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AAU Info Home

22 Oct, 13:38


AAU Info Home

22 Oct, 10:57

yehone Company AAU students lay sira meserat silemifelg...AAU Ke technology gar related yehone Club President or vice President reach me through @pitersimon or 0921077255 today untill 12:00LT.

Notice: Only 2017 one Club is required.


AAU Info Home

22 Oct, 06:47

Dear Graduating Class Students of the College of Business and Economics,
Your SCDC in collaboration with DEREJA has planned to offer you (2017 GC) the very useful and demanding training "EMPLOYABILITY SKILL AND JOB READINESS TRAINING”. We, therefore, would like to ask you to fill in the following Google form we created for this purpose. We, strongly advise you not to miss this grand training opportunity. Attendance and placement of the training is based on this online registration. Training Date and pace will be announce after registration.Stay Tuned
To register, click the link below https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdK7gZqVIRJzLMMonBng3i74batP6WBY0cO2cthnCZk5s9oyw/viewform?usp=sf_link

AAU Info Home

22 Oct, 06:26



Job Title: Customer Service and Accounting Officer (CSAO)
Department: Administration Unit
Reports to: Managing Director
Salary: Negotiable


 >Taking the office tasks over
 >Customer service follow-up
 >Parent-Tutor-Tutee Relationship management

 >Responding to customer inquiries and resolving issues in a timely and satisfactory

 >Providing support and guidance to customers on the company services

 >Maintaining a relationship with customers through effective communication and

 >Keeping accurate records of company services and customers’ data

 >Collaboration with departments and managing team to address customer needs and concerns

 >Managing financial transactions, including accounts payable and receivable

 >Creating and maintaining financial reports and records
 >Ensuring compliance with accounting regulations and principles

 >Analyzing financial data and providing insights to management for decision making

 >Assisting the administration in office protocol, answering phones, and communicating
concerning entities

 >Scheduling meetings and appointments

 >Maintaining records and databases

 >Providing support and organizing special programs like training, workshops, campaigns, meeting and etc.

 >Providing organizational information

 >Commitment to customer satisfaction

 >Utilizing excellent creativity and management skills to enhance company’s services and customer experiences

 >Assist with administrative tasks as needed

 >Good management skills with all the employee and customers

 >Strategic planning for given tasks and administrative roles

#Qualification and #Experience

 Diploma/BA in accounting, marketing management, business management, human
resource management, and related fields.

 #Preferable: Experience in accounting and office tasks
 #Language and #skills: proficiency in English language (Writing and Speaking) and skill
on utilization of Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Excel sheet, word, and Outlook) are

How to Apply? 👇

 Interested applicants can reach the company through virtual systems only, meaning
applicants are expected to send their cover letter, resume, and academic credentials to 👇
[email protected].

Female applicants are highly encouraged to apply

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted by the hiring company

 #Deadline: 26th October, 2024

#Remark: Keep the deadline and Apply through the allotted system only

EXTREME Educational Consultancy and Training Center PLC

Trusted for Next Generation

AAU Info Home

21 Oct, 09:38

EiABC_2017_freshman 1st sem class schedule

For more join


AAU Info Home

21 Oct, 08:02

የሱቅ ጨረታ ውጤት ስለማሳወቅ
አዲስ አባባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በጨረታ ቁጥር አአዩ/ብግጨ/የሱቅ ኪራይ/06/2016/24 በአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ንግድ ስራ ት/ቤት(ኮሜርስ) አውጥቶት በነበረው የሱቅ ኪራይ ጨረታ ተሳትፋችሁ የነበራችሁ ድርጅቶች በሙሉ ከዚህ በታች በተቀመጠው የውጤት ማሳያ መሰረት በአንድ ካሬ በሰጣችሁት የኪራይ ዋጋ መሰረት በተወዳደራችሁበት የሱቅ አይነት ከፍተኛ ዋጋ በመስጠት ያሸነፋችሁ ድርጅቶች በዩኒቨርሲቲው የግዥ አስተዳደር ቢሮ ቁጥር 312 ቀርባችሁ ውል እንድትፈርሙ እያሳወቅን ሌሎች በጨረታው የተሳተፋችሁ እና ያላሸነፋችሁ ድርጅቶች ስለተሳተፋችሁ እያመሰገን ዩኒቨርሲቲው በቀጣይ በሚያወጣቸው የሱቅ ኪራይ ጨረታ መሳተፍ እንድትችሉ ከወዲሁ እያሳሰብን ከታች የተዘረዘሩት ቦታዎች በንግድ ስራ ት/ቤት ፋሲሊቲ ህንጻ ላይ ያሉ ቦታዎችን ውጤት ብቻ ነው፡፡

በአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ንግድ ስራ ት/ቤት(ኮሜርስ) ያሉ የተለያዩ ሱቆች የተወዳደሩ ድርጅቶች
1. ለ studenet launge with separate toilet(SL/ 400.34 ካሬ) የተሳተፉ ድርጅቶች ስም ዝርዘር እና ቫትን ጨምሮ በአንድ ካሬ ያስገቡት ዋጋ
 መኮንን ጫኔ ጌታሁን……………152.51
 ራሔል ዮሴፍ ሪስቶራንት………….500.00
 ቢቦኒቮ ትሬዲንግ………………875.00
 ሬዲዋንኑረዲን ኤመር………………..585.10
 እንዳላማው እንዳዬሁ………………500.00
 ተባረክ አህመድ ወል…………..1,556.99 አሸናፊ
2. ለ shops with separate store and toilet (SST-5 /73.54 ካሬ ) የተሳተፉ ድርጅቶች ስም ዝርዘር እና ቫትን ጨምሮ በአንድ ካሬ ያስገቡት ዋጋ
 ፎገራ ፋርማሲውቲካል ትሬዲንግ…………………………600.00 ብር
 መኩሪያ ተሾመ የምግብ ምርቶች ንግድ…..1,700.00
 አማን መካ ሙሳ…………………….3,000.00 አሸናፊ
 አንዳርጋቸው እና ቤተሰቡ የትራነዚት አገልግሎት…………………………951.00
 ፈቃዱ ብርጉ ውርጅኝ…………………………..1,101.00
 ቡና ባንክ አ.ማ……………………….1,000.00
 ታጠቅ ኃይለማርያም………………………..1281.05
 አብራር ከሊል የኤሌክትሮኒክስ እቃዎች መሸጫ…………….1223.82
3. ለ shops with separate store and toilet (SST-3/ 60.77 ካሬ ) የተሳተፉ ድርጅቶች ስም ዝርዘር እና ቫትን ጨምሮ በአንድ ካሬ ያስገቡት ዋጋ
 ፅጌ ወይን መውጫ መስፍን……………………… 1,665.00 አሸናፊ
 ዋሲሁን መከተ ደስታ …….. 1,314.00
 በርባኖስ ትሬዲንግ…………………….1,151.84

AAU Info Home

19 Oct, 18:56

2017 EC freshman self sponsored Registration steps


AAU Info Home

19 Oct, 17:05

🎉 Exclusive Offer for Addis Ababa University Students! 🎉

Step up your style with our amazing shoes, now available for just 2000 Birr! That's right—not 4000, but an unbeatable price that fits your student budget!

Price: 4000 but 2000 only

For Males and Females

Why Choose Us?

Affordable Quality Original : Stylish and durable footwear perfect for campus life.

Limited Time Offer: Don’t miss out—this price is only for Addis University students!

Comfort & Style: Walk confidently in shoes designed for all-day wear.

👟 Get yours now and stand out on campus! Hurry, stocks are limited!

Contact through 👇👇👇



AAU Info Home

18 Oct, 17:34

በአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርስቲ ለ2017 የትምህርት ዘመን በመደበኛ የዲግሪ ትምህርት መርሃ-ግብር በዩኒቨርስቲያችን ተወዳድራችሁ ያለፋችሁ ተማሪዎችን በሙሉ አጠቃላይ ገለፃ ጥቅምት 9 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም ከጠዋቱ 2፡30 ሰዓት ጀምሮ ስለሚደረግ:

• ከአዲስ አበባ ውጪ የመጣቹ የራሳችሁን ወጪ ሸፍናችሁ ለምትማሩ አዲስ ገቢ ተማሪዎች በቢዝነስና ኢኮኖሚክስ (FBE) ኮሌጅ ትልቁ አዳራሽ


• ከአዲስ አበባ የራሳችሁን ወጪ ሸፍናችሁ ለምትማሩ እና በመንግስት ወጪያችሁ ተሸፍኖ ለምትማሩ አዲስ ተማሪዎች በዋናው ግቢ (6 ኪሎ) በሚገኘው ልደት አዳራሽ አጠቃላይ ኦሬንቴሽን የሚሰጥ መሆኑን እያሳወቅን በቦታው እንድትገኙ እናሳስባለን፡፡


AAU Info Home

18 Oct, 17:13

Job opening
For graduates

3 day a week
3 hours a day
Salary negotiate
For grade 2, 6 and 7
Number of tutors 2
School: Lebawi Academy
Location: #Saris

To apply 👉@sademp [Calling is strictly forbidden ‼️]

Follow us in social media using the link below👇
YouTube | TikTok | Facebook | Instagram | Telegram | Website |LinkedIn | EECTC Fb

ኤክስትሪም አስጠኚ በህግ ፈቃድ የተሰጠዉ የቤት ለቤት፣ የበይነ መረብ(Online) ና የማዕከል አስጠኚነት አገልግሎት የሚሰጥ ህጋዊ ድርጅት ነዉ

ከ1ኛ ደረጃ እስከ ዩኒቨርስቲ በማስተማር ልምድ ያካበቱትን መምህራንን ይዘን ለ2017 ዓ.ም #ክረምትን ጨምሮ  እናስጠናለን።

የቢሮ አድራሻችን ጎሮ አደባባይ ወደ አያት በሚወስደዉ መንገድ ሚካኤል ፊት ለፊት 2ኛ ፎቅ ቢሮ ቁ 202።

የሰለጠኑ፣ ዘወትር ክትትል የምናደርጋቸዉንና ለልጅዎ ለዉጥ ትጉ የሆነ አስጠኚ ከፈለጉ ይደዉሉልን።

AAU Info Home

18 Oct, 08:50

AAU 1st semester freshman courses for natural science stream students:
Freshman mathematics for natural science students
Logic and critical thinking
English skill I
Geography of Ethiopia and the horn of Africa
Physical fitness