اكاديمية الحوت - انجليزي


قناة اكاديمية الحوت - الهدف تطوير اللغة الانجليزية


اكاديمية الحوت - انجليزي

23 Apr, 16:06

9' riveting (adj): 🧐

• describes an extremely interesting event or thing that catches one's full attention.

• something that is compelling, captivating and interest-provoking.

-the book was a riveting read; so much that i stayed up until morning reading it.

-i passed by a motorcycle accident this morning. the driver was heavily bleeding from her head and a few bones were protruding from her leg. it was a riveting scene; it sent chills down my spine

-what a dreadfully long lecture! and the least riveting of all is the professor's gruff voice and monotonous delivery.

-i couldn't take my eyes off the show until the end! the dancer's performance was riveting!

try to use it in a sentence of your own! ✍️

اكاديمية الحوت - انجليزي

31 Mar, 20:02

Attention 🎤

Ladies and Gentleman, we are thrilled to announce 📣 the second episode with a new member

interview with the most famous members of the group

Time 🕛: 2 A.M.
Second Episode: Ziyad , known as The Knocker
Location : Voice chat

Please if you want to ask Ziyad about anything you want, reach out.

Group: https://t.me/Acdh_AL

اكاديمية الحوت - انجليزي

28 Mar, 18:17

Attention 🎤

Ladies and Gentleman, we are thrilled to announce 📣 an upcoming activity! That promises to be a highlight of the last ten days of this holy month.

interview with the most famous members of the group

Time 🕛: Tonight
12 A.M.
First Episode:
Location : Voice chat

Please if you want to ask Nawaf about anything you want,reach out.

Group : https://t.me/Acdh_AL

اكاديمية الحوت - انجليزي

24 Jan, 16:24

8' indignation (noun) 🤬:

• a feeling of anger that is triggered by what it is considered to be unfair.

resentment of something that one perceives to be wrongful or unjust.

• الشّعور بالغضَب أو الاستِيَاء إزاء تلَقّي مُعاملة مُهينة أو غير عَادلة/ السّخط تجاه السلوكيّات أو الأمور الذي يعدّها الشخص خَاطئة.

-a video of an asian kid getting bullied by his/her colleagues sparked indignation among social media users.

-the family members expressed their intense indignation after learning that their bed-ridden child cannot receive treatment because of insurance policies.

-having learnt that their country has surrendered to the colonial powers, the hearts of the citizens were filled with feelings of indignation and powerlessness.

-the applicant felt great indignation against those who were accepted into the scholarship program due to their families' influence and wealth.

try to use it in a sentence !


اكاديمية الحوت - انجليزي

13 Dec, 12:46

1'& 7' convalesce (verb):

to gradually regain one's health and strength over a period of time after an illness or injury.

to recover from a sickness or disease.

• to get back on one's feet.

• يَتمَاثل للشّفاء/يبرَأ من المرَض/يتعَافى لمُدّة من الزمن/يَمُر بفَترة نَقاهة.

-after being involved in a car accident, the driver had to convalesce for three months before he could get back to his daily routine.

-the patient spent a week convalescing in the hospital after the surgical operation.

-the patient had to convalesce at home for eight months before they could be able to walk again.

try to use it in a sentence of your own !


اكاديمية الحوت - انجليزي

20 Aug, 20:17

Learning English?

اكاديمية الحوت - انجليزي

28 Jul, 12:44

The workshop file
If you have any questions. Don’t worry to ask me on DM

اكاديمية الحوت - انجليزي

23 Jul, 21:58

مُكالمة اليوم 🔻🔻

اكاديمية الحوت - انجليزي

17 Oct, 19:14

للي فاتـه أول يوم من مخيمنا الرائع 🤩💛🌿:-

اكاديمية الحوت - انجليزي

20 Sep, 15:45

Good evening everyone, have a nice day
(today we will start the quizzes)

- Today and tomorrow we have reading and translation 📖📚

-Thursday and Friday we have a listening and speaking 📢🎧

-The final exam is on Saturday,Inshallah
good luck🍀


اكاديمية الحوت - انجليزي

19 Sep, 08:01

🟡 - Hello again to learning some good vocabulary, today we’re looking at six new ones which are;

1 - summon = يدعي أو يستدعي أحد.
Ex: I have summoned my nephew to attend the occasion.

2 - pretty = جدًا

Ex: Final exams were pretty difficult.

3 - Possibly = من المُمكن

Ex: Possibly I have forgotten my phone at home.

4 - relish = يستمتع

Ex: She’s relished watching that 50-episode series.

5 - dilemma = مصيبة أو مأزق

Ex: Having been in Ireland alone for a couple of months was a bad dilemma.

6 - forlorn = وحيد بشكل بائس

Ex: As her father works abroad most of the time, she’s always felt forlorn.
