = Prematurity

86. Total iron requirement in pregnancy=  1000MG

87.Weight gain in normal pregnancy=  10-12 kg

88.Placenta develops from=Deciduas basalis & chorion frondosum

89.Ratio of fetal weight to placental weight at term =6:1

90. Neurological defects in a newborn of diabetic lady = Caudal regression syndrome,spina bifida

91 .Legally MTP is done upto how many days  140

92.MC side effect of progesterone only pill  = Irregular bleeding

93.Palmer sign of pregnancy is = Rhythmic contraction of uterus

94.Cervix effacement suggestive of labor =15 mm

95.LH surge occurs how many hours before ovulation  =24 hours

96.A sure sign of labor is formation of  =Bag of waters

97.Cardinal movements during labor are in which order=  Engagement, internal rotation, delivery of head, restitution & external rotation

98.Purpose of partogram=  Monitor progress of labor

99.Rate of dilatation in latent stage of labor=  1 cm/hr

100.A common indication of classical caesarean section=  Dense adhesion in lower uterine segment

101.Cardiac output returns to pre-pregnant state in how many weeks after labor = 4 weeks

102.Valvular condition with worst prognosis in pregnancy = Pulmonary hypertension

103. lodine level requirement in pregnancy  = 220 micrograms

104. Complication of placental abruption  Risk of postpartum haemorrhage

105.Amniotic fluid turnover occurs in how many hours   = 3

106.Obliterated umbilical vein is known as = Ligamentum teres

107.Chromosomal complement of a primary oocyte  =46XX

108.Second maturation division of the human ovum occurs at the time of=  Fertilization

109. Implantation of fertilized ovum occurs after =6-9 days
110.Placental circulation is established by=  18-21 days of fertilization

By Dr.Ashish &Team Nlc🏆🔥
Happy Learning😊

Abdul Qadir Khan

04 Jan, 12:33


1.Toxoplasmosis disease is more severe if transplacental transmission takes place in trimester =1st trimester

2. Ruptures of membrane, after 37th week but before the onset of labor is known as =  Term premature rupture of membrane

3. If combined duration of 1 and 2 stage of labor is less than 2 hours, it is knownas... labour=   Percipitated labour

4.Values of HCG, MSAFP and estriol in triple test (for Down syndrome) are.........…&  Raised, low, low

5.Halo sign (of Deuel; radiolucent halo around fetal cranium due to edema of
pericranial fat) suggests…. = Intrauterine fital death

6.When there is infiltration of blood & fluid in between the muscles bundles of uterus, it is known as.....uterus  =Couvelaire uterus

7.Drug used in medical management of ectopic pregnancy = Methotrexate

8.Haase's rule is employed for  = Gestational age of fetus

9.HELLP syndrome is a complication of  =PIH/Pre-ecalmpsia

10.Favourable score in Bishop's cervical scoring is  =6-13

11.Sequence of lochia in postpartum period =  Rubra, serosa, alba

12.If the umbilical cord is attached to the margins of placenta, then it is known as = Battledore placenta

13.Uterus to cervix ratio in children= 1:2

14.... cells are seen in bacterial vaginosis  = Clue

15. … appearance of vagina is seen in trichomoniasis = Strawberry

16.... Bodies are seen in granulosa cell tumour  Call Exner

17. ….Crystal are seen in hilus cell tumour=  Reinke's

18. Signet ring appearance may be seen in.... =Tumour  Krukenberg

19.Sample is taken from lateral part of vaginal wall for =Hormonal studies

20.Drug used for PCOD = Clomiphene

21.Feming of cervical mucus occurs due to the presence of... in mucus  = Sodium chloride

22.Menstrual cycles occurring in less than 21 days is = Poly-menorrhoea

23.Most common site of fertilization  =Ampulla

24.Any 2 tumours, against which OCP are protective  =Ovarian Ca, Uterine Ca

25.Physicochemical changes that occurs in sperm to make it capable of fertilizing the ovum is known as: = Capacitation

26.Decidua is:  Endometrium of pregnancy

27.Weight of placenta at term:  500 gm

28.Amount of amniotic fluid at term:  600-800 ml

29.Hormone which maintains corpus luteum of pregnancy:  HCG

30. Maximum levels of hCG are seen between:  60-70 days of pregnancy

31. Chief hormone of corpus luteum:  Progesterone

32. 8 Normal fetal scalp blood pH: 7.35

33.Polyhydramnios is defined as amniotic fluid more than:  2L

34.Fluid of choice for burns:  Ringer lactate
35.Calculation of Expected Date of Delivery is based on:  Naegele's formula

36. Presentation, if the engaging diameter is Occipito-frontal:  Vertex

37.Minimum GCS score possible:  3

38.In lactating females, post-delivery ovulation returns by:  10 weeks

39.Painful vaginal bleeding in 3rd trimester may indicate:  The rupture of the cake

40. MC presenting symptom of Sheehan's syndrome  Failure to breast feed the baby

41.DOC for maternal hyperthyroidism  Propyl-thiouracil

42.Expulsion of grape like vesicles' per vaginum in a pregnant lady is suggestive of:  Molar pregnancy

43.Carcinoma which may develop after molar pregnancy  Chorio-carcinoma

44.Most reliable diagnosis of H. mole is by  USG

45.Pout-coital test is used to asses.... factors as a cause of infertility Cervical

46.An ideal female pelvis is  Gynecoid

47.Longest part of fallopian tube  Ampulla

48.Implantation begins on:   6 day
49.In pregnancy, Maternal blood volume increases by nearly...%   40%

50.Post term pregnancy continues beyond:  294 days

51.Earliest sign of intrauterine death:  Gas in large vessels (Robert sign)

52. MC type of presentation:   Cephalic
53.Serum tumour marker for Trophoblastic tumour.  HCG

54.MTP is legal in pregnancy upto:  20 weeks

55.Earliest anomaly detected on USG:  Anencephaly

56.Level of MgSO, to prevent seizures  4-7 mg/ml

57.Recurrence rate of HELPP syndrome  2%

58.Anti-hypertensive absolutely C/1 in pregnancy  Enalapril

59.Immediate complication of 10 U of oxytocin bolus  Hypotension

60.Changes in cervix in pregnancy  Increase in collagen

Abdul Qadir Khan

25 Sep, 10:50

All India Counseling - PG Medical

Round 3 Registration extended up to 6:30 p.m. / Reset up to 5:30 p.m. / Payment facility up to 8 p.m. / Choice Locking activated from 9 p.m. / Choice Filling will be available up to 11:59 of 25th Sep

Abdul Qadir Khan

10 Mar, 14:19


Abdul Qadir Khan

07 Feb, 16:40


Abdul Qadir Khan

12 Jan, 19:20

NEET PG 2023: According to official sources, the Union health ministry will extend the MBBS internship cut-off date to June 30 and an official announcement in this regard is expected soon.
Presently, the cut-off date for aspirants to complete their mandatory one-year internship is March 31, 2023.

Abdul Qadir Khan

20 Sep, 16:56

Narang Paediatric

Abdul Qadir Khan

19 Sep, 07:37

Publicity is more important than lives of citizens.
Source : Cowin