The Lone Raccoon


The Lone Raccoon

22 Oct, 18:03

I know that some of you are getting sick of hearing me tell people not to vote early. Kinda like I was sick of my doctor warning me about my cholesterol. (Much better now, thank you)

But after talking to a few people over the weekend, there is another reason beyond the fact that mailing your ballot in puts your votes in a lottery.

As I have said, it's easy for them to know how the votes are coming in. And the LAST thing I want is for them to know they can't win in the days before election day. This would create a very dangerous situation for all of us and for President Trump.

Better to let them think they have a chance going into election day and then smash them like Hannibal's elephants.

Just my thought. I'm not going to change anyone else's mind at this point, I don't imagine.

The Lone Raccoon

22 Oct, 05:55

While I think I said a lot of important things on my two appearances last weekend, I must say this was my favorite.

The Lone Raccoon

22 Oct, 03:29

If you remember one thing about me, remember I tried to warn everyone about absentee voting. Because a whole lot of people are going to be saying "why didn't anyone tell us" regardless of the outcome.

The Lone Raccoon

22 Oct, 03:12

I would like to suggest that in the next congress, something very close to this should be a priority.

Proposed bill for next House Session.

The Transparency in Voting Act

This act shall require states to make available through public records request any document, whether produced on paper or electronically, related to any facet of an election which a) do not directly disclose the actual vote of any voter and b) do not disclose critical security details of election systems. Specifically included in these records are Tally Sheets, Tabulator Logs, electronic or paper communications between any county or state election personnel and outside entities, Voter Registration Rolls, Digital Ballot Images, and Cast Vote Records. Should it be determined that a requested document directly contains information that pierces voter secrecy or discloses security data, the county or state shall redact said information and provide the remainder to the public. State and County election offices are permitted to charge a fee not exceeding $20 for documents delivered digitally, and $100 for physical documents, unless additional costs can be justified and approved by the county or state auditor.

The Lone Raccoon

22 Oct, 00:17

If you call yourself a Christian, and plan to cast a vote for Kamala, you are an apostate and should no longer call yourself that until you fix what is wrong with your soul.

The Lone Raccoon

21 Oct, 23:00

Those of you commenting that this is satire, I think it is a commentary on how screwed up our country is that this is even worthy of being a joke. This would be completely unbelievable to our parents and grandparents generation, but we're expected to "play along" with those who choose to "identify" as something ridiculous.

The Lone Raccoon

21 Oct, 21:53

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The Lone Raccoon

21 Oct, 20:38

!!! Ignore the snark here, this could be a very big thing.

The Lone Raccoon

21 Oct, 03:20

I was a guest on the excellent survival dispatch podcast tonight. Good info throughout!

The Lone Raccoon

20 Oct, 22:45

Ok, it's time for me to tell you what happened with Jovan a few months ago and why he threatened to sue me for a half million dollars.

Let me go back to 2021, when some counties got ballot images and nobody knew what to do with them. I developed a website onto which I could load these images, and then volunteers could record the votes on these ballots. It's a pretty good system, which lets at least 2 different people score each ballot, and then additional people saw it if the 1st 2 didn't agree.

The idea was, let's see if the counts of the ballot images match the official results.

I was instantly unsuccessful at getting any kind of viral traction... my initial estimate is that I would need at least 1,000 volunteers from across the country, and I didn't think that should be a problem given the millions and millions who were angry about the 2020 election. I never got more than a few hundred, but those volunteers worked their butts off, and we completed a few smallish counties. Unsurprisingly, the numbers seldom exactly match, but they turned out to be close (this is one of the things that caused my concern about them altering ballot images). The system I wrote is called "Polaris Recount".

In Harding County, NM, we found evidence that a couple of blank ballots and undervotes were counted as votes.

In New jersey, we found irregularities in how the ballots within the same county were printed (which has yet to be explained).

So we did the best we could with what we had. This spring, a prominent candidate got the opportunity to photograph some of the actual ballots from a county. They contacted me to see if we could run these images through Polaris. The number of ballot images were a little bigger than we had attempted before, but we thought we could get some extra volunteers. (It's actually still going on). I am not giving details because the candidate is an extremely nice person, and I don't want to get them involved in this, as it's already been stressful enough).

After we started the recounting of these images, Jovan contacted the candidate and said that Polaris (a crowd sourced system to recount images) infringed upon his Kinematic Artifact patent (which allegedly deals with examining paper ballots). He said he had people "inside Polaris". To their credit, the candidate recognized it as ridiculous, but it cast a pall over the whole project and hurt the effort to get more volunteers.

I did contact a patent attorney, who was so amused by the lawfare attempt that he didn't even charge me for the consult. So I did what is always the best way to deal with narcissists, I ignored Jovan. I didn't want to cause more distraction to our movement.

So those of you wondering why I have no interest in engaging Jovan on a platform where he controls the microphone, you have part (only part) of your answer.

Jovan, who speaks out against lawfare being used against us, threatened to shut me down with a $500,000 lawsuit.

My advice? Ignore him and keep working to win this election over the next couple of weeks. That's what I plan to do.

The Lone Raccoon

20 Oct, 20:21

The Lone Raccoon

20 Oct, 20:21

The entire John B. Wells show from last night. I'm in the last hour. The whole thing is amaziing.