Ape Mountain


Jesus Christ is Lord of all. Scripture, Nephilimposting, and antichrist disrespectmaxxing.

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Ape Mountain

22 Oct, 03:25

I found a very old Scandinavian hymn on an old piece of paper recently.

The author is unknown and there are no mentions of it in any book as far as I’ve researched.

The hymn was made, according to the paper, as a guide to how a man should rule his household, and how to keep himself aligned with God.

I have translated it below, and hope it brings people spiritual nourishment in their studying.

“In the Lord’s name I now go out,
All of my house God rules over.
My wife with children dear,
Let thee, O God! Command them.
Protect my heart, mouth, and hand,
From sin and harm, from mocking and shame.
Let me my work perform faithfully,
And return home happy to my house,
That everything happens for you God my Lord!
To celebration and thanks, to praise and honoring.

My God I always let guide,
He has guided for many years,
That can not hurt me, but both,
Of his hand I do receive everything.
He one day more give can,
Than an emperor receives of his land.

Alone I pray of thee O Lord!
That three things for me thou will bestow:
Good nourishment give and daily bread,
Let me God fear till my death,
Let me receive salvation,
And live with God for eternity.

Govern your house with caution.
Such be cheerfully rich.
With prayer thou begin shall,
What God gives thee, take care well thereon.
Keep towards understanding, let everyone receive theirs,
Notice neither thine wife way to
o insufficiently.
So gives God thee daily bread,
And takes care of thee until thine death.

Oh God! How does it now happen?
Those whom I do not harm, want to harm me.
Those who envy me and neither will give,
May though allow that I remain alive.
When they about my condition ask,
Then may they for themselves well grieve.

In all thine deeds should God
s honor,
The first and the last be.
For God alone is that man,
Who thou in all things help can.

Thine marriage must be pure.
Thou may not love more than one.
Live abstinent and disciplined in all thy time,
On education and chastity put diligence.

O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
Have mercy on me in my condition,
And where I go in or out,
Then think of me, O mild God!”

Ape Mountain

20 Oct, 10:51


Ape Mountain

20 Oct, 10:51


Ape Mountain

19 Oct, 04:26

James 1:5-8:

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Ape Mountain

12 Oct, 17:54


Ape Mountain

07 Oct, 02:53


Ape Mountain

06 Oct, 16:25

Psalms 14:1

“(To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.) The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.”
