Andrew Joyce Backup Archive


Backup in case of censorship (Original channel)

@OccidentalJoyce (Official Telegram)

@andrewjoyceaudiovideoarchive (Audio and video archive)

Andrew Joyce Backup Archive

11 Oct, 17:21

Professor Kevin MacDonald talks about Andrew Joyce's recent activity, which is now being done under a different name.


Andrew Joyce Backup Archive

11 Oct, 17:12

In a recent episode of Patriotic Weekly Review, Mark Collett expresses his admiration for Andrew Joyce's work and even gives a shout-out to the archive itself.


Andrew Joyce Backup Archive

06 Oct, 15:51


Andrew Joyce Backup Archive

04 Oct, 10:12

Thoughts on “Decolonization” as an Anti-White Discourse

"Applied within White societies or to academic subjects of White origin such as English literature, ‘decolonization’ is technically impossible, at least from the Black perspective, because both the prior and existing state of the ‘thing’ is White, technologically and culturally advanced, etc. What Blacks mean, whether they understand the dialectical tricks devised by those inciting them or not, is that they want a colonization. They want to colonize White nations, spaces, literature with a Black or multi-ethnic presence that was never there at any prior time. Efforts to invent or exaggerate, for example, a sub-Saharan presence in Roman Britain are to construct a mythical multicultural ‘prior state’ that ‘decolonization’ will return us to. But these are fictions. The discourse of ‘decolonization’ is a mask for the ongoing colonization of the West."

Andrew Joyce Backup Archive

04 Oct, 10:11

Thoughts on decolonization by Dr. Andrew Joyce ph.d. of the reading

Andrew Joyce Backup Archive

03 Oct, 07:43

On the Rise of Mixed-Race Britain (published 8-12-2017)

"Britain thus finds itself in a situation where White, middle class couples are numerically far superior to the number of mixed race couples, but this balance is radically offset in demographic terms by significant differences in fertility — the White couple have no children, or very few, and the mixed couple produce several children. In other possible scenarios, the Black father sires a number of children with several low-status, low-IQ White women. It is very likely that this is the dynamic driving the increase in mixed-race children in Britain."

"The nature of Britain’s social housing arrangements, combined with a lower-class “TV culture” in which celebrity interracial relationships are incessantly portrayed as fashionable, exciting, and successful, make the lowest socio-economic strata of the White population particularly prone to entering into mixed relationships"

Andrew Joyce Backup Archive

03 Oct, 07:35

On the rise of mixed race Britain by Andrew Joyce ph.d. audio reading

Andrew Joyce Backup Archive

03 Oct, 07:35

Give this channel a follow.

Andrew Joyce Backup Archive

22 Sep, 09:58


Andrew Joyce Backup Archive

18 Sep, 20:53

And he deeply regrets doing so.