Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0


- English teacher [ L:8.5, R:7.0, W:7.0, S:8.0]

- Multilevel C1(67)

- Over a year of teaching experience

- Taught hundreds of students successfully

- Overall: 7.5 [W: 7.0, S: 8.0]
πŸ“¬ For inquiries: @proftobe

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

21 Jan, 00:24

Assalomu alaykum!

O'zbek tili bayrami hammaga muborak bo'lsin!

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

21 Jan, 00:18

Menga writingdan overall 7.0 va task 2 dan 8.0 olishimga juda katta yordam bergan do'stim. Silargayam marafonni tavsiya qilaman, guys.

Pulilarga va vaqtilarga achinmisilar

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

21 Jan, 00:18

Writeology 7.0 ✏️

πŸ”For those who want to score 7.0+ on Writing.

Lessons: LIVE
Duration: 26 October - 16 November
Requirements: Intermediate or B2 and above (also suitable for those with 6.5-7.0 in Writing)

πŸ“£Course Offers:

βœ”οΈEssay-Checking: 10 Homework (5 reports & 5 essays)
βœ”οΈ10 LIVE Lessons
βœ”οΈ50+ pre-recorded videos
βœ”οΈAdvanced Sentence Structures
βœ”οΈWriting Approaches for 7.0-8.5
βœ”οΈ20 Topic based articles and podcasts for Idea Generation

πŸ’₯Mega Bonuses:

πŸ”₯A Complete IELTS Reading Course
πŸ”₯30-Day Listening & Reading Practice Course (Real Exam Papers)

πŸ’΅Price: 300,000 UZS 250,000 UZS if you book a seat until tomorrow 9:00 p.m.

Contact @kamalkhujaev_admin to book your seat by paying only 50,000 UZS in advance.

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

21 Jan, 00:15

πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” β•β•β•

I solved a Rubik's Cube on my own for the first time in my life

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

21 Jan, 00:15


🎯5 Days a Week
🎯Start Date: 21th October
🎯Time: 20.00 - 21.00
🎯Listening & Reading 8.5 Teacher
🎯24/7 Tutor’s Help
🎯Free Speaking Club on Sundays
🎯Fee: 249k

Hurry Up❗️

πŸ“… Deadline: 20th October

☎️ +998339240024
πŸ“© @marathon_aadmin

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

21 Jan, 00:05

πŸ† Proper English School Futbol ChempionatiπŸ†

Futbol boβ€˜yicha chempionatimiz nihoyasiga yetdi va u haqiqatan ham ajoyib turnir boβ€˜ldi! 24 ta jamoa maydonda oβ€˜z mahorati, jamoaviy ishlash qobiliyati va oβ€˜yinga boβ€˜lgan ishtiyoqini namoyish etdi. Turnir davomida energiya va hayajon oβ€˜ziga xos boβ€˜ldi, barchaning sportga boβ€˜lgan munosabatidan faxrlanamiz.

Chempion boβ€˜lgan jamoani va barcha ishtirokchilarni tabriklaymiz, bu musobaqa unutilmas boβ€˜ldi! βš½πŸ‘

Proper English School'da bunday qiziqarli tadbirlar davom etadi, kuzatib boring!

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

21 Jan, 00:03


Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

20 Jan, 23:58

What is familiar in the picture?

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

20 Jan, 23:57

This is a very good course for anyone wanting to fix their pronunciation

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

20 Jan, 23:56

Bu imkoniyatdan foydalanib qolilar, my friends

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

20 Jan, 23:56

Siz kutgan Kun keldi azizlar 😊
Bugun soat 2️⃣0οΈβƒ£πŸ” 0️⃣0️⃣

πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ…°οΈπŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” 
Bo'yicha va'da qilingan dars bo'ladi
Tayyor turing

Dars oxirida πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ”  ham bor

Dars shu kanalda bo'ladi πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

20 Jan, 23:55

Bayramingiz muborak bo'lsin aziz ustozlar!

Yoshlarga bilim berishdan charchamanglar, O'zi kuch quvvat bersin

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

20 Jan, 23:54

Nihoyat πŸ“£


πŸ”œVaqt: 16:30 - 18:00
πŸ—“Kun: D/Ch/J
πŸ₯‡O'qituvchi: Hayotillo
πŸ“ŒLocation: Severniy branch

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

20 Jan, 23:54

How can you translate it into Uzbek?

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

20 Jan, 23:47

Faqat dars qilib yurovirmasdan jismoniy mehnat bilan ham shug'illanib turish kerak rasm😁

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

20 Jan, 23:42

Kelilar futzal ko'ramiz

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

20 Jan, 23:37

Speakingdan yuqori ball olish uchun vocabulary katta ro'l o'nlaydi. Shuning uchun bu kitobdagi so'zlarni yodlab, ulardan doimiy ravishda foydalanib yurishni maslahat beraman.

Speakingdan 8 oganimi aytme qo'yoray-a πŸ˜πŸ˜‰

Adakhamjon | IELTS 7.5 | W:7.0, S:8.0

20 Jan, 23:29

#advice #speaking

When you want to say that you like something like everyone else, there are better options to mean this than saying "as everyone/everyone else".

For example, I asked a female candidate in a mock exam "Do you like jewelry?". She said: "As every girl, I like it."

As every girl is not the best thing you can say here. A better alternative could be:

"I love jewelry as much as the next girl."

P.S. If you say that you do something or experience something as much as the next person, you mean that you are no different from anyone else in the respect mentioned.